Friday, July 19, 2024

Biden Family Discussing Exit Plans - Are Deals Being Made?

 Ward Clark – RedState

"There is almost certainly some negotiation going on, and if Joe does back out, we'll probably never know the extent of any deals that were made to grease Joe Biden's skids."

"Sherlock Holmes likely couldn't make heads or tails out of the twisted, torturous convolutions surrounding the Biden campaign and old Joe's possible exit from the 2024 election. White House insiders are insisting he's staying in the race, while more and more national Democrat figures are demanding he should drop out — although few Democrats can hammer the square "Joe Biden isn't capable enough to be our candidate" peg into the round "Joe Biden is capable enough to remain in place as President of the United States" hole.

"Now it's getting closer to home for old Joe; the word is his family is discussing possible exit plans." . . .

"Here's the thing: Joe Biden and his handlers will insist he's staying in the race...right up until they announce that he isn't, and that applies to the Biden family as well. And that begs the question: What kind of deals will be made to compensate the Biden family for the loss of influence resulting from no longer having their patriarch in power? If Joe Biden's career and his family's business ventures have shown us nothing else, they have shown us that influence is a valuable commodity, one that people in various places in the world (Ukraine, China) are willing to pay for.

"Could there be some bargaining to try, in some way, to protect Hunter, who may be looking at a term in the crowbar hotel? Could they be negotiating for someone to pressure a major upholstery fabric manufacturer to give a steep discount to Jill's dress designer? What kinds of deals might be made?" . . .

The Final Days: A Bitter, Resentful Biden Slow-Walks His Exit From the Campaign – PJ Media

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