Friday, July 19, 2024

From 2012: Democrats' Plan: Turn America Into Third World Nation; think it wouldn't happen?

 Investor's Business Daily (  

. . ."It's not that poor immigrants think differently about most issues. Most recent immigrants oppose abortion, gay marriage and big government. The problem is that poor, uneducated people — the Democratic base — are easily demagogued into voting tribally." . . .

. . ."Most Americans don't realize that, decades ago, the Democrats instituted a long-term plan to gradually turn the U.S. into a Third World nation. The country would become poorer and less free, but Democrats would have an unbeatable majority!

"Under Teddy Kennedy's 1965 immigration act, our immigration policy changed from one that replicated the existing ethnic population to one that strictly favored unskilled immigrants from the Third World. Since 1968, according to "Alien Nation" author Peter Brimelow, 85% of legal immigrants have come from what are euphemistically called "developing countries."

"We can't admit computer scientists from Spain fleeing their failing socialist nation because we have to make room for a recent Senegalese immigrant's brother-in-law with no skills but great needs.

"Jonas Salk's parents would be unable to immigrate to America today. But the good news: Rich liberals and soulless businessmen have no trouble finding cheap busboys, gardeners and nannies! (Whom they underpay, requiring taxpayers to make up the difference.)

"If yuppies had to compete with well-educated European immigrants, they might be a little more enlightened on the immigration question. As it is, only unskilled workers, mostly blacks and Latinos, are harmed by our immigration policies.

"Because recent immigrants have no skills, they arrive in dire need of government assistance. Their desperation is an enormous boon to the Democrats." . . .

 Third World Nations Welcome United States into their Circle of Hell, Thank Democrats for 'Great Work'

— News That Matters (@ThatmattersNews) July 14, 2024

One B.S.Burger with a Side of Lies and Hunter’s Coke. Please.

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