Friday, July 19, 2024

Republicans used the Maxine Waters method on Cheatle

Secret Service chief Cheatle chased around RNC hotel by Sen. Marsha Blackburn, who's looking for answers - Monica Showalter

Republicans used the Maxine Waters method on Cheatle. TD

. . ."And it may be how many bystanders felt. After all, we have seen it done by leftists to conservatives in restaurants and on home doorsteps and the like.

"But the chasearound reflects the reality that Cheatle and her cronies have been trying to bury the news about her agency's failure to execute its one job, which is protecting presidents and other dignitaries from assassination. They didn't do it, and Cheatle has outright lied, blamed others, cited ridiculous rationales. and obfuscated the matter, as well as refused to resign, and now she's getting away with it.

"Most noteworthy, she tried to blame the local cops for the fact that a rooftop, offering a would-be assassin a perfect clean shot against former President Trump, was completely unguarded by Secret Service agents charged with President Trump's protection, and the would-be assassin crawled right over the cops inside to mount the roof.

"She also claimed that guarding the roof was impossible because the roof was sloped, which it was, just slightly, posing an unacceptable security hazard to Secret Service agents, never mind Trump or the bystanders, which was why it was left unguarded. That was absurd, as the snipers who were on other rooftops, were perched on more peaked roofs than that one.

"Would that she had the same concern for agent safety when Joe Biden's German Shepherds were ripping into Secret Service agents and leaving blood on the floor of the White House in one case -- 24 times.

"It was one or the other, but of course, she never did get that information across in hearings.

"Why was that? Well, because the Senate Democrats who call the shots are also trying to sweep the whole thing under the rug." . . .

Babylon Bee | Goliath Claims He Only Lost Because He Fought David On Slightly Sloped Surface    "Archaeological findings from the Judean Foothills have just shed new light on the story of David and Goliath, revealing that Goliath claimed to have lost merely because he happened to be fighting David on a slightly sloping hill.

"A newly unearthed and partly translated scroll purports to give a ring-side account of the end of the battle between the two and includes Goliath's last words before David cut off his head with his own sword. Intriguingly, the giant seemed to put all of the blame for his defeat on the mildly sloping valley in which the pair were fighting.

" 'Not fair! You know I can't fight on slight inclines!" Goliath gasped, according to the text. "If only we'd fought on level ground like MEN! Coward!"

"According to the scroll, the Israelites were quick to point out that the hill David was standing on only had a five-degree slope. The Philistines, however, vehemently maintained that it wasn't a fair fight because it violated safety rules for Goliath to try to fight on any sort of inclined terrain." . . .

Senator Hawley: Whistleblowers Most of Trump Security Working Rally Were Not Even Secret Service - | The Gateway Pundit  . . ."Senator Hawley wrote that whistleblowers have notified him that a majority of the security officials working the rally last weekend were not even Secret Service personnel but were with the Homeland Security Investigations team!

"They were not even trained Secret Service personnel!

"Government officials also treated the attempted assassination as a “loose” security event and that canines were not used at entry points and to detect threats." . . .

Infidel Bloggers

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