Monday, July 15, 2024

Trump Rewrites His Convention Speech, and for a Very Good Reason

 Matt Margolis – PJ Media

"That reality is just setting in," he said. "I rarely look away from the crowd. Had I not done that in that moment, well, we would not be talking today, would we?".

"Former President Donald Trump has completely overhauled his convention speech following Saturday's assassination attempt. In an exclusive interview with the Washington Examiner, Trump, who was millimeters away from being killed, will now call for a renewed effort at national unity during his speech on Thursday. Trump expressed his desire to seize this historic moment to unite the country.

“The speech I was going to give on Thursday was going to be a humdinger,” he told Salena Zito of the Washington Examiner. “Had this not happened, this would’ve been one of the most incredible speeches,” hitting at the policies of Joe Biden. “Honestly, it’s going to be a whole different speech now.”

"He said he shifted his focus from energizing his voter base to demonstrating his belief that the attack at a Pennsylvania rally had fundamentally altered the election campaign. Indeed, Republicans and Democrats have recognized this change following Saturday's shocking incident. In fact, Democratic strategists who spoke with NBC News on Sunday said that the failed assassination attempt on Donald Trump most certainly was the true end of Biden's hopes of getting reelected.

"The presidential contest ended last night," one veteran Democratic strategist said. "Now it's time to focus on keeping the Senate and trying to pick up the House. The only silver lining for Democrats is that we're no longer talking about Joe Biden's age today."

"In his interview, Trump shared that people from all walks of life and political backgrounds have reached out to him. He noted that he was saved from death because he turned away from the crowd to look at a screen displaying data for his speech." . . .

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