Wednesday, August 28, 2024

A real piece of work: CNN's Acosta has a purpose in life again!

He hitches his star and his glory to Donald Trump. 

CNN's Jim Acosta gets destroyed after interrupting Dr. Birx to bash President Trump | Blaze Media (  Some of the many comments to Mr. Acosta from back in the day:

'Yes, you all have it right about Acosta and also a few others that are in that so group of journalist, ha ha right. It is time to find a new title for what they are surposed to doing, bringing back to us all real and true facts instead of their BS that… 

"CNN, are you really that hard up for employees? You have to be brain dead to consider this journalism.CC

"Acosta thinks he is on a reality show and creates nothing but frustrations for everyone!

"It’s despicable that this man Acosta is free to torment and aggravate your country’s Leader in a time of crisis.

"No one can predict every outcome so why let these negative displays that offers no positive suggestions but creates an atmosphere of distru… 
See more . . . 
Jim Acosta is a political hack

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