If this bill was good for America, Obama would be against it. "If this was a bill that any conservative could honestly support, Harry Reid would have killed it in committee and Chuck Schumer would not be begging people to support it, and the fact that 30 Republicans voted for cloture is profoundly disturbing."
MIchelle Malkin; Obama’s definition of “smarter enforcement”: None
"Obama and his open-borders pals pay lip service to fairness and the rule of law for the cameras. But behind closed doors and beyond the reach of public accountability, they’ve already paved the way for mass deportation waivers. Read their actions, not their lips. The official White House operating policy is: No illegal alien left behind."
Wake Up! "In 2007, John McCain’s “comprehensive” immigrant-legalization bill failed after opponents flooded the Senate with calls, shutting down the switchboard. Despite considerable press hype, the bill didn’t even muster a majority on the crucial cloture vote.
"It won’t be that easy this time. For one thing, they have a better switchboard, I’m told."
Bi-partisan Senate vote opens the door for immigration reform debate "And the fragility of the Senate coalition in favor of reform means that it wouldn't take much to have the whole thing blow up in their faces. One or two killer amendments may cause the whole thing to collapse and never make it out of the Senate."