Hey, this is not from Rush Limbaugh; this is from non-partisan Jib Jab
Monday, July 8, 2013
Morning Bell: Obamacare’s Dirty Dozen Implementation Failures
Heritage "Last week, the Obama Administration attempted to spin its announcement of a one-year delay in Obamacare’s employer mandate as an effort to implement the law “in a careful, thoughtful manner.” Don’t be fooled. Even Democrats have admitted the law has turned into a massive “train wreck,” with delays, glitches, and problems aplenty. Here are a dozen more Obamacare implementation failures."
"As these examples demonstrate, it’s not just the employer mandate that’s flawed—it’s the entire law. Recognizing these myriad, massive failures, Congress should hold the line and refuse to spend a single dime on Obamacare implementation."
"As these examples demonstrate, it’s not just the employer mandate that’s flawed—it’s the entire law. Recognizing these myriad, massive failures, Congress should hold the line and refuse to spend a single dime on Obamacare implementation."
Obama administration Voter ID hypocrisy
M. L. Pershern "In light of the recent presidential pander-cation to Africa, it was timely to find the following link, from a simpatico, in my e-mail inbox: White House Pays $53 Million for Voter ID in Kenya While Opposing Same in US."
Quoting a White House document:
Quoting a White House document:
In Kenya, the $53 million Yes Youth Can program empowers nearly one million Kenyan youth to use their voices for advocacy in national and local policy-making, while also creating economic opportunities. In advance of Kenya’s March 2013 general elections, Yes Youth Can’s “My ID My Life” campaign helped 500,000 youth obtain National identification cards, a prerequisite to voter registration, and carried out a successful nationwide campaign with Kenyan civic organizations to elicit peace pledges from all presidential aspirants.
Obama's State Department credibility takes a hit
Psaki's pants on fire The State Department's new spokeswoman Jen Psaki has sacrificed her own, the State Department, and Secretary of State John Kerry's credibility with her readily proven lying about his whereabouts as the coup in Egypt unfolded. Jennifer Epstein at Politico:
"Diplomats are supposed to be able to lie, but they have to do it with style and finesse, over matters easily checked. The credibility of all concerned has taken a nosedive, just as the State Department faces very delicate tasks in Egypt."
Right: "But the State Department said Kerry was not aboard a boat on Wednesday and has spent the day working the phones on Egypt. "Since his plane touched down in Washington at 4 a.m."
The State Department's New Mouthpiece, "Jen Psaki, has a history of serving as Barack Obama's mouthpiece. People will yearn for the days of Victoria Nuland -- who actually had a long bipartisan and impressive career. She has been replaced by a hack.
"Obama's second term even more than his first term has been marked by political hacks being rewarded with plum government jobs. This is true over at the State Department, as well, where Jen Psaki has been given the high profile position as its spokeswoman."

"Diplomats are supposed to be able to lie, but they have to do it with style and finesse, over matters easily checked. The credibility of all concerned has taken a nosedive, just as the State Department faces very delicate tasks in Egypt."
Right: "But the State Department said Kerry was not aboard a boat on Wednesday and has spent the day working the phones on Egypt. "Since his plane touched down in Washington at 4 a.m."
The State Department's New Mouthpiece, "Jen Psaki, has a history of serving as Barack Obama's mouthpiece. People will yearn for the days of Victoria Nuland -- who actually had a long bipartisan and impressive career. She has been replaced by a hack.

Historical Photos Colorized And Brought Back To Life
So Bad, So Good "Yet pausing occasionally to sit back and soak in our history can prove invaluable A glimpse into our past, provides powerful reminder of just how far we’ve come as a society and also, how some things never truly change. Recently we’ve taken you back down memory lane into Life In 19th Century New York, shown you the Childhood Photos Of The World’s Most Brutal Dictators and even put together this unique list of 30 Must-See Photographs From Our Past - but today we’re doing something different."
Lewis Powell, part of the Abraham Lincoln assassination conspiracy, 1863
Lewis Powell, part of the Abraham Lincoln assassination conspiracy, 1863
Rescued inmates at Nazi concentration camp Wobbelin, 1945
Saturday, July 6, 2013
Forget what Hollywood wants you to think of fracking
Fracking is another of Hollywood's villains and one more example of why the liberal media cannot be taken at their word.
Shale Gas Is Fracking Green
"Ask a green what he or she thinks about fracking, and you’re likely to get an earful of criticism about methane leaks, poisoned groundwater, and climate change disaster. But a new report from the ecologically minded Breakthrough Institute (BI) makes the case that shale gas actually has a net environmental benefit. Nevermind the boosts to our energy security, and economy that fracking provides; the controversial drilling process is worth embracing on green merits alone."
Hollywood, hypocrisy and Matt Damon's anti-fracking film "Successful business people? Villains, of course. Environmentalists? Heroes, naturally. And few industries are maligned by entertainment media more than oil and gas, whistleblower characters, excepted." ....
"Now, it’s the business of natural gas. A process called fracking that has come under fire from the left, and naturally it has also become the target of Hollywood writers and celebrities, on and off the screen."
TNT’s ‘Rizzoli and Isles’ Demonizes Fracking "The plot featured an ex-Blackwater agent, masquerading as a yoga guru, who kills a vegan student and a professor in order to hide his drilling for natural gas from shale. This episode was a triple decker for left-wing stereotypes."
Shale Gas Is Fracking Green
"Ask a green what he or she thinks about fracking, and you’re likely to get an earful of criticism about methane leaks, poisoned groundwater, and climate change disaster. But a new report from the ecologically minded Breakthrough Institute (BI) makes the case that shale gas actually has a net environmental benefit. Nevermind the boosts to our energy security, and economy that fracking provides; the controversial drilling process is worth embracing on green merits alone."
Hollywood, hypocrisy and Matt Damon's anti-fracking film "Successful business people? Villains, of course. Environmentalists? Heroes, naturally. And few industries are maligned by entertainment media more than oil and gas, whistleblower characters, excepted." ....
"Now, it’s the business of natural gas. A process called fracking that has come under fire from the left, and naturally it has also become the target of Hollywood writers and celebrities, on and off the screen."
TNT’s ‘Rizzoli and Isles’ Demonizes Fracking "The plot featured an ex-Blackwater agent, masquerading as a yoga guru, who kills a vegan student and a professor in order to hide his drilling for natural gas from shale. This episode was a triple decker for left-wing stereotypes."
The clear anti-fracking statements throughout the show are not new for Hollywood, and they leave out important facts. Researchers from the University of Texas at Austin recently concluded that “there is no evidence” of polluted drinking water caused by fracking. EPA administrator Lisa Jackson even told the Ithaca Journal, “We have absolutely no indication now that drinking water is at risk.”
How's the Obama Muslim outreach working out?
Anti-Americanism flares in Egypt as protests rage over Morsi's ouster "As rival camps of Egyptians protest for and against the toppling of President Mohamed Morsi, there is a rare point of agreement: America is to blame."
Andy McCarthy: Elections Are Not Democracy; A lesson from Egypt.
"The latter is real — a culture of liberty that safeguards minority rights. Attaining it is a worthy aspiration, but one that requires years of patient, disciplined, and often unpopular work. The former is an illusion — the pretense that if a Muslim country holds popular elections and elects totalitarian Islamists, voila, it has a “democracy,” and progressives the world over will regard it as such."
"The neocons have also always been right that evil must be confronted and defeated. Yet that cannot happen unless evil is recognized as such. We must not rationalize Islamic supremacism and its sharia system as something they are not — as virtuous, or at least moderate — just because, given the choice, Islamic societies will vote for them. Egypt’s real democrats are trying to tell us that there are no moderate totalitarians. We would do well to listen."
Much truth in his article, but its import is a little scary to me: Can what happen in Egypt happen here in America? Should it happen here what would trigger it? Who will lead the revolution?
"The Egyptian people were tired of a government that ran roughshod over their rights. They were tired of a government that spent more money than they took in. They were tired of a government that borrowed money from other nations that future generations of Egyptians will have to figure out how to pay back."
[Obama and Morsi] "were educated in America. They both were former College Professors(sp). They both have close associations with anti-American groups. The both have ties with radical groups and organizations that are hostile towards Israel. They both rose to power out of relative obscurity by promising some form of “hope and change”. They both have blamed their predecessors for their current failures."
...."It's a damned if you do, damned if you don't quagmire in which the U.S. appears to have alienated both sides, underscoring waning American influence and credibility as it attempts to navigate the turmoil."
This next remark reflects what Iranians as well must feel about Obama's failure to speak on their behalf:
After that, activists used a variety of foul language to describe Patterson and called for her to be kicked out of the country. Anti-Morsi protesters say such criticism is justified because the U.S. failed to speak out more aggressively when Morsi was accused of cracking down on political opponents, journalists and judges.
"It's not only about elections," said Mohammed Farahat, 27, an advertising account manager. "Hitler was elected too. It bothers me that the U.S. presents itself as a peacemaker, but then they supports a fascist regime like Morsi's."Obama Call for Muslim Brotherhood Role Overtaken in Egypt "A crackdown on the Brotherhood by Egyptian authorities in the early 1950s contributed to its radicalization. After an army coup ousted Egypt’s monarchy in 1952, the Brotherhood was accused of trying to assassinate the president. The party was banned and thousands of its members were tortured, imprisoned and held for years."
"The latter is real — a culture of liberty that safeguards minority rights. Attaining it is a worthy aspiration, but one that requires years of patient, disciplined, and often unpopular work. The former is an illusion — the pretense that if a Muslim country holds popular elections and elects totalitarian Islamists, voila, it has a “democracy,” and progressives the world over will regard it as such."
"The neocons have also always been right that evil must be confronted and defeated. Yet that cannot happen unless evil is recognized as such. We must not rationalize Islamic supremacism and its sharia system as something they are not — as virtuous, or at least moderate — just because, given the choice, Islamic societies will vote for them. Egypt’s real democrats are trying to tell us that there are no moderate totalitarians. We would do well to listen."
Much truth in his article, but its import is a little scary to me: Can what happen in Egypt happen here in America? Should it happen here what would trigger it? Who will lead the revolution?
"The Egyptian people were tired of a government that ran roughshod over their rights. They were tired of a government that spent more money than they took in. They were tired of a government that borrowed money from other nations that future generations of Egyptians will have to figure out how to pay back."
[Obama and Morsi] "were educated in America. They both were former College Professors(sp). They both have close associations with anti-American groups. The both have ties with radical groups and organizations that are hostile towards Israel. They both rose to power out of relative obscurity by promising some form of “hope and change”. They both have blamed their predecessors for their current failures."
Friday, July 5, 2013
The Egyptian Uprising: Messages to the America People
Egyptian Uprising: Messages to America
The Egyptian Uprising had the largest attendance of any event in human history. Throughout the crowd, there were clear messages to Americans.
The Lone Ranger just ain't what he used to be. (Updated)
Have you noticed who the latest villains are in the TV dramas lately? Not gangs, certainly not Islamic terrorists, not foreign spies; the evil people are those we work for, buy from and who have enriched our lives and economy. Walk around your home, or drive around your town and see the luxuries and needs that these abhorred bandits provide. They are the soft targets that nobody loves, but we cannot do without.
Now the Lone Ranger - from whom we boys of another generation learned honor, integrity, tolerance and fair play - is the latest with the identical list of enemies; Hollywood's enemies that includes the TEA Party, conservatives, Christians, oil companies, capitalists, and pretty much everything that involves Caucasian non-Muslims.
Why do we have to pay big bucks for a movie or plan on an evening of television to be brow-beaten and indoctrinated by the shows we watch?
By wealthy Hollywood liberals no less?
The Johny Depp Lone Ranger movie, at least based on early box office results, is shaping up to be quite the bomb.
"What makes the Lone Ranger finally embrace the need for his mask, and hence the whole “secret identity” thing? In a nutshell, he realizes his fellow
white men are corrupt, and complicit in the mass murder of Tonto’s fellow Native Americans. If he takes the mask off, then he too will wind up becoming complicit. Yes, that’s right — in this film, the Lone Ranger’s mask is made of White Guilt. "And in fact, the only function the Native Americans in this film have, other than Tonto, is to die horribly so that the Lone Ranger will have a catalyst to make him Man Up."
And is it a spoiler to say that one of the film's heavies is a capitalist?
Tonto calls the Lone Ranger a "weak, pale-faced wet-brain".
Even the LA Times didn't like the show, but the PC didn't seem to register on their radar. "...."The Lone Ranger" exists without a convincing sense of jeopardy or, more critically, any place for audiences to emotionally connect. That TV show may have been modesty itself in terms of production values, but we cared about its heroes in a way we do not here."
Crosswalk calls the movie a Wild, Wild Mess "The final 30 minutes of The Lone Ranger....are nothing short of spectacular. Clever, well-paced and thoroughly exciting (the William Tell Overture provides the perfect musical backdrop, naturally), this last half-hour is exactly what one wants a summer movie to be.
"Trouble is, the audience has to sit through nearly two hours of utter tedium to get there...."
Now the Lone Ranger - from whom we boys of another generation learned honor, integrity, tolerance and fair play - is the latest with the identical list of enemies; Hollywood's enemies that includes the TEA Party, conservatives, Christians, oil companies, capitalists, and pretty much everything that involves Caucasian non-Muslims.
Why do we have to pay big bucks for a movie or plan on an evening of television to be brow-beaten and indoctrinated by the shows we watch?
By wealthy Hollywood liberals no less?
The Johny Depp Lone Ranger movie, at least based on early box office results, is shaping up to be quite the bomb.
"What makes the Lone Ranger finally embrace the need for his mask, and hence the whole “secret identity” thing? In a nutshell, he realizes his fellow
white men are corrupt, and complicit in the mass murder of Tonto’s fellow Native Americans. If he takes the mask off, then he too will wind up becoming complicit. Yes, that’s right — in this film, the Lone Ranger’s mask is made of White Guilt. "And in fact, the only function the Native Americans in this film have, other than Tonto, is to die horribly so that the Lone Ranger will have a catalyst to make him Man Up."
And is it a spoiler to say that one of the film's heavies is a capitalist?
Tonto calls the Lone Ranger a "weak, pale-faced wet-brain".
Even the LA Times didn't like the show, but the PC didn't seem to register on their radar. "...."The Lone Ranger" exists without a convincing sense of jeopardy or, more critically, any place for audiences to emotionally connect. That TV show may have been modesty itself in terms of production values, but we cared about its heroes in a way we do not here."
Crosswalk calls the movie a Wild, Wild Mess "The final 30 minutes of The Lone Ranger....are nothing short of spectacular. Clever, well-paced and thoroughly exciting (the William Tell Overture provides the perfect musical backdrop, naturally), this last half-hour is exactly what one wants a summer movie to be.
"Trouble is, the audience has to sit through nearly two hours of utter tedium to get there...."
When liberals elect a US world leader, what can possibly go wrong? Well, a whole reading list for starters.
Obama's Impotent Middle East Policy "A self-interview by Barry Rubin and Barry Rubin"
" First, I want to apologize that I have often used intemperate language to describe U.S. policy and the people making it in the last 4.5 years. Perhaps I have put off some of you who would otherwise have been persuaded that something is very wrong. Therefore, I have tried to do another version of this approach. Remember, I'm not responsible for the way the questions are phrased here." Hat tip to Jeffrey Dunetz
France Shows Its Lack of Class At U.S. Embassy 4th of July Party "Real Classy! If Mr. Valls wanted to make a statement about the American spying program he should have stayed and told his hosts he didn't feel he could show up based on the revelation, that would have been the honorable thing to do."
Now go away or I will taunt you a second time!
Who Lost the Middle East? Both of these developments were reported last evening: Al Arabiya published the article “Saudi king congratulates Egypt’s new interim president”; Time magazine reported that ”Obama expresses ‘concern’ over Morsi ouster, orders review in military aid to Egypt.”
Obama Chides Egypt to Quickly Elect Government, Respect Muslim Brotherhood "The resulting statement tried to be equally critical of each side, reflecting the administration’s continuing refusal to take a stand while the Egyptian protesters decried the U.S. president for propping up the Muslim Brotherhood regime."
A small, irrelevant America "From the perspective of Obama, however, our reduction to smallness and irrelevance represents a great success."
Caroline Glick; Israelis watched in shock and horror as their American friends followed the Pied Piper of the phony Arab Spring over the policy cliff
Where’s America? ...." America might act to shape the course of events; it could, at this moment where the outcome is up for grabs, perhaps have a decisive effect."
Egypt: Little U.S. influence, few good choices "Unfortunately, it is hard to have much confidence in the Obama team to figure it all out. Obama went way too far in bolstering Morsi and not making aid contingent on improved political and economic conditions. So now we see an emboldened Morsi, an aggrieved populace, an economy near collapse and secular opposition leaders who mistrust the U.S. government. We are, as has been the case for so much of the Obama administration, a bystander."
Neat NSA cartoon
I just can't get too worked up about the government keeping track of postal addresses and phone calls that they are not listening to. For years-and you have seen this referred to in police dramas- checking telephone
"LUDS" helps in police work ( though it has become less controlled than it once was).
This is the reason you see few cartoons and articles on the subject in the Tunnel Wall. However a relative posted this on his Facebook page and I thought it too funny not to use:
Having said all that, phone tracking can be a dangerous weapon in the hands of those who advocate a strong central government and who have no qualms about using it to stay in power.
Obama and Democrats have demonstrated that they are sophisticated in the use of electronic means to win elections; we have certainly seen how powerful government agencies such as the IRS will be used against Obama's political enemies and that his supporters are his willing, compliant enablers..
Hat tip to Don Standlee Jr., Arlington, TX
This is the reason you see few cartoons and articles on the subject in the Tunnel Wall. However a relative posted this on his Facebook page and I thought it too funny not to use:
Having said all that, phone tracking can be a dangerous weapon in the hands of those who advocate a strong central government and who have no qualms about using it to stay in power.
Obama and Democrats have demonstrated that they are sophisticated in the use of electronic means to win elections; we have certainly seen how powerful government agencies such as the IRS will be used against Obama's political enemies and that his supporters are his willing, compliant enablers..
Hat tip to Don Standlee Jr., Arlington, TX
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