Obviously not judged by the content of his character.
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The Union is the world's most prestigious debating society, with an unparalleled reputation for bringing international guests and speakers to Oxford. It has been established for 189 years, aiming to promote debate and discussion not just in Oxford University, but across the globe.
* Oh, speaking of NBC:The three major networks have, so far, devoted a staggering 67 minutes and 49 seconds to obsessing over every aspect of whether the New England Patriots cheated in their AFC championship win on Sunday. Yet, only ABC allowed a scant 34 seconds to the Obama administration’s release of five terrorists out of Guantanamo Bay and back to areas connected with extremist violence. The contrast is 120-to-1.*NBC was, by far, the most lopsided in terms of journalistic priorities. From Monday through early Thursday, the network’s morning and evening shows produced 33 minutes and 35 seconds to the so-called “Deflategate.” Last week, however, NBC didn’t offer any coverage to the release of five detainees, just seven days after the slaughter of cartoonists in Paris.
Congress invites Netanyahu for Iran speech, Obama blindsided . . . "Setting up a diplomatic showdown on an issue that has sharply divided Obama and congressional Republicans, Boehner announced the invitation the day after Obama pledged in his State of the Union address to veto Iran sanctions legislation being developed in Congress.
So why would President Obama and his allies in the media keep this information from the public? And why would Obama feel the need to fool the country with such a ruse?
Barack Obama with Rebekah Erler.
"During Tuesday night's State of the Union speech, President Obama spoke of a struggling mother of two from Minneapolis who wrote him a touching letter describing her struggle as a middle-class person. Obama even said the story of her and her husband was “the reason I ran for this office.” But it turns out that Rebekah Erler, the woman who wrote that letter to Obama, is a former Democratic campaign operative who worked as a field organizer for Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash., and worked on Obama's 2008 campaign, Newsbusters reported Wednesday. Worse yet, the Minneapolis Star-Tribune failed to mention that in its glowing article.
Legal Insurrection: . . "Remember Rebekah Erler, President Obama’s premiere “everywoman” success story from last night’s State of the Union address? The one whose family inspired the leader of the free world to stand up for the common man by…raising their taxes, or something?
"As it turns out, Rebekah isn’t just an inspiration. She’s an operative.
Consider Obama's character: