Saturday, March 28, 2015

Lena Dunham’s “Quiz” is Same Jew-Hatred My Relatives Faced in Nazi Europe; Roseanne Barr Supports Anti-Semitism

Debbie Schlussel   "Actress/director Lena Dunham’s anti-Semitic “Dog or Jewish Boyfriend?” “quiz” in the New Yorker, is eerily similar to the Jew-hatred faced by my relatives both in Nazi Europe and right here in Michigan, where I live. That’s not to mention the Jew-hatred today in the Islamic world. And I find it notable that Roseanne Barr, whom so many people insisted to me has changed from her self-hating slant against Israel and Jews, applauded Lena Dunham’s Nazi-esque Jew-hatred."

Actress Lena Dunham is no stranger to controversy, and she's in hot water again. This time it's because she compares her Jewish boyfriend to a dog in the latest issue of the New Yorker.
"The playful, satirical quiz, presents 35 statements and asks the reader to decide if they refer to a dog or to her Jewish boyfriend. Dunham, the creator of HBO's hit show Girls, has said she is half-Jewish herself. She dates musician Jack Antonoff." . . .

Why this strikes a nerve with Israelis " Israeli tourists who visited Petra, Jordan, were taken aback to see a number of stores have posted signs “Sorry, we do not receive dogs and Israelis”. Apparently the posting of the signs followed Operation Cast Lead.

"Members of the tour group reported they were treated with hostility, with the locals making their ill feelings well-known to them."

Ever wonder about Mesquite? The tree and the town?

The Ubiquitous Mesquite 
“I could ask for no better monument over my grave than a good mesquite tree, its roots down deep like those of people who belong to the soil, its hardy branches, leaves and fruit holding memories of the soil. . . .”
— J. Frank Dobie, Texas writer
[Mesquite is] “the devil with roots. It scabs my cows, spooks my horses, and gives little shade.”
— W.T. Waggoner, pioneer northwest Texas rancher
 "Opinions of 21st-century Texans on the subject of mesquite are as divided as the two 20th-century views quoted above:"

• Ranchers consider it a noxious weed, whose thorns injure cattle, horses and cowhands. Worst of all, its extensive root system uses more than its fair share of water, which otherwise could grow cattle-nourishing grasses.
• Botanists know mesquite (genus Prosopis), a member of the legume family, as a nitrogen-fixing plant. Rather than depleting the soil of nitrogen, as do most plants, mesquites enrich soil by returning nitrogen to it.
• Most gardeners wouldn’t consider using the misshapen mesquite in their landscapes.
• Cooks value mesquite chips and charcoal for the luscious flavor they impart to grilled meats and fish.
• Some artisans and furniture makers prize mesquite for its deep colors, rich patina and interesting irregularities.
You may want to print this next thing out:
Medicines  "Aztecs made a lotion to soothe sore eyes from ground mesquite leaves mixed with water. Yuma Indians treated venereal disease with an infusion of leaves, and Comanches relieved toothaches by chewing the leaves. Yaquis treated headaches with a poultice made from mashing leaves to a pulp, mixing them with water and binding the mixture to the forehead.
"Gum, or sap, that oozed from mesquite bark was mixed with water to treat sore throats and diarrhea, aid digestion, and help wounds heal. The Yavapai rubbed a mixture of mud and mesquite gum into their hair to simultaneously kill lice and dye their hair."

The city:
Texas State Historical Association   [Mesquite was]"established by the Texas and Pacific Railway in May 1873 and named after nearby Mesquite Creek." 

Texas Confederate Army units
We are currently researching what units of the Confederate Army came from the Masquite - Dallas area. We will update this post as we can. TD
A civil rights source

Dave Barry: Don’t even think you can do a DIY project

. . . "The worst offender is Home Depot. This is the giant store chain that runs TV commercials in which eager, attractive young couples, assisted by helpful smiling Home Depot employees, look excitedly at tile samples or pieces of wood and then — approximately eight seconds later, after a brief scene in which they are wielding paintbrushes or drilling a hole while wearing safety glasses — they’re standing happily in a brand-new modern kitchen that they did entirely themselves.

"Really, Home Depot? That has not been my experience with your store. I do not see attractive couples there, eager to tackle major projects. I see beaten-down people whose houses are broken, glumly pushing huge orange carts down endless aisles and standing in utter bafflement in front of vast, daunting displays of house parts they do not understand, knowing in their hearts that whichever one they pick, it probably won’t work." . . .

Subversive Rep. Luis Guitierrez Releases a Toolkit to Help Illegal Immigrants Evade the Law

Independent Sentinel "Luis Guitierrez is touring the country to inform illegal immigrants how to break our laws and avoid deportation, not that we are deporting anyone since our president is also lawless. Gutierrez is doing it all on company time.

"He released a new video toolkit on how to evade the law (below) with what appears to be his office in the background so the people here illegally will see this as their right.

"He has his own set of laws which he implements without any repercussions. He thinks only the president can deport people." . . .

On the Iran deal

Menendez: U.S. ‘Leaping with Both Feet’ Toward Iran Demands, ‘Any Deal for a Deal’s Sake’   "Menendez, whose Iran sanctions legislation and bipartisan bill have drawn veto threats from the Obama administration, has previously accused the White House of moving the goalposts to tempt Iran into a deal.

“ 'We have pivoted away from demanding the closure of Fordow when the negotiations began, to considering its conversion into a research facility, to now allowing hundreds of centrifuges to spin at this underground bunker site where centrifuges could be quickly repurposed for illicit nuclear enrichment purposes,” he said in a statement moments ago. “My fear is that we are no longer guided by the principle that ‘no deal is better than a bad deal,’ but instead we are negotiating ‘any deal for a deal’s sake’.” Read more:

. . . "The other large fissure is America’s current refusal to participate in military ground operations abroad. Added to the Russo-Chinese lock-up of the Security Council, all of this has contributed to blowing apart the Western bloc. A new world stage is being put in place. The only thing missing is agreement on the Iranian nuclear issue — at the end of this month!"   Published in L'Expression (Algeria) on 18 March 2015 by Zouhir Mebarki

 Kerry on Chances of Iran Deal: 'Inshallah!'   "Did John Kerry just use a Muslim term meaning "Allah willing" to express hope for a deal with Iran?

"That's what a reporter for Al Monitor claims on Twitter. Laura Rozen, who covers the Middle East for the online publication posted on the comments just after 3:30pm ET on Friday just as news was breaking of a possible deal." Lets give him the benefit of the doubt and consider it was done in jest.

Obama's Iran Deal: The SALT Precedents   "President Obama’s decision to avoid congressional scrutiny of his emerging nuclear deal with Iran led 47 GOP senators to write a letter warning Iran – and the president – that the Senate expects to be consulted.  A subsequent bipartisan letter signed by 367 members of the House of Representatives also urged the president to consult Congress.  A look at major 20th-century strategic arms accords lends decisive weight to the position taken by Congress."

 Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy

Secret U.S. Documents Stolen by Shia Militias Are Now In the Hands of Iran
"Arab press, and particularly the Saudi press, have harshly criticized the Obama administration’s policy in the region – especially its Iran policy, which they term “destructive”, “idiotic”, “dangerous” and “narrow-minded.” Writers are calling for a rebellion against any agreement the P5+1 signs with Iran that does not absolutely prevent it from possessing nuclear weapons.

"Iran is now in possession of secret stolen U.S. documents which include the names of locals who informed on Iranian-backed rebels and Al Qaeda. Their lives are in danger but we won’t be there for them." . . .

Krauthammer’s Take: Harry Reid Is a ‘Disgrace’ Who ‘Emasculated’ the Senate


"Charles Krauthammer said he knew it was impolite to speak ill of the dead, but since Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D., Nev.) was simply retiring, the syndicated columnist said he did not feel quite so constrained. 
“ 'Harry, we hardly knew ye, and what we did know we didn’t like,” Krauthammer said on Special Report. “I do think he was a disgrace to his own institution because he emasculated it in the name of protecting the president and trying to re-elect Democrats. He didn’t succeed because he essentially shut down the Senate as soon as Republicans took the House in 2010.” 
"Krauthammer added that Reid failed as a Democratic leader because nine of his senators lost reelection, and that he only succeeded in protecting the president from having to exercise the veto."

Then this:  Clown of the Senate . . . "Gutting the Bill of Rights to silence political criticism is a dramatic move, but then Senator Reid has always had a flair for the theatrical. " . . .

Public Shaming Week at College Insurrection

"In case you haven’t heard, some students at Appalachian University have taken up the practices of Mao’s Red Guard.

"Appalachian State University Publicly Shames ‘Privileged’ Students
Appalachian University Housing Defends Bulletin Board That Shames Privileged Students

"When it comes to shame, some people have none.
Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand Stands by Fake UVA Rape Story
No Evidence Of Rape At UVA Fraternity Say Charlottesville Police
There Will be Lawsuits Over False Rape Story at UVA

Speaking of shame…

Frat Member from University of Oklahoma Apologizes Publicly
University of Oklahoma Responds to Racist Video by Hiring a Diversity Officer

Diversity. Is there any problem it can’t solve?
 Prager University – What Is the University Diversity Scam?

Much more here.

WATCH: Cornell Dean Says School Would Welcome ISIS Club

Via Lars Larson:  "A Project Veritas reporter captured Cornell University Assistant Dean of Students Joseph Scaffido advising on how to start a student club for ISIS.
"It’s clear that Scaffido understood the meaning of ISIS and Hamas. The reporter made numerous attempts to clarify that the subject of the conversation was the Islamic State.
"Watch the new video from Project Veritas below"

What part of "death to America" is so hard to comprehend?

Political Cartoons by Chip Bok 

Mona Charen: Obama doesn’t take the Iranian chant seriously. He should. "Maybe I’m too sensitive, but when a foreign autocrat leads his people in chants of “Death to America,” I take it personally. 
"President Obama and Secretary Kerry apparently don’t. The chant, which became a staple of the Islamic Republic during the 1979 revolution, is not a relic of the past. Just last weekend, at a rally in Iran, Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei was interrupted by the chant as he was denouncing American “lies” and “arrogance.” He smiled and responded, “Of course yes, death to America, because America is the original source of this pressure.”
 Political Cartoons by Jerry Holbert

Friday, March 27, 2015

House Committee Demands Bergdahl Information From White House

 Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez
. . . SAE member Levi Petit apologized Tuesday for leading a racist chant that got him expelled and SAE kicked off the OU campus. It drew White House attention. National SecurityAdvisor Susan Rice went on the Sunday talk shows and said Levi Petit served Sigma Alpha Epsilon with honor and distinction.

The U.S. Army annouced it will charge U.S. Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl with desertion despite the White House calling him a hero last May. The Obama administration traded five Taliban leaders in exchange for him. The government can't even effect a prisoner swap without running up an eighty percent deficit. . . Comedian Argus Hamilton
 Western Journalism 
 "The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, chaired by Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, sent a letter to the White House Thursday asking for all “documents and information related to the decision to transfer the five Taliban members for Sgt. [Bowe] Bergdahl.”
"Addressed to White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough, the letter refers to Bergdahl’s release last year in exchange for five individuals held by the U.S. government at Guantanamo Bay. Then a private, Bergdahl went missing from his base in 2009. He was formally charged with desertion earlier this week.
 Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell

Honoring Battles, Honoring the Fallen, Something Mayor Emanuel Does Not Understand

  Desperate Rahm suggests renaming airport after Obama   "Rahm Emanuel is in a fight for his political life, facing a tough re-election election vote on April 7, and running against Jesus “Chuy” Garcia in a city with a large and growing Hispanic population. That is probably the reason he would suggest renaming one of two Chicago airports – Midway and O’Hare – after Barack Obama. The city’s substantial black vote is, after all, up for grabs." . . . Full article.



"As a Chicagoan, it's not my preferable airport, but it bears a name that many don't know... Butch O'Hare.

"In 1942, LtCdr Edward Henry "Butch" O'Hare became the first naval ace of WWII when he destroyed 8 bombers headed for his carrier, USS Lexington, in the Pacific.  He was the first sailor to receive the Medal of Honor during WWII.  The MoH citation reads in part:

"For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in aerial combat, at grave risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty, as section leader and pilot of Fighting Squadron 3 on 20 February 1942. Having lost the assistance of his teammates, Lt. O'Hare interposed his plane between his ship and an advancing enemy formation of 9 attacking twin-engine heavy bombers. Without hesitation, alone and unaided, he repeatedly attacked this enemy formation, at close range in the face of intense combined machinegun and cannon fire. Despite this concentrated opposition, Lt. O'Hare, by his gallant and courageous action, his extremely skillful marksmanship in making the most of every shot of his limited amount of ammunition, shot down 5 enemy bombers and severely damaged a sixth before they reached the bomb release point. As a result of his gallant action--one of the most daring, if not the most daring, single action in the history of combat aviation--he undoubtedly saved his carrier from serious damage." . . .

. . . "And this politician *spit* wants to rename it Obama International Airport.

Could Mayor Rahm Emanuel be thinking about renaming Chicago’s airports, perhaps after President Barack Obama?
 . . .
For now, Mayor Emmanuel reconsidered:

"Mayor Emanuel quickly backtracked on talking about renaming O'Hare or Midway (named in honor of the WWII naval battle)."
 . . .
"You know what the real mistake is, Mr Mayor?  That you and your friends in the administration don't understand why the names O'Hare or Midway should never be changed.  You worry more about the sacrifices made to get votes than the sacrifices made to keep to the world safe."

Evidence indicated Lubitz was NOT a Muslim

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TW is searching for corroboration to the Gateway Pundit's claim at the bottom:
Germanwings co-pilot had medical note for day of crash, hid illness, officials say

Germanwings crash: Andreas Lubitz ‘received treatment for depression’

Andreas Lubitz: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

No Official Confirmation That Killer Co-Pilot Of Germanwings Airbus Was A Muslim Convert  . . . “Following a search of Lubitz’s Dusseldorf apartment, investigators today revealed they had found old torn-up sick leave notes, current ones and one issued for the day of the disaster.”
The Daily Mail report on the air disaster adds that investigators said they have not found a suicide note nor any evidence of a political or religious motivation.
However, there are reports circulating in non-mainstream German news outlets that Andreas Lubitz was a Muslim convert who was trained in a radicalized mosque and may have been acting under orders from Islamic handlers when he set his aircraft on a death course.
The claim that Lubitz was a Muslim convert that needs to be corroborated. As of right now all evidence is that he was not a Muslim, even though he was praised as a martyr by some Muslims :

— STAYED AT Bremen Mosque
"Police have reportedly found an “item of significance” at the apartment of the co-pilot who crashed the Germanwing passenger plane into the Alps this week.
"The item was NOT a suicide note." . . . 

Andreas Lubitz
A German news website claims Andreas Lubitz was a Muslim convert. reported:
According to Michael Mannheimer, a writer for German PI-News, Germany now has its own 9/11, thanks to the convert to Islam, Andreas Lubitz.
Translation from German:
All evidence indicates that the copilot of Airbus machine in his six-months break during his training as a pilot in Germanwings, converted to Islam and subsequently either by the order of “radical”, ie. devout Muslims , or received the order from the book of terror, the Quran, on his own accord decided to carry out this mass murder. As a radical mosque in Bremen is in the center of the investigation, in which the convert was staying often, it can be assumed that he – as Mohammed Atta, in the attack against New York – received his instructions directly from the immediate vicinity of the mosque.