Thursday, June 23, 2016

26 of the Democrats Who Participated in the Gun Control Sit-In Own Guns

Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel

HeatStreet  "Congressional Democrats ended their 25-hour sit-in on the House floor this afternoon, failing to force a vote on two pieces of gun legislation. The controversial sit-in included 26 Democratic lawmakers who themselves own guns, Heat Streetlearned after examining 2013 USA Today data on congressional firearms ownership. The participants also included 12 more Democrats in Congress who either didn’t respond to USA Today’s gun survey or declined to say whether or not they possessed a firearm.

"The sit-in, launched by civil-rights leader Rep. John Lewis, centered on two pieces of proposed gun legislation. One would expand background checks to cover all commercial gun sales; the other seeks tougher prohibitions against gun purchases for terror suspects.
"The participation of Democratic gun owners can be viewed as the pursuit of reasonable compromise by left-wing firearm fans—or, potentially, as hypocrisy."
. . . "Here’s the full list of Democratic gun owners who participated.
  • Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick
  • Rep. Bennie Thompson
  • Rep. Dina Titus
  • Rep. Dutch Ruppersberger
  • Rep. Jared Huffman
  • Rep. Jim Cooper
  • Rep. Jim Costa
  • Rep. John Carney
  • Rep. John Garamendi
  • Rep. Keith Ellison
  • Rep. Mike Thompson
  • Rep. Peter DeFazio
  • Rep. Peter Welch
  • Rep. Rick Nolan
  • Rep. Ron Kind
  • Rep. Steve Cohen
  • Rep. Tim Ryan
  • Sen. Gary Peters
  • Sen. Harry Reid
  • Sen. Mark Warner
  • Sen. Martin Heinrich
  • Sen. Patrick Leahy
  • Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse
  • Sen. Tammy Baldwin
  • Sen. Tim Kaine
  • Sen. Tom Carper
— Jillian Kay Melchior writes for Heat Street and is a fellow for the Independent Women’s Forum and the Steamboat Institute.
Political Cartoons by Nate Beeler

California's skyrocketing housing costs, taxes prompt exodus of residents

The Mercury News

Faced with the exorbitant rising costs of Bay Area living, Priya Govindarajan and Ajay Patel pack up their apartment in San Francisco, Calif., Thursday

. . . "Skyrocketing costs for housing, food and gasoline, along with the area's insufferable gridlock, prompted the four-decade Bay Area resident to seek greener pastures -- 2,000 miles away in Ohio.
" 'It was a struggle in California," Eaton said. "It was a very difficult place to live. ... It's a vicious circle."

"Eaton is far from alone.

"A growing number of Bay Area residents -- besieged by home prices, worsening traffic, high taxes and a generally more expensive cost of living -- believe life would be better just about anywhere else but here.
. . . 
The good news for California:  . . . "The area's sizzling job market and robust economy have created a domino effect: income spikes for highly trained workers, more people packing the area's roads, red-hot demand for housing." . . .

But it comes with a caveat. The boom is in higher-paid jobs while the middle class is withering:  

"The region's middle class has shrunk, while the numbers of lower-income and higher-income households has grown," the report stated. Silicon Valley, for the purposes of the study, consists of Santa Clara County, San Mateo County and San Francisco."

What we’re really getting if we get Hillary Clinton

BizPacReview   "What’s the old saw about being careful of what you wish for because you might just get it? Which brings us to study the real Hillary Clinton, not the media creation, not the hyped and spun version reincarnated from the original form.
"What will we really get if Clinton wins the presidency and becomes the Commander-in-chief of the mightiest military force on Earth?
"We will get a Commander-in-chief who, like her predecessor, has never commanded anything in her life, has never run any substantial organization in her past and has a dismal record of choosing advisers for husband Bill. Remember Zoe Baird, Webb Hubbell, Craig Livingstone, Janet Reno?
"We’ll get an ill-tempered woman who curses worse than the most abusive sailor or heavy-metal guitarist you’ve ever heard. To see the long list of her quoted vulgarities and racial epithets against people, Google “Inside the White House”, “American Evita”, “Unlimited Access”, “Crossfire”, “Dereliction of Duty” and “The Truth About Hillary.” Her barroom mouth caused the crew of the “Marine One” helicopter to nickname her craft “Broomstick One.. ”

Deep thoughts with Loretta Lynch


Power Line  "We do not ascribe anything President Obama says to stupidity. Ignorance, occasionally. His ignorance of history is easily demonstrable, and it runs wide and deep.

"However, I wonder about Attorney General Loretta Lynch (as I wondered about her predecessor, Eric Holder). The Orlando massacre has put her public musings front and center and they do not flatter her. In Orlando on Tuesday she said: “To the LGBT community — we stand with you.” Okay so far, but then she had to add this deep thought derived from the COEXIST bumper sticker: “The good in this world far outweighs the evil. Our common humanity transcends our differences, and our most effective response to terror is compassion, it’s unity and it’s love.”
"Clown city.
"And that’s not all!" . . .

Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy

Democrats Sit-In Is Nothing But A Fundraising Ploy

"They just want to be able to campaign on, "_______ voted to allow ISIS to get dangerous weapons!' "
RedState   "If you thought Democrats were engaging in their little sit-in as some kind of principled means of getting Republicans to vote on bills that will not pass (and even if they did would be dead regardless because of the failure in the Senate), think again.

"This is a pointless exercise by the House Democrats. First of all, they're not going to get the votes they want. The votes would be pointless as any bill sent over to the Senate would be DOA. Mitch McConnell would simply table the bills and they would merely die. Secondly. even if House Democrats did get the votes, the measures would not pass. They know this. They just want to be able to campaign on, "_______ voted to allow ISIS to get dangerous weapons!' " . . .

Speaker Ryan Skewers Dems' Gun Control Sit-in: 'They're Trying to Get on TV'

"Paul Ryan shows screenshots of Democrats fundraising off sit-in over gun control"

No, Mr. President: You are not who we are

American Thinker
A recent poll shows that a plurality of Americans see Obama as the worst president since WWII.  Hopefully, the next president will get it right.  No, Mr. president, contrary to your world statesman narcissistic fantasy, most Americans believe that what is good for the U.S. is good for the world.
" Using the royal “we”, the president indicates his displeasure with the U.S. for failing to live up to his vision of how “we” should be with the phrase, “That is not who we are.”  No, Mr. President.  It is not so much that that is not who we are as that you are not who we are."

Girl Gives SEVERAL Examples Of GOOD Guys With Guns STOPPING Mass Shooters

Clash Daily   "Regis Giles of lists a dozen times that mass shootings were stopped by a good person with a gun. Please forward this on to your liberals friends who believe in disarming responsible American citizens."


Clinton's Saudi financial backers are not exactly feminists

InfoWars   "Hillary holds forth her candidacy as a triumph of feminism, yet her largest donors, Saudi Wahabists who brag that their contributions, are 20% of Hillary’s campaign coffer and ruthless oppressors of women.
"Case in point — the hunger of Saudi women to live free of the burka, to be free of the religious police, to be able to drive, even if its only BUMPER CARS on one night of the week when only women are admitted in an amusement park.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Trump's speech: Why couldn't other Republicans ever be this angry at Clinton/ Democrat corruption?

"Here's another question that I have: If Hillary Clinton has the answers for the economy, why doesn't she tell Obama what to do now?  Why do we have to wait until she maybe gets elected and then gets inaugurated and then starts putting her ideas into practice?  If she's got the answers, why wait?  Why doesn't she make it a point to meet with Obama, who's in the Oval Office and say, "Barack, this is what we need to do to fix the economy," to which he's gonna say (impression), "Uh, there nothing wrong. "
Rush Limbaugh: Finally a Republican (Other Than Me) Tells the Truth About Hillary Clinton  "Well, I have to tell you, my email is overflowing with people calling Trump's speech a home run.  People are saying, "Finally! It's about time somebody started telling the truth about Hillary Clinton, and it's not you." . . .  
"It happens it was a speech given on the prompter today down at SoHo, one of Trump's hotels that he owns.  So Trump basically said things about Hillary Clinton that you just don't hear Republicans saying.  You've heard them before.  You've heard them on this program, of course.  You've probably heard similar things that Trump said in other areas.  But you just do not hear Mitt Romney say this, for example.  You wouldn't hear the Bush family talk this way about Hillary.  You wouldn't. You just wouldn't hear it. 
"You wouldn't hear fellow establishment types talk about this, 'cause it's too close to home for all of them.  But Trump can say this stuff as an outsider. He can say this stuff as a nonmember of the elite or the establishment, and it's gonna be interesting to see, because while everything Trump said about Hillary has been said before by people -- and, of course, we have the Peter Schweizer book, Clinton Cash, which Trump quoted from extensively.  You don't see things like that happen, either. "

Clinton Defenders Struggle to Respond to Trump's Speech  . . . "RUSH: Look, I know this has been a speedy search.  I can't find anywhere where the Peter Schweizer book Clinton Cash has been "discredited" like David "Rodham" Gergen said, and he just said it like everybody knows it's been discredited.  Now, I think people in the Clinton camp like David "Rodham" Gergen -- and I really believe this." . . .

Rush gives us this link:New York Times: Donald Trump’s Speech: What You Missed and Our Fact Checks

Obama’s whitewashing of the Orlando massacre

Washington Times
President Barack Obama speaks in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building on the White House complex in Washington, Wednesday, June 22, 2016, before signing bill H.R. 2576, the Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the 21st Century Act.  (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

"Of course, it is all part of Mr. Obama’s plan to exacerbate those very questions about where he was born and whether he is a closet Muslim — because that automatically turns even decent people into frothing lunatics for dabbling in such conspiracies and innuendo.
"His is the lowest, most crass and degrading cynicism and it permeates every action and every statement made by this White House.
"The first Clinton administration is already recorded in the history books for its debased, raunchy and utterly disgusting self-adulation and false promotion. The Obama White House is that — only on Viagra."  . . . 
Political Cartoons by Henry Payne
Added by TD
. . . "The Department of “Justice” scrubbed the name “Allah” from Mateen’s prayers and professions of allegiance to said “Allah,” along with the Islamic State and al Qaeda and all the rest of the savages out to kill gays, lesbians, Jews, Christians and basically anyone who is part of civilized society." . . .
"In a rare full-throated media campaign this week, Attorney General Loretta Lynch said  references to “Allah” would be removed so as not to “further this man’s propaganda.”
"But, mostly, it is yet another bizarre example of the president trying to protect and promote the religion of Islam, which — by the way — is having a bit of a public relations problem on its own these last few years.
"Throwing gays off rooftops, burning men alive in cages and drowning them will do right much to sully even the best reputations.
"So, in yet another effort to rehab the name of Islam, Mr. Obama erased references to “Allah” from 911 tapes because he did not want to “further this man’s propaganda.' ” . . .

Feminists Upset That Physical Standards For Marines Are Too Tough for Women

Once again, liberals breed mediocrity in everything they touch. Every professional force that stands between us and those who would do us harm is made inept by liberal social engineering. TD

Truth Revolt

"Radical feminists rejoiced with shouts of equality when all combat jobs were opened to women last December. Yet, now they're finding it frustrating that the physical standards to be a Marine are just too dang hard for women.
"Kathleen Wong writes about this at, charging that the physical requirements "overwhelmingly weed out women:"
[T]he United States Marine Corps established a new set of physical standards designed to weed out anyone who isn't physically up to par for such a position.
The Marines, which voiced the loudest objections to Defense Secretary Ash Carter's decision, put into place a new plan designed to be more inclusive.
But instead of leveling the playing field, the new standards have generated some shockingly disparate results: Of the recruits who took the test, 86% of the women failed compared to 3% of men.

AMERICA'S REAL RACISTS; David Horowitz's "Progressive Racism" exposes them -- and names them.


"It's unlikely that you've ever heard of the late Oseola McCarty (1908-99), but David Horowitz will never forget her—nor how her life story served as a testament to the limitless possibilities that are open to all Americans, regardless of race, if they will simply refuse to view themselves as helpless victims of circumstance. McCarty was a black, uneducated, hardworking, longtime cleaning woman from Mississippi, and Horowitz reflects upon her in his new book, Progressive Racism. The author cites McCarty as a flesh-and-blood refutation of the progressive article-of-faith which maintains that because “America is saturated with racism and oppression,” nonwhite minorities “cannot compete unless the system is rigged in their favor.” “A black woman living in the most racist and poorest state in the union (almost half her life under segregation),” writes Horowitz, was able to earn, from her modest wages, “enough money washing other people's clothes to save $150,000 and give it away”—to a student scholarship program at the University of Southern Mississippi. “If Oseola McCarty can do that, what American black or white cannot?' ” . . .