Tuesday, October 4, 2016

The U.S. isn’t one of the top 10 most free countries in the world, study says

Rick Moran:  US falls out of top 10 'most free' nations
"America's transformation continues under President Obama and the only question is what exactly we are transforming into.
"A nation that is poorer, less respected, weakened abroad and divided at home."  . . .

McClatchyDC via Drudge.
"The U.S. was ranked highly in all categories except safety and security, where it has dropped to number 33. In fact, in the study’s key findings, it said the U.S. is “an increasingly dangerous place.' ”

  "With costly healthcare, a stereotype of obesity and a culture of creatively fatty foods, “healthy” probably isn’t the first word that comes to mind when you think of the United States.

Monday, October 3, 2016

How To Handle People Who Betray You

Betrayal is an inversion of love, and perhaps its greatest perversion. What, then, to do with a traitor? What he will not do for you.
How To Handle People Who Betray You

The Federalist  . . . "What should our response be, then, when we’re betrayed? How do we keep from allowing the pain to rob us of our ability to love and to trust? The only answer, I believe, is to forgive. Even if the traitor doesn’t ask for our forgiveness, it is the greatest gift we can give ourselves: “Mercy is twice blest; It blesseth him that gives and him that receives.” If we don’t show mercy and forgiveness, bitterness can take hold, and we’ll risk losing our capacity to love.

"One of the most beautiful scenes in literature is when Aslan forgives Edmund. Trembling with shame and still unaware of the extent of his crime and the damage he had done, Edmund humbled himself before his family. They forgave him, and most importantly, Aslan forgave him. Then, in the ultimate act of love, Aslan went alone to the Stone Table, where he died a terrible death to pay for Edmund’s crime of treachery.
“ 'There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends,” John writes. Do you see how this is the opposite of betrayal? This is what love looks like. This is how you treat a friend. It’s putting another’s life and needs before yourself, your own pride, your own petty jealousies, and even your own fears." . . .


"A movement based on race-hatred gets the thumbs up from the government, the media and the culture-at-large."

Matthew Vadum

"Black racism is getting worse in America because it is being validated, endorsed, and legitimized like never before.
"And it’s not just Barack Obama doing this.
"This race-based hatred is promoted by America-hating currency speculator George Soros who has been funding the racist, violent Black Lives Matter movement for years.
"Instead of urging crime-fighting, Chris Stone, president of Open Society Foundations, supports disarming the police, a move that would make things worse and leave society at the mercy of criminals.
"Black criminals aren’t to blame for rising crime rates because trigger-happy cops are on a killing spree in the U.S., he writes. “Those who kill innocents rarely do so sadistically. There are always excuses and explanations, stretching notions of self-defense, exaggerating threats, claiming mistaken identities.”
"Although the U.S. is the least racist nation on the face of the earth there is a discernible shift underway. Too many black Americans and their radical non-black allies feel comfortable routinely spewing anti-white sentiments in public. Their crude, sometimes genocidal statements are becoming increasingly mainstream in the Obama era." . . .

The FBI’s Defense of How the Clinton Interview Was Conducted Is Full of Holes

The Bureau was clearly hamstrung by the Obama administration’s goal of avoiding prosecution.
R.J. Matson / Roll Call

Image result for andrew c. mccarthy Andrew C. McCarthy  . . . "I genuinely hate this case. I don’t mind disagreeing with the Bureau, a not infrequent occurrence in my former career. But I am hardwired to presume the FBI’s integrity. Thus, no matter how much irregularities in the Clinton investigation have rankled me, I’ve chalked them up to the Bureau’s being hamstrung. There was no chance on God’s green earth that President Obama and his Justice Department were ever going to permit an indictment of Hillary Clinton. Jim Comey says he didn’t make his final decision to recommend against prosecution until after Mrs. Clinton was interviewed at the end of the investigation, and that he did not coordinate that decision with his Obama-administration superiors. If he says so, that’s good enough for me. But it doesn’t mean the director made his decision detached from the dismal reality of the situation." . . .

Andrew C. McCarthy is a senior policy fellow at the National Review Institute and a contributing editor of National Review. He is a former assistant U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, and led the 1995 terrorism prosecution against Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman and eleven others."

American Silliness, Oct 3, 2016

Red GuardsStudents Report Profs to Bias Response Team For Voicing Conservative Views  "In one case, a professor stated they believed there are only two genders and did not want to use pronouns such as Ze and Zir. In the second case, a professor said he believed children deserved to be raised by a mother and father, a statement that — after it was reported to campus administrators — prompted the department chair to have a “conversation with the faculty member about the incident,” a campus spokesperson told The College Fix.

Bored Leftists Arguing Over Whether Wonder Woman Was A Bisexual   Good grief.

Kansas University Conservatives Accused Of ‘Violence’ For Using Terms ‘Illegal’ And ‘Black’…  "Via Campus Reform:

University of Kansas leftists shouted down yet another meeting for a potential Young Americans for Freedom chapter, accusing the conservative students of attacking and inciting violence with their ideology.
Students walk out of retired U.S. Army Lt. Colonel Allen West's speech to protest his use of term ‘radical Islam’  "In response, West wrote an article saying he had been “censored,” called modern college students who seek safe spaces “little cupcakes,” and added:" . . .

Pentagon will now pay for transgender soldiers to have gender reassignment surgery - but retirees and family of service members are not covered  . . . " 'I think this is a gross misuse of military medical dollars,' Ron Crews, executive director of the Chaplain Alliance for Religious Liberty added. He also complains that military personnel are also getting transgender education which he claims takes up valuable time."

Clerk Asked To Fill Balloons For Cop’s Memorial, Has Infuriating Response

Driving Miss Machado

Awkward: Sanders-Clinton joint appearance canceled in wake of Hillary insulting Sanders supporters as basement dwellers

Thomas Lifson  . . . "Sanders, basking in newfound post-campaign fame and wealth (he just bought his third house for more money than his reported net worth on Senate disclosure forms), has done an awkward shuffle.  He recognizes that the Clintons have all the power in the Democratic Party, for they just kicked his butt despite obvious enthusiasm and support.

"He is trying to have it both ways.
1. “I agree with her
. . . 
2. “Of course” it bothers me
. . . 
"So rather than sort it out onstage in a joint appearance, they are hoping their friends in the media will ignore the story and it will fade from memory."  

It Finally Happened: Politics Has Ruined Everything Fun

 Image result for movie actors political activism cartoons

Peggy Ryan  "Not that long ago, I could get away from the dystopian news environment and relax.  I'd spend my weekends at the movies, chatting with friends over a latte or watching football on my oversized 4K TV, all things that bring a smile, take me away – just good old-fashioned fun.  But one after another, these treasured pastimes have become something else – a reminder of the dark times we live in, another forum for angry political discourse.  In their zeal to control every aspect of our lives, liberal activists have left no stone unturned."

. . . "Will Mickey Mouse boycott his own Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party to make a statement for PETA on rodent rights?  I mean, the trap thing is pretty barbaric. 
"My worst nightmare is that Cinderella, Belle, Elsa, and other princesses could show up in pantsuits, no makeup or jewelry, and unwashed, limp hair, to show that princesses don't have to be dressed in elegant, sparkling gowns or be ethereal to play the part." . . . 

I hate to tell this author, but a recent Disney series has a teen-age bad girl whose last name is 

From 2008: “Law & Order” Quota: Show’s Producer Mandates 83% of Criminals Must Be White Rich People  . . . "My late father always hated when my mother would put “Law & Order” or one of its spin-offs on the TV. In addition to being a show that frequently vilifies Jews and conservative causes and people–such as evangelical Christians, pro-lifers, and the Minutemen–it mostly elevated Muslims and left-wingers, portraying them as victims and those wrongfully accused of crimes." . . .
Debbie Schlussel.

Image result for movie actors political activism cartoons

Sunday, October 2, 2016

"BOOM: Store Owner Cans NFL Star’s Event Over Anthem Protest" – You Should Love These Two Stories!

Clash Daily   "Sports memorabilia stores RELY on autograph signing events for business and sales. What happens when the athlete scheduled to come dishonors himself, or your country?
"Some might compromise, or explain away that the event has already been scheduled, and can’t be changed. Not Steven Kurtis Martin.
"He was scheduled to have Brandon Marshall (Broncos) come in for autographs. That was before he became a Kaepernick Klone." . . .
Then he heard the story of his grandfather at Bataan in 1940...

. . . "He was thrown into the hull of a cargo ship called the Taga Maru where he was sandwiched with hundreds of other soldiers without room to even lie down while being hauled to Japan where he was a POW for 3 1/2 years. He was saturated in human sweat, urine and fecal matter for weeks in plus 100 degree heat without food, water or medical care and to this store owner that story is a better use of the word “deplorable”.
"I was at this man’s funeral. I saw the American Flag draped over his coffin. I was there when that folded American Flag was handed to his wife, Mary Ellen Porwoll. I heard that 21 gun salute.
This store owner believes that the simple act of standing during our national anthem is a noble and responsible gesture that salutes our nation and the military that protects it. Now I want to stand up and hear the voice of the American Flag and I need your help.
"I am asking for photos of your loved ones that are veterans, in active service, who have been injured in the line of duty or who have paid the ultimate price. I will post these photos on my store front windows under the banner, “These people have sacrificed for the ideas represented by our flag. We honor them”. . .

Teen Told ‘He’d NEVER Stand Again’ – Then The Nat’l Anthem Started Playing  "Is there a polar opposite to the Kaepernick sideshow? Yes! THIS guy!
"The ‘I won’t stand for the anthem’ story is wearing thin. People who live in America, even though they could afford to live elsewhere are choosing to stay. Because it’s better here." . . .

How Christians can transform the world

Image result for gaia artwork
Mother Earth
Jason & David Benham  "Today, America is not changing from Christian to secular, but from secular to pagan.
"So what are we as Christians supposed to do? How can we live in such a way that we transform the world instead of simply conforming to it?
"First, we can’t forget our history. The early church didn’t have individual liberty in the first through third centuries, and the Romans certainly weren’t bastions of family values. Yet faithful believers flipped the entire Roman world right-side up in 300 years – and they didn’t even have Facebook, Instagram, mega buildings, book deals or cell phones!
"So how did they do it? Well, it wasn’t what they did but who they were that brought the world to Jesus and ultimately birthed an era of freedom that we enjoy today.
"Christians in the early church were called followers of the “Way.” It was the way they lived and went about their daily lives that marked them as distinct and separate from all others. It wasn’t conferences or concerts but a community of believers living in a way that literally blew peoples’ minds and created an appetite in them for the Savior.
"But the Roman Empire tried to stomp them out of existence. Christians refused to worship the emperor because they bowed to another King, whose name was Jesus. Nero, Trajan, Marcus Aurelius and other rulers used force against the faithful, but nothing they did could stop the advancement of the church.
"The same is true today. Before He returns, Jesus will build His church, the devil will make war on the church, and yet the gates of hell will not prevail against the church (Matthew 16:18)." . . .

Tough As Nails Black Leader Shuts Down Hillary With ONE Epic Word

Rebecca Diserio  "Brunell Donald-Kyei is a black attorney and former Democrat, who works and lives in Chicago and also happens to be as tough as nails. After voting for Barack Obama twice, she is sick and tired of broken promises. Now, after stepping up and being named Diversity Outreach vice-chair for Donald Trump, Brunell had something to say to Hillary Clinton, shutting down the Democratic candidate with just one word." . . .

’m a lifelong Democrat. I’ve always voted Democrat. I voted for our president two times, Mr. Barack Obama,” she said. “You know, I believed in him when he said, ‘Yes, we can,’ and ‘You know there’s hope. We can do it together,’ and here it is eight years later; nothing happened.” [via Breibart]
Then, she turned on the liberal media and really blasted their bias for Hillary and the Democrats saying, “Imagine if, during slavery, and during the civil rights movement, and during the times when our country, the Framers were coming about, thinking they were going to make our country free. Imagine if the journalists only told one side of the story. We would still be slaves. Black people would still be slaves, if journalists, if people were not neutral and didn’t just tell the news the way it was.”
However, probably Brunell’s most compelling statement is something all Americans need to consider before they go and vote in November. She told Breitbart:
 " . . .And so I got on the Trump Train immediately, and began supporting Donald Trump.”

James Lovelock on Climate Prediction: “I’ve grown up a bit since then.”

Guest essay by Eric Worrall

A 2005 photograph of James Lovelock, scientist and author best known for the Gaia hypothesis.
A 2005 photograph of James Lovelock, scientist and author 
best known  for the Gaia hypothesis.

"James Lovelock, inventor of the Gaia hypothesis which underpins much of modern environmentalism, now thinks global warming is a religion. He also points out Singapore, one of the warmest cities in the world, is also one of the most desirable places to live.
. . . 
"What I find most remarkable is that The Guardian is giving airtime to this climate heresy. Perhaps they are testing the water, to see how readers react.
"After all, it is obvious to anyone remotely objective that the green religion is dying. It won’t take too many more South Australia style renewable energy disasters to completely finish what remains of the credibility of the green movement."