Tuesday, January 24, 2017

In 2009, media drooled over Obama. To Trump they bare their teeth.

Flustered Todd Snaps at Conway Over Media Bias  . . . "Todd’s self-righteous indignation for the truth is humorous if you examine his record. When Congressman John Lewis claimed Trump was an illegitimate president Todd didn’t push back, instead, he played along asking “what should be done.” He has even been called out on his own show, by a colleague, for picking sides in the election. And let’s not forget that he failed to disclose to his viewers that his wife’s political strategy firm received $1.992 million dollars from the Bernie Sanders campaign." . . . 

Trump Dark Speech
Tony Branco
The Hill   "January of 2009, Obama’s Inauguration:
"Michael D. Shear at the Washington Post wrote: “A city that had braced for record-breaking attendance swelled with visitors who would… nearly double its population. Before dawn yesterday, more than 1 million people began streaming into the city to bear witness to the event, brushing aside the frigid temperatures and travel problems… Obama looked out at a sea of admirers….”
"Peter Baker at the New York Times had an equally flattering portrayal: “The vast crowd that thronged the Mall on a frigid but bright winter day was the largest to attend an inauguration in decades, if not ever.” 

"January of 2017, Trump’s Inauguration: 
"Fast forward eight years later, and here is what Shear and Baker wrote jointly in the pages of the New York Times: “Sporadic violence broke out as demonstrators smashed shop windows and burned a limousine, while police officers in riot helmets responded with tear gas. More than 200 people were arrested.”
"In other words, while Obama’s inauguration was “record-breaking” and full of “admirers,” Trump’s was filled with “(s)poradic violence” and “smashed shop windows.”
"The media at large followed in lockstep in their dishonest portrayal, shouting from the rooftops the same words being used by the likes of Democratic senators." 
Uniquely dark.”  Angry” and “grim-faced.”Ugly echoes” with anti-Semitic overtones.  
"These were but a few of the “unbiased” media’s recaps of Trump’s inaugural address." . . . 

Political Cartoons by Mike Lester

These cartoons sum it all up for me.


Earl of Taint cartoon  "The judges have narrowed the list of celebrity entries from literally hundreds of hopeful applicants down to these 6 finalists. Vote by number for your favorite (click pic for full size):  
  1. Ashley Judd.
  2. Madonna.
  3. Cher.
  4. Michael Moore.
  5. Scarlett Johansson.
  6. Amy Schumer.

Political Cartoons by Chip Bok

Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel

Keystone and Dakota Access pipelines are coming back as Trump plans executive orders reviving controversial projects Obama stalled

UK Daily Mail

The company behind the Dakota Access pipeline wants to bring the oil all the way down to a refinery in Illinois

"President Donald Trump will sign orders Tuesday to advance the construction of the Keystone XL and Dakota Access oil pipelines, a pair of projects that were blocked by the Obama administration due in part to environmental protests.

"Trump is to sign the orders Tuesday, according to a person with knowledge of the decision. The move is expected to be cheered by Republicans and some union groups who backed the projects.

"Former President Barack Obama stopped the proposed Keystone XL pipeline in late 2015, declaring it would have undercut U.S. efforts to clinch a global climate change deal that was a centerpiece of his environmental legacy. 

"But Trump has indicated that he has no intention of maintaining his predecessor's global warming policy. He said in an October speech that as president he would 'lift the Obama-Clinton roadblocks and allow vital energy infrastructure projects, like the Keystone Pipeline, to move forward.' ". . . 

Revealed yesterday: The Muslim Brotherhood lost a good friend when Obama left office and gained a formidable opponent with Trump

Thomas Lifson  "Yesterday saw a stunning contrast as it was revealed that the outgoing Barack Obama funded Palestinians as almost his last act in office, while Donald Trump’s first full workday saw him call Egypt’s President Al-Sisi to offer support in his battle against the Muslim Brotherhood, the Ikhwan, which seeks his overthrow.

"It’s all about the Muslim Brotherhood, that octopus of Islamic supremacist jihad that seeks to use all methods -- legal, violent, or deceptive – to advance the goal of a world ruled by Islam.
"Former President Obama’s last few hours in office saw him override a Congressional “hold” placed on $221 million funding for the Palestinians, whose goal remains the destruction of Israel in line with the Muslim Brotherhood’s strategy. Matthew Lee and Rick Lardner broke the story for the AP:" . . .

Obama Gave Palestinians $200 Million Present In Last Hours Of Presidency

Daily Caller

A Gaza Arab steps on a U.S. flag during a protest against the visit of U.S. President Barack Obama, in Gaza City March 20, 2013. Oh, wait; maybe this is a liberal in Washington DC. The photos are interchangeable, you know.

"Former President Barack Obama authorized a $221 million payment to the Palestinian Authority in the very last hours of his presidency, despite opposition from within the Republican-controlled Congress.

"Obama’s White House and Department of State notified Congress on the early hours of inauguration day, the Associated Press learned. The funds were reportedly appropriated as part of the larger foreign affairs budget, but were held up by Republicans.

"The last minute move fits within other actions taken by the Obama administration in the last weeks of their tenure. Obama also refused to veto a United Nations resolution condemning Israel for settlement building activity, an act which President Trump immediately denounced.

"Former U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry similarly admonished Israel in a parting shot, declaring that a two state solution was the only possible path forward to peace." . . .

American Silliness: Jan. 24, 2017 Updated.

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, text
Updated, 1/25

Update: Buffoons March for Free Condoms While Yazidi Girls Burn Alive

"If you can bear this horrific testimony, listen to the real war on women ignored by leftist women.
“ 'Because we are not Muslims, and because our path is the path of peace… we are being burned alive,” Mirza Ismail, chairman of the Yezidi Human Rights Organization-International, told members of the House Subcommittee on Africa, Global Health, Global Human Rights, and International Organizations, CNS News reported."   Video here.

Moonbats Fret How “Genital-Based Feminism Isolated The Transgender Community” At Women’s March…   "You can’t make this stuff up."

"The Oscar-nominated actor was an advocate for Hillary Clinton during the campaign. He was famously featured in a campaign ad for Clinton claiming she was “the most interesting woman in the world.' ”  I'm sure this didn't help him much either.

Signs-of-Madness: A look at the #WomensMarch
Question: How many speakers at Tea Party events threatened to bomb the Obama White House?AnswerZero.
Women Marchers Desecrate Daughters of the American Revolution Memorial   Video

Chelsea Handler on Why She Won’t Have Melania Trump On Her Show: ‘She Can Barely Speak English’  Politics is cool?

. . . " 'Exactly what I think about him as the first man,” Handler said. “Nothing. I don’t respect either one of those people.' ”

"The worst of the American left was on unhinged display for all the world to see."  
. . . "Most of this energy is concentrated on keeping the “right” to kill children in the womb. Tellingly, pro-life women were excluded from the march. When it initially looked like pro-life groups were going to be allowed to participate, the radical pro-abortionists went ballistic. Declaring that the killing of children in the womb is “central” to feminism, Jessica Valenti was “horrified” that pro-life women were going to be allowed to march with what she must deem as “real feminists.' ” . . .

Read it; I dare you: Donald Trump, American hero

"Sinner though he may be, Donald Trump is this generation's incarnation of John Bunyan's pilgrim, writes David P. Goldman. Like a character from Sinclair Lewis or Frank Capra, he stands as a lone wolf ready to avenge the injustices of globalization"
The protagonists of American popular culture are outsiders with scant patience for authority. The Western heroes invented by Zane Grey and Louis L’Amour and portrayed by William S. Hart or John Wayne, and their urban cousins – the private detectives of Dashiell Hammett and Raymond Chandler – play loose with the law and play dirty with the opposition, but they have an inviolable inner code. They don’t betray their friends and they don’t exploit the weak. They don’t aspire to entry into the elites, and they don’t apologize for their vulgarity. They come in comic form, for example Huckleberry Finn, or nastily serious, like William Munny in Clint Eastwood’s Unforgiven, or a bit of both in Hammett’s wise-cracking angel of vengeance, the Continental Op." . . .
. . . A three-star general who won’t be bullied by his superiors into lying for political reasons is a moral and intellectual giant next to the mandarins of the Central Intelligence Agency, who got virtually everything wrong during the past twenty years. Give Gen. Flynn time to settle into his job. He has brought some very bright people into senior staff positions, and in my prediction will be far more effective than Condoleezza Rice during the Bush 43 administration – not to mention the miserable Susan Rice, whose appointment as National Security Advisor was a bad joke." . . . 

Monday, January 23, 2017

Oops: Violent Democrat Rioters Torch Muslim Immigrant’s Limo During Inauguration Tantrum

Jammie Wearing Fools  "Not that these savages actually give a rat’s ass about Muslim immigrants, but let’s just ponder the reaction if this happened during a Tea Party gathering:
dcriotMuhammad Ashraf, the owner of Nationwide Chauffeur Services, spoke with the Washington Examiner’s sister publication, Red Alert Politics, about what happened:
In an exclusive interview with Red Alert Politics, Ashraf said he wasn’t a supporter of Donald Trump during his campaign, but Friday’s protests were completely counter-productive.
“I have a different point of view,” Ashraf told Red Alert. “I did not agree with many of the things he said, but that still does not give me the right to go and affect someone’s livelihood.”
Ashraf noted that the Women’s March on Washington and in other cities around the country was a model for how to peacefully protest.
“I really don’t think we need to take this [violent] route.”
Ashraf’s employee, Luis Villarroel, 58, was dropping a client off at their destination when things turned ugly. Protesters smashed doors and windows in the vicinity, but then turned their attention to Villarroel and the limo. People began pounding on the car and started throwing stones and bricks in his direction. The driver ended up going to the hospital for cuts on his hands and arms from glass being shattered by thrown projectiles. […]
“[We’ve] been in business for over 25 years and this is the first time this has happened,” Ashraf said.
"Now he’s stuck with the tab and medical bills for the driveer. He should send the bill to the guy funding the riots."

UPDATED, Jan 24th: Anti-Trump thug-ette (Now pictured) sets Trump supporter's hair on fire.

“Love Trumps hate”, friends of the arsonist chanted 

Image result for protester sets girls hair on fire

"What do you call someone who chants “Love trumps hate” and then sets a Trump supporter’s hair on fire with a lighter? No, seriously. The woman who did what you’re about to see, what’s she called? I want to know her name."
"The woman in the blue hat, behind the one in yellow. She’s still holding the lighter a few seconds later as she’s waving her fist. Here she is:"


"Love trumps hate!", they chanted

Rabbi Marvin Hier On His Experience At President Trump’s Inauguration / What damaged US-Israel Relations

Senior Israeli Diplomat Dore Gold Says Obama’s Arrogance Hurt Relationship With Israel  Always the petulant, vindictive juvenile.

Senior Israeli Diplomat Dore Gold Says Obama’s Arrogance Hurt Relationship W/Israel

"Now that Obama has been replaced by Donald Trump, those who served in the Israeli government can start to unburden themselves about the anti-Israel Obama administration that left office last week. The first to speak out was Dr. Dore Gold, former Israeli ambassador to the United Nations, former Director-General of the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs and advisor to Prime Ministers Ariel Sharon and Benjamin Netanyahu.
"On Friday, Israeli Newspaper Makor Rishon (First Source) published an interview with Gold who spoke about the incredible arrogance of Barack Obama, who along with saying the wrong thing at the wrong time, thought he knew more about what Israel and the Palestinians needed than Israel and the Palestinians knew themselves." . . .
"Suddenly there was a phone call from Air Force One which along with the crew carried President Barack Obama, former President Bill Clinton, and Secretary of State [never will be president] John Kerry."Yoav Horowitz, Netanyahu’s chief of staff, answered the phone . . . “Tell your boss that if he wants a funeral like Peres’, he should begin to move, to go forward.” the American voice on the other end said. Horowitz passed on the message immediately. “Tell him,” Netanyahu responded, “that I give up the honor, because I have no intention of participating in the funeral of my country.' ” 
An Instant Thaw?  "President Trump is fond of saying of almost any problem he identifies “this stops right now.” Unfortunately, many of the problems in question are not so tractable.
"But there’s one problem Trump has stopped already — the bad blood between the U.S. and its great ally Israel.
"The Washington Post reports that the president talked by phone today with Israel’s prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Trump described the conversation as “very nice.” Netanyahu’s office called it “very warm.”
It was Barack Obama who struggled to identify our friends. Or maybe, Groucho Marx style, he couldn’t form a bond with any nation that had a high regard for ours.


Image result for angry elizabeth warren cartoons

Power Line Blog  "Elizabeth Warren is doing her damnedest to become a liberal hero. Her obnoxiousness during Senate confirmation hearings is only the latest example.

"One might expect that, however this act is viewed in America as a whole, it plays well in liberal Massachusetts. Actually, not so much.
A poll by WBUR in Boston finds that 51 percent of Massachusetts voters view her favorably. That’s not bad. At the same time, though, 44 percent believe that “it’s time to give someone else a chance.”
As Steve Koczela, president of the polling group that conducts surveys for WBUR, says:
No one’s going to look at a 44 percent reelect number and think that that’s a good number. No one’s going to look at it being close to even between ‘reelect’ and ‘give someone else a chance’ and think that that’s reassuring.
. . . "What explains the lukewarm sentiment towards Warren? America Rising suggests that it may be due to the Senator’s excessive partisanship." . . .

Image result for angry elizabeth warren cartoons

Obama’s Final Whopper as President

John Fund, NRO
He claimed that other countries don’t have voter-ID laws, though many do.
"President Obama is known for telling some whoppers — “If you like your health-care plan, you can keep it” is perhaps the most infamous – so it shouldn’t surprise anyone that he told a final one as president right before leaving office last week. 

"At his final press conference, Obama promised that he would continue to fight voter-ID laws and other measures designed to improve voting integrity. The U.S. is “the only country among advanced democracies that makes it harder to vote,” he claimed. “It traces directly back to Jim Crow and the legacy of slavery, and it became sort of acceptable to restrict the franchise. . . . This whole notion of election-voting fraud, this is something that has constantly been disproved. This is fake news.” 

"The argument over whether or not there is voter fraud will rage on, in part because the Obama administration has spent eight years blocking states from gaining access to federal lists of non-citizen and other possibly illegal voters. Even so, there is abundant evidence that voter fraud is easy to commit. The Heritage Foundation’s website contains hundreds of recent examples of people convicted of stealing votes." . . .
 President Obama says the effort to ensure ballot integrity “traces directly back to Jim Crow and the legacy of slavery.” This is idiotic.
A bit of irony: ID's required to attend NAACP rally to protest voter ID requirements