Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Trump Effect? Poll Shows CNN Brand Plummeting

Daily Caller  "CNN’s brand has continued to struggle.
"CNN, which President Trump has referred to as the “Clinton News Network,” now trails both MSNBC and Fox News in brand perception, according to findings from YouGov. Both MSNBC and CNN have fallen far behind Fox News in recent months." . . .

“ 'CNN’s negative acceleration point happened in mid-October 2016, around the time Anderson Cooper interviewed Melania Trump, notably discussing her husband’s famous ‘Access Hollywood’ tape,” YouGov’s Ted Marzilli notes.

“ 'Also at that time, a local North Carolina Republican office was firebombed, causing conservative-leaning media to pounce on CNN for suggesting Trump’s rhetoric spurred the incident.”

"He concludes: “The big picture — going back to early 2016 — shows the possible toll particular news events, and being the recipient of incessant Trump bashing, may have taken on CNN.' ”   Read more

How's this for CNN bias?  CNN Reporter Asks Obama: Are GOP Candidates "Uninformed, Out Of Touch, Or Irresponsible?"  Video
" 'Last night at the Republican debate, some of the hopefuls, they hope to get your job, they defended the practice of waterboarding which is a practice you banned in 2009. Herman Cain said, quote, 'I don't see that as torture.' Michele Bachmann said that it's, quote, 'very effective.' So I'm wondering if you think that they're uninformed, out of touch, or irresponsible?" CNN's White House correspondent Dan Lothian asked President Obama in Hawaii." . . . Dan Lothian, journalism at it's finest.

Naturally Lothian gets the old "that's not who we are" response.

Some unhappy faces over the Trump speech Tuesday

From Tuesday: Maxine Waters will boycott Trump’s speech as Nancy Pelosi vows Democrats won’t be ‘out-classed’  . . . "Waters was one of nearly 70 elected Democrats who chose to boycott Trump’s inauguration. Some Democrats claimed they had other things to do that day, but most, including Waters, said their refusal to attend was about resistance to Trump. Waters began talking about President Trump’s impeachment even before he was inaugurated and hasn’t stopped since." . . .
"The Hill reports that Waters’ office confirmed she would not attend the speech but denied she was encouraging others not to do so. So far, she appears to be the only Democrat planning to boycott though Rep. John Lewis told the Atlanta Journal-Constitution today, “I don’t know what I’m going to do right at this moment.” Rep. Eliot Engel announced today that he will attend the speech but, for the first time in 29 years, he will not stand near the aisle to shake the President’s hand as he enters the chamber:" . . .

U.S. President Donald Trump addresses Joint Session of Congress - Washington, U.S. - 28/02/17 - Audience members listen as U.S. President Donald Trump addresses the U.S. Congress. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst

"Democrats refused to stand and applaud multiple times during President Donald Trump’s hour-long Tuesday night address to Congress.
"A few things Trump spoke to Congress about included creating jobs for the country’s citizens, immigration reform, bolstering the military, lowering drug prices and returning power to the states.
"Democrats, in response, refused to react when Trump mentioned America and putting Americans back to work." . . .

Dedicated enemies of Mr. Trump: Democrats, and the news/ entertainment media. But I repeat myself.

Trump supporters around the country are under violent attack from black people, all the while MSNBC and others are trying to convince us the opposite is true  . . . "The latest comes from Kettering, Ohio, in the suburbs of Dayton. Over the weekend, a white kid walked out of sports bar where a dozen black people started taunting and harassing and threatening him about Donald Trump." . . .

The Art of Making the Right Enemies . . . Who are his enemies? 1) The media, who purvey “fake news”: A new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll shows that 53 percent of Americans think the media are “exaggerating the problems with the Trump administration because they are uncomfortable and threatened with the kind of change that Trump represents.” 2) China, which Trump says is stealing our jobs: 52 percent of Americans have an unfavorable opinion of China. 3) Globalists, a conspiratorial group he accuses of rigging the economy against workers: Polls show that most Americans agree with Trump’s economic plans. 4) The “establishment,” some shadowy cabal of insiders opposed to his administration: Polls show that 86 percent of Americans think “a small group in our nation’s capital has reaped the rewards of government while the people have borne the cost.” 5) Radical Islamic terrorists, who aren’t particularly popular in the United States. 6) Illegal immigrants, who share a similarly low approval rating. 7) And, of course, Democrats, who currently enjoy a -16 percent approval rating overall, as opposed to Trump’s -4 percent.

The left is happy to find outrage wherever they can imagine it

Some comments on the President's speech Tuesday

Five Minute Ovation for Trump but Pouty Democrats Sit on Their Butts (VIDEO)

AWFUL: Top Democrats Refuse To Stand, Clap For Navy SEAL Widow Honored By Trump  . . . "And House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) apparently sat there and didn’t cheer as the incredible moment progressed, along with Senator Bernie Sanders and others – see this video at approximately three minutes in, as the cameras pan the crowd. Look at the right hand side of this screenshot:" . . .

"That guy who worked for Hillary, Dan Grilo is getting hammered at twitter for calling the SEAL's crying widow an idiot:"

Van Jones...Van Jones of all people : "Trump 'became president' when he honored SEAL widow  . . . " 'And for people who had been hoping he would become unifying, hoping that he might find someway to become presidential, they should be happy with that moment," Jones said.
" 'For people who have been hoping that maybe he would remain a divisive cartoon, which he often finds a way to do, they should be a little bit worried tonight. Because that thing you just saw him do, if he finds a way to do that over and over again, he's going to be there for eight years.' "  Rick Moran

Chris Wallace: Donald Trump became the President of the United States tonight!
“I want to say this right, but I feel like tonight Donald Trump became the President of the United States. Yes of course he got it 35, 38, 40 days ago when he was sworn in. But so many Democrats didn’t recognize him.
I think tonight whether they agree with him or didn’t agree with him, he became the President of the United States and everyone is going to have to accept that fact.”

Chris Matthews: ‘Economic Nationalism’ Is Trump’s Winning Ticket,’ ‘A Winner Politically’
Above from Moretti Underground

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Battle Stations HMS Victory Documentary

HMS Victory  "HMS Victory is the Royal Navy's most famous warship. Best known for her role in the Battle of Trafalgar, the Victory currently has a dual role as the Flagship of the First Sea Lord and as a living museum to the Georgian Navy. The visitor experience onboard HMS Victory at Portsmouth Historic Dockyard as Nelson’s famous flagship from the Battle of Trafalgar is now brought alive with a hand-held audio guide for the first time in the ship’s history." . . .
. . . "HMS Victory was permanently saved for posterity in 1922 following a national appeal, and placed into dry dock at Portsmouth Historic Dockyard where she remains today. Visitors to Portsmouth Historic Dockyard can now trace the development of Britain’s technical maritime advancements. Maintaining a ship like Victory out of water presents huge challenges, but you can be sure that Victory will never lose her original charm and appeal." . . .

Where Admiral Nelson fell
Image result for spot on hms victory where nelson died

Where Nelson died

Victory now collapsing under her own weight  "Britain's most famous warship is at risk of collapsing under its own weight according to structural engineers.
"HMS Victory, Vice-Admiral Lord Nelson's flagship at the Battle of Trafalgar, needs 136 metal props fitted as the historic vessel's deck sinks towards its keel (a ship's backbone) by a fifth of an inch (0.5cm) each year.
"The ship is also slowly falling backwards, away from the bowsprit - HMS Victory's front end - and water is getting into the hull. " . . .

All this brings to mind a song....

FLASHBACK: Media Gushed Over Obama’s First Address to Congress

“ 'He took us to the mountain tops.” 
“ 'Big and bold.”    
“ 'He wowed us!” 
"No, these aren’t movie critic blurbs on a movie poster praising a star actor’s performance, these were the immediate reactions from the liberal media to President Barack Obama’s first address to Congress. Will Donald Trump’s speech tonight receive similar accolades? Given the press’s hostility to the new president, it seems unlikely."

Useful idiots being useful idiots; Is there any disgust in America over the actions of people in this party?

Pelosi pushes impeachment, says Trump supporters have bad judgment  . . . "Many of the President’s supporters are just not ready to accept the fact that their judgment might not have been so great in voting for him. And by the time the case is made, perhaps they’ll be ready to accept that. It’s very hard, impeachment. It’s very hard.' ” . . .

Tom Perez Compares Trump to Jim Crow and Know-Nothings  . . . "Perez, the ‘establishment’ candidate in a hotly contested DNC race, began a sprint to the left immediately following his victory. A day after he won the DNC election, Perez peddled the conspiracy theory that Russia and the Trump campaign “rigged” the 2016 presidential election."

Miguel Guanipa

Did Democrats Aid and Abet Terrorists Seeking American Secrets?  . . . "It seems self-evident how much potential destruction these people may have caused if they happened to be stealing our national secrets and selling them to various buyers in the Muslim world." . . .
Protesters Furious After Organizers Refuse To Shame Senator With Parkinson’s For Having Surgery… . . . "Some protesters disagreed, expressing their desire to kick Isakson while he is down.
“Pretty sure he doesn’t have a spine anyway,” one woman commented. “Yeah, that was ugly. I own it' .” . . .
Comeback Kid? Hillary Tells Dems: ‘I’ll be right there with you every step of the way’ . . . "It was chuckleworthy to hear Hillary echoing the Dem buzzword of the day, as she urged “resistance.” The very symbol of the establishment suddenly transformed into Leader of the Resistance. Right." . . .

"You probably have seen viral videos of the disruption of town halls held by Congressman Tom Reed.
"The media narrative is that there was an organic, grassroots uprising by concerned citizens.
"Don’t believe it. As detailed below, there was a well-organized national and local campaign to get activists to Reed’s town halls for the specific purpose of creating a protest environment. Instructions how to protest and what questions to ask were circulated. Though the town halls were in the western part of the district, liberal groups in Ithaca and Tompkins county organized protests and got their members there. Other liberal groups like Planned Parenthood also got their people out." . . .

"Dem Nutcase Running For Congress Worries Humans Will Weaponize The Moon"
One Of The ‘Day Without A Woman’ Organizers Is A Convicted Terrorist…
In 1970, she was convicted of being a part of a terrorist bombing in Israel that killed two students. She served just 10 years in prison before she decided to come on over to the U.S." . . .

I'll stop here, because after President Trump's speech tonight, there will be much more of this sort. TD

The Democrats are not done ruining the country: This is not your father’s Democrat Party

Israel National News  "This is really not your father’s Democratic Party. Joined at the hip, after last week’s roll call in Atlanta, are Tom Perez and Keith Ellison, two radicals chosen to lead the Party and the nation entirely leftward. Their constitution is not our Constitution and if they ever get in, prepare for an America favorable to Sharia law.  

"If at any time that crowd gets control of the White House, or Congress, forget Judeo/Christian values because they don’t like Christians and they don’t like Jews.

"We speak of Alan Dershowitz, of course, and many more like him. Can they really be so totally delusional and naïve?

"Standard-bearers for America and for Israel, is it time to panic? I think so, yes, and please don’t laugh.

"Yes I know that Trump is our President, which means we’re safe for now. Yes I know that the Democrats are outside looking in.

"But elections come and go and in a match race everything is possible.

Every election is a toss up and anything can happen, especially with millions of undocumented permanent tourists added to the polls.

"Even a foreigner, a man nobody knows, a man without credentials, a man sworn to convert the United States into a Socialist/Islamic Paradise, can become President.

"Barrack Hussein Obama was his name.

"So if a fluke like this can happen once, it can happen again, and there is nothing funny about this, but I do hear some Republicans chortling.

"Indeed, the Democratic Party lost tons of seats across the country, so now we hear some Conservative Republicans somewhat too confident and too self satisfied, as if it’s all over. No it isn’t.

"They’ll be back, these fanatical Progressives, invigorated by that scold Elizabeth Warren, and their plans are already in the works" . . .

Trump and the Russians

House Intelligence chairman says he hasn’t found evidence of Trump team’s ties to Russia 

"Congressional Republicans are divided over how aggressively to pursue the allegations that President Trump’s associates had contact with Russia, with some lawmakers calling for a full-scale look at the former national security adviser’s communication with Russia while others say there is no evidence of such contacts.
"House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) made clear that he was more interested in nefarious reports published in the news media than in alleged contacts between the Trump team and Russian officials, saying the focus of the House’s probe would be on information leaks — which he called “major crimes.' ” . . .

This title shows how to disseminate innuendo: Is There More to the Flynn Story?
. . . "For those who have been following such developments, the European media’s feeding frenzy regarding Donald Trump and his administration has made any but the most rabid U.S. news outlets look highly civilized by way of comparison. The British press has been a leader in that effort and anti-Trump demonstrations are both large and frequent in London and other cities. Hostility to Trump is consequently strong both within the British government and among the people, including motions in Parliament and petitions to ban the American president from Britain. '
. . .
"As for Hannigan, did the Trump White House discover what had occurred and did it back channel to British Prime Minister Theresa May demanding that someone’s head roll? Or did May learn of the maneuvering independently and respond appropriately? However it is playing out right now, someday the whole story almost certainly will be leaked and whatever contrivance or sequence of events enabled the attack on Flynn will become public. You can be sure of that." . . .

"EPIC – Erin Burnett Says Talking to Russians is “Treason” – Gottabe…
"Treason I say, T.R.E.A.S.O.N.  Oh, stop… my sides hurt.  I cannot stop laughing and I’ve watched this video more than a few times.
"CNN Dingbat Erin Burnett tries to tell former Attorney General Michael Mukasey that talking to the Russians about the election is a crime, “a crime”…  Actually, “Treason”, swear… gottabe.. or something.
"Oh, the look on Mukasey’s face is buckets of funny.  “What”? !!  The media have gone so deep inside their echo-chambered moonbattery, they’ve convinced themselves that talking to Russians is a criminal act." . . . 

The Rampant Incivility of the Left

Image result for leftists, hitler cartoons

Steve McCann  . . . "It is an admission that the Left knows it cannot compete in the larger arena of ideas.  They know the only means they have to accumulate power and win elections is by:

1) Destroying the opposition through vile personal attacks,

2) Organizing and pre-planning demonstrations to appear spontaneous,

3) Orchestrating occasional violence at marches to ensure media coverage,

4) Utilizing their allies in the mainstream media to propagate false and misleading stories, and

5) Accelerating the spread of outright socialist anti-American propaganda through their fellow travelers in the education and entertainment establishment. 

"These are, in fact, some of the same strategies utilized by the despots of recent history in their seizure of power.  If there is any group in the United States today that could be truthfully compared to the Fascists, it is the current iteration of the American Left.

"Recently a friend of mine in Israel, who as a child survived Auschwitz, passed away.  Last year we had a discussion about the worsening crisis in the Middle East and what it portends.  Among the points of conversation was the fact that mankind never learns one very important lesson from the past: a significant portion of the human race has an insatiable appetite for power and control and will do literally anything to achieve it.  The lessons of the 1930’s and 40’s will be lost in the mists of time if the people and events of those years continue to be diminished by exploiting them for meaningless political fodder and to vanquish one’s political foes as the contemptible Left, including Hollywood, is attempting to do today." . . .

President Trump's speech Tuesday

Widow of Murdered Police Officer Invited to Attend Trump’s Address to Congress
Courtesy of Lemons Photography, LLC A week from tomorrow President Trump will be addressing congress with an idea of his agenda and what he plans on doing for this nation. I have been invited to sit in on the address in D.C. in the House of Chambers. I'm completely honored and cannot wait to hear what our President has in store, especially for Law Enforcement. I encourage everyone to watch it live as it will be televised next Tuesday evening.
Rosie O’Donnell to Lead Anti-Trump Protest Outside White House  . . . "Among the list of left-wing organizations participating in Tuesday’s protest outside the White House in Washington’s Lafayette Park are the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and left-wing websites DailyKos and The event starts at 6pm EST and will stream live online."

Trump's Speech -- a Chance for a Do-Over
. . . "Trump is hardly the first politician who finds it more comforting to speak to his political base. But tonight’s speech—not officially called a State of the Union address, but that’s what it is—affords him the chance to try and broaden his audience. It’s delivered in the U.S. Capitol for a reason; members of Congress aren’t just a backdrop, they are the men and women who will vote on the president’s plans to reform Obamacare, change the tax code, spend money on highways and roads, rewrite trade deals he finds wanting, and keep the nation safe without completely turning off the spigot of immigration that has always been this country’s wellspring.
"Like it or not, the members of Congress who spring to their feet theatrically in partisan unity for some lines while sitting on their hands for others—that’s his audience now. He won the 2016 campaign, but 2017 is a time for governing. Here, too, President Trump can heed the wisdom of Emerson." . . .