Chicks On The Right
"If the Cult of Social Justice was 100% honest with what they wanted society to look like, they would be laughed out of town. The sad thing is, they know it. So, they have to resort to underhanded tactics to make their insane messages more palatable for the general populace – particularly kids.
"According to that sourcelink, there is a push from a radical social justice group in Australia to turn a program for schools meant to teach about “Respectful Relationships” into some insane brainwashing curriculum about social justice, gender theory, wealth redistribution, and any other insane leftist cause you care to name.
The ideologues in the state government prefer to replace traditional fairytales with a new PC form of fiction; radical gender theory.The Safe Schools and the Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships programs have wonderfully benevolent names and supposedly noble intentions but are nothing more than indoctrination by stealth.At best they are simplistic gibberish that distract schools from fulfilling their primary objective — the traditional three Rs of writing, reading and arithmetic — and at worst they are destructive programs that seek to brainwash young minds with contentious theories.