"A week-old crash on Interstate 95 in Orangeburg County will be memorialized. Yes, you read that correctly.
"On Sept. 15, a truck carrying chickens down I-95 near mile marker 91, which is about a mile south of the US 15 exit near Santee, crashed, spilling live and dead chickens on the side of the road.
"The dead chickens are where the memorial comes in. PETA is using the crash as an opportunity to remind folks to go vegan.
"The memorial billboard will feature a chicken next to the words "I'm ME, Not MEAT. See the Individual. Go Vegan."
" 'This devastating crash left countless birds mangled and suffering," PETA Executive Vice President Tracy Reiman said in a statement. "PETA's billboard will let travelers know that the best way to prevent such tragedies is to keep smart, sensitive chickens off the road in the first place by going vegan."
"The driver of the crash, meanwhile, was not injured."