"What you have witnessed with this story is the left’s effective use of the “stochastic terrorism” label. "
We need more fighters like Patton standing against leftist thugs |
Andrea Widburg "Superman had to deal with Bizarro World, a place in which everything is backward and evil is ascendant, and Andy Ngo has to contend with Portland, which pretty much seems to be the same. The latest travesty is that, after the judge heard Andy Ngo’s case against an Antifa activist whom Ngo filmed throwing a liquid at him and grabbing his phone, the judge not only gave the activist a pass, but the judge also scolded Ngo for daring to report Antifa activities.
"Most people who followed Antifa’s activities in Portland, whether leftists or conservatives, are familiar with Andy Ngo. At great risk to himself, he reported what the Antifa gang was doing, whether silencing conservative speech, going to war against the city, state, and federal government in Portland, or physically attacking conservatives, including Ngo himself. In every case, Ngo has always had the video to prove that these attacks were real.". . .
Portland bullies at a previous incident:
Portland is a form of Bizarro World, but we’ve seen from the 2024 election results that the younger generation has bought into leftist theology hook, line, and sinker. Expect to see what happened there extend to other jurisdictions.