Saturday, July 15, 2023

Biden's expiration date was long ago.

 Yet they had to wait till he had surrendered in Afghanistan!

Joe Scarborough says Biden ‘is so sharp’ and even wife Mika Brzezinski has a hard time with it -Thomas Lifson   "Although the video clip below from Grabien goes on and on for almost 4 minutes, the first minute will give you the gist if you’ve just eaten or have a weak stomach. For reasons unknown to me, former Republican Congressman Joe Scarborough, now turned into a fervent Democrat apologist as host of MSNBC’s Morning Joe, stakes his credibility on the notion that President Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. is actually not a dementia-ridden husk of his former self, but is actually “so sharp.”

Joe Biden ‘Nibbled’ Again, Violating a Terrified Toddler - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics   . . ."So why aren’t parents trusting their child’s instincts when an adult, who otherwise bears no relationship to the child, acts inappropriately toward him or her? And why does the mother, who is clearly holding the child in her arms, ignore Biden’s behavior? 
"Senility and presidential power don’t excuse Biden’s behavior. If he’s truly senile, extra caution should be taken around children, who are too young to understand the situation around them. If he’s the president, the standard of behavior should be higher, especially with the most vulnerable: children.
"A child squirming away from a stranger kissing him or her sends a signal to mom and dad. Leftist parents are missing the message and enabling a pervert because he shares their politics. It needs to stop."

The most disturbing Biden weirdness yet - Thomas Lifson    . . ."I could not hold Harris in lower regard, yet I think she is preferable in the Oval Office to this husk of a man whose expiration date obviously has passed. Given the rate of Biden’s decline, it can only get worse, and it will do so at an accelerating pace.

"It’s time to badger Biden’s cabinet with demands that they invoke the 25th and spare the  nation the risk it faces. She could not be worse than Biden, and most likely, the same puppet  masters would be guiding her.

"And being frank, The Democrats ought to be stuck with her as the incumbent candidate when they proceed with their nominating process.  I acknowledge the peril a President Harris would involve, but at this point it is a lesser evil. "  

 Baby Gains The Powers Of An Old Man After Being Bitten By Biden |From the Parodigal son, Babylon Bee  HELSINKI — A young Finnish child was suddenly imbued with the incredible powers of advanced age and dementia Thursday after being bitten by a stray American president. Her DNA forever changed; the adorable one-year-old has since transformed into Old Baby, a defender of children everywhere.

" 'Old Baby's powers are beyond that of mere mortals," wrote Oliver Laine, a spunky news reporter for Helsinki Times. "Her forgetfulness and incontinence know no bounds!' ". . .

Friday, July 14, 2023

You Won't (???) Believe What Disney Is Doing to Snow White

 – PJ Media

"Disney is making a live-action version of Snow White, because of course they are, and the movie looks even worse and more woke than even my jaded self could have imagined because management has not yet finished relieving itself on the quality content produced in bygone eras.

"The corpse of Walt Disney could not be reached for comment due to spinning so hard that it was last seen digging its way deep into the Earth’s mantle.

"For only the third time in VodkaPundit’s 21-year history, I find myself with almost nothing to say other than, “I literally can’t even.” The first time was maybe a year ago.

"But do notice that I wrote “almost nothing,” because, please, just look at this:

Make no mistake: The Biden administration is laughing at us.

 CALLAHAN: The White House can find Bin Laden in Pakistan but not a cocaine culprit under its nose | Daily Mail Online

"We are meant to believe that the United States Secret Service, tasked with protecting the very life of the president, cannot crack the case of who left cocaine in a secure, hard-to-access part of the White House — despite facial recognition cameras, guest-book logs and security all over the most protected building in the Western world.

"The cover-up, as the Nixon-era saying goes, is always worse than the crime.

"At least this feels like yet another blatant White House whitewash.

"Here, in part, is the statement released by the Secret Service on Thursday. See if you can read this with a straight face.

' 'The investigation included a methodical review of security systems and protocols,' it says, noting that the baggie — which was initially tested for anthrax, its reported location changing three times over one week — was found in a receptacle used to store personal devices before entering the West Wing.

"But wouldn't you know, according to the Secret Service, there are no security cameras in the hallway that leads to the West Wing, to the Oval Office, to the hub of the most powerful person on Earth.

"Nope, folks, nothing to see here. Literally." . . .

UPDATE: D.C. Residents Concerned Crack House On Pennsylvania Avenue Will Drag Down Housing Market | Babylon Bee

"Local residents and landlords in the DC area are concerned after rumors surfaced that a nearby home on Pennsylvania Avenue has become a dangerous crack house.

" 'It's just not fair. I work hard to maintain my property, only to have real estate values plummet when this riff-raff moves into the neighborhood," said Carla Biggens, the owner of a middle-income apartment building that offers units at the reasonable price of just $15,000 per month. "I always see suspicious people coming and going from that place. It puts us all on edge. Lord knows what kind of shady things are happening there! Yuck!"

"Local authorities confirmed hard drugs were recently found on the premises, but warned they would likely never find the perpetrator because the owner of the crack house pays their salaries. . . ."

Sotomayor’s Wealth Has Exploded Since Joining the Supreme Court -

 The American Spectator | USA News and Politics  "Fox News reports that Justice Sonia Sotomayor’s wealth has exploded since joining the Supreme Court.

"The year before her nomination to the high court, she reported assets between $15,001 and $65,000.

" 'Since then, Sotomayor’s net worth has skyrocketed, putting her among the ranks of the nation’s millionaires,” Aaron Kliegman writes. “In 2021, her investments totaled somewhere between $1.5 million and $6.4 million, according to financial disclosure forms. Last year, investments were roughly the same, in between $1.6 million and $6.6 million.”

"Before one jumps to conclusions regarding corruption of office and such, know that the world knows Ms. Sotomayor as a “wise Latina,” and such wisdom likely extends beyond the world of jurisprudence to investing (and probably inventing, art, rocketry, and much else)." . . .

Controversy surrounding WOKE books for children is growing!

Woke Baby Books Take Over Bookstore Shelves with Stories to 'Indoctrinate Children' | CBN News


Controversy surrounding WOKE books for children is growing!

Kids and their parents are being bombarded with radical gender ideology everywhere they look.  

Behind it are politicians, our state-funded mainstream media, special interest groups, and rogue school boards who continue to support sexually-charged topics appearing in children’s spaces.

One event in Quebec billed taxpayers over $1,600 for a one-hour and 35-minute conference featuring Drag Queen Barbada, who you may remember from a past report after his video content was shared in classrooms without parental consent

While governments are increasing investments to promote a more "WOKE" education, the education system itself continues to crumble.  Rebel News  Much in French; from Quebec.

Dear Friend, Has all this gender stuff gone too far? 

The book is called  "Ma sÅ“ur veut mon zizi" (My Sister Wants My Penis) — it tells the story of a little girl who discovers her brother's penis and goes on a search for her own.  

It features explicit images of genitals and is meant for children as young as 3 to 6 years old.

The "Panier Bleu" initiative, which promotes products from Quebec, endorsed the book. 

Do people think this is age appropriate? I hit the streets in Quebec to find out! 

Click here to see how people reacted. 

How do parents feel about this outrageous misuse of public funds? Click here to find out. 

How Roof Koreans Took Back Los Angeles...

 How Roof Koreans Took Back Los Angeles... (ft. donut operator) - YouTube  

"The riots of the spring of 2020 are far from without precedent in the United States. Indeed, they seem to happen once a generation at least. The 1992 Los Angeles Riots are such an example of these “generational riots.” And while most people know about the riots, less known – though quite well known at the time – were the phenomenon of the so-called “Roof Koreans.”

"The Roof Koreans were spontaneous self-defense forces organized by the Korean community of Los Angeles, primarily centered in Koreatown, in response to violent and frequently racist attacks on their communities and businesses by primarily black looters and rioters during the Los Angeles Riots of 1992. Despite their best efforts, over 2,200 Korean-owned businesses were looted or burned to the ground during the riots. It is chilling to imagine how many would have suffered the same fate had the Koreans not been armed. 

"Standing on the rooftops of Koreatown shops they and their families owned, clad not in body armor or tactical gear, but instead dressed like someone’s nerdy dad, often smoking cigarettes, but always on alert, the Roof Koreans provide a stirring example of how free Americans of all races can defend their own communities without relying upon outside help.

"The Koreans of Los Angeles were the ultimate marginalized minority group. They were subject to discrimination and often victimized by the black community of the city. Due to language barriers and other factors, they lacked the political clout of other minority groups, such as the large Mexican community of Los Angeles County. This in spite of their clear economic success in the city beginning in the 1970s and 80s." . . .

Secret Service sacrificing its reputation to protect drug offender in the White House

 "Never forget John Adams’ famous quote:  "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."  The Comeys, the Wrays, the Mayorkases, the Bidens and their ilk are neither moral nor religious people, despite their claims to the contrary. " 

"Another formerly revered federal agency joins in disgrace the politicized FBI, IRS, and Department of Justice.  The Secret Service took just 11 days to close its investigation of the class A illegal drug, cocaine, found in the White House with a figurative shrug of the shoulders and a mumbled “I dunno.”

"Following a classified briefing for members of Congress, the federal protective agency issued an official statement claiming:

There was no surveillance video footage found that provided investigative leads or any other means for investigators to identify who may have deposited the found substance in this area. Without physical evidence, the investigation will not be able to single out a person of interest from the hundreds of individuals who passed through the vestibule where the cocaine was discovered. At this time, the Secret Service's investigation is closed due to a lack of physical evidence.

"This does not pass the giggle test. Taking only 11 days to investigate a very serious matter like this and then closing the investigation without interrogating and drug testing the very limited number of people who could have left anything in the locker in question bespeaks a desire to avoid finding the culprit. Considering the vast ongoing effort to identify anyone who could have approached the Capitol on January 6, 2021, the lack of curiosity, paucity of resources employed, and the speed in wrapping up the investigation with no suspect, there is no other conclusion than a cover up is likely underway.". . .

Christopher Wray beclowns himself  . . ."He refused to admit to Rep. Marsha Blackburn that the Russia collusion hoax that the Obama/Biden cabal visited upon Trump was a hoax.  It was. Everyone knows that by now. The Durham report, ineffectual as it was with regard to accountability, proved the despicable agenda to destroy President Trump began during the 2016 campaign and, once, to their dismay, he was elected, ramped up; it was illegitimate by every constitutional standard.  Those who participated should be in prison.  But they’re not.  

"Meanwhile, the wholly venal DOJ is doing everything in its power to see that Donald Trump is convicted of something, anything.  Anything to keep him from being re-elected President.  

"Our system of justice, once the most revered in the world, has been corrupted beyond all reason.  It has become something resembling Stalin’s NKVD.  And what is so truly frightening is that AG Garland, Wray, DHS chief Mayorkas and their minions are not remotely embarrassed by their obviously extra-constitutional abuse of the law to silence their opponents.  So secure in their positions of power, they fear no retaliation from our wholly unethical DOJ and/or FBI.". . .  

Thursday, July 13, 2023

Spiritual Healer Promoted By Oprah Winfrey Sentenced to 99 Years in Prison for Raping Hundreds of Women and Young Girls


"New reports reveal, Oprah Winfrey’s longtime “spiritual healer” João Teixeira de Faria also known as “John of God,” has just received an additional sentence of 99 years in prison for hundreds of women and young girls.

"João Teixeira de Faria who is now a convicted sex offender was formerly a Brazilian medium who gained worldwide attention after he was feathered on the Oprah Winfrey Show, CNN, ABC News, and many more tv networks.

"While he was on the set of the Oprah Winfrey Show, Oprah called João inspiring and even encouraged women to seek out his expertise.

"In 2018, João was exposed after a total of over 600 women came out and accused him of sexual abusing them.

"He was eventually convicted of raping 9 women and sentenced to 63 years in prison.

"Now Conexao Politica has reported João will face additional 99 years in prison for being found guilty of raping more women." . . .

'Miracle' Faith Healer Linked to Oprah Faces Hundreds of Sexual Abuse Allegations (   . . ."Winfrey even visited Faria's center in 2012 to learn more about his supposed healing methods for an episode of the "Oprah's Next Chapter" program. In light of the accusations, she released a statement which read, "I empathize with the women now coming forward and hope justice is served."

"The first allegation was made public last Friday, when Dutch choreographer Zahira Maus, 34, told a TV Globo program she had been assaulted by Faria around four years ago. In a three-month investigation of her allegations, TV Globo spoke to around a dozen other women who also claim to have been abused.

"According to the Guardian, prosecutor Patricia Otoni said some of the alleged crimes occurred more than 10 years ago, while others are more recent. Another, Luciano Miranda, said potential crimes include rape and sexual abuse.

"Mous told TV Globo she had gone to Faria's center seeking a cure for sexual trauma. However, once there, he took her into a private room and made her perform sexual acts on him. After this, she said he gave her a gemstone and told her to leave. On another occasion, Maus said Faria raped her. She said she did not come forward until now out of fear. "We don't have to feel ashamed. He needs to feel ashamed," she said."

"Some of his followers have dismissed the accusations. On Wednesday, Faria briefly appeared before them in Abadiania—the economy of which has largely come to rely on Faria's center—and said, "Brothers and my dear sisters, I thank God for being here. I want to comply with Brazilian law. I am in the hands of the law… John of God is still alive."

How many teachers do you wish had been armed?


"It’s not often that Washington’s accommodation of Beijing’s wishes takes the form of something approximating an actual kowtow.

National Review   "It’s not often that Washington’s accommodation of Beijing’s wishes takes the form of something approximating an actual kowtow. 
"But that’s what seemed to take place this weekend in the Chinese capital as Janet Yellen met Chinese vice premier He Lifeng. In a video from the start of their meeting, Yellen bows three times as she shakes the hand of He, who stands straight up.
"The Treasury secretary spent two days there, meeting senior Chinese officials for talks on the bilateral economic relationship. But her overarching goal in making the trip was to continue the administration’s apology campaign. High-ranking U.S. officials have made a series of visits to Beijing to jumpstart diplomatic exchange after China’s government withheld it in retaliation for America’s handling of the deliberate Chinese provocation of the spy balloon.
"The White House has also made significant policy concessions, including delays of human-rights sanctions and export controls. This new stance secured a meeting between Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Chinese general secretary Xi Jinping last month. And later this month, John Kerry, the special climate envoy, will make his own trip to Beijing.
"While Yellen said at the end of her trip that she had discussed China’s crackdown on America’s firms, Chinese firms’ shipping of matériel to the Russian military, and human-rights abuses, her tone was mostly conciliatory.
"Notably, Yellen said that the two sides agreed to set up a channel where Chinese officials can raise U.S. actions that they view as concerning so that “we can explain and, possibly in some situations, respond to unintended consequences of our actions if they’re not carefully targeted.' ” . .  .

The Big Gaslight -

Proof?  Perhaps the best circumstantial evidence of all:  Thousands of hours of video footage of the Capitol breach exist but most of it was not made available by the Justice Department or Congress until Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s recent release.



American Thinker   "The term “gaslighting” was just selected word of the year because of its overuse.  But why would that usage increase have happened?  Maybe because the practice itself has become more common as a political weapon. 

"In practical parlance, “gaslighting” means trying to persuade others not to believe their “lying eyes,” or not to believe what they already had known as established fact.  Recent examples of such disinformation themes include:

            • The summer 2020 riots were not really riots but “mostly peaceful” demonstrations. 

            • The Hunter Biden laptop emails are not real but instead a Russian disinformation    tactic. 

            • The U.S. southern border is closed. 

            • It was Republicans, not Democrats, who favored defunding the police. 

            • Voter ID requirements are actually voter suppression. 

            • Critical Race Theory is not really racist -- and is not being taught in schools anyway. 

            • The Afghanistan surrender/retreat was really a great achievement and success. 

"Curiously, all these familiar ploys are authored by the same political camp.  I wish I could balance with Republican cases, but sometimes reality is unbalanced. 

"One gaslight theme has become so prevalent -- without adequate response -- that its contribution to rhetorical disequilibrium needs to be addressed before it does any more damage to the national cognition.  You have seen and heard much about the U.S. Capitol “insurrection” of January 6, 2021, especially on the two-year anniversary.  The trouble is, that event was not an insurrection. 

"An insurrection is organized and armed uprising against authority or operations of government. The January 6 Capitol near-riot -- which is a fair descriptor -- did not involve organization or arms, and was hardly a “large” group relative to the scale of its opposition or historical comparison with real insurrections.   (Even the hostile and politically weaponized FBI has admitted the absence of prior coordination.)  This was one “mostly peaceful” protest that really was. 

"So, what else was the January 6 event?  It was trespassing.  It involved some vandalism. 

"The Worst President in the Last 100 Years" - Victor Davis Hanson

. . ."Why? Because Mr. Biden is the worst American president in decades. He makes his former boss, President Barack Obama, look like a resounding success by comparison (he wasn’t). Not since the Jimmy Carter era have Americans been “led” by such a stunningly incompetent, utterly ineffectual and downright pitiful administration, and that may be harsh to Mr. Carter (it isn’t).

"Whether you support former President Donald Trump or not, good-faith Americans can agree: What we have on our hands now is a national travesty. The Biden administration is a comedy of errors that isn’t funny. Mr. Biden’s first term has not been measured by successes, but rather by record-breaking milestones that were once unimaginable.

"Let’s run through the numbers: Americans are most concerned about the U.S. inflation rate, and that rate is at its highest point since 1980. The border crisis is at its worst state in more than two decades. Violent crime is more rampant now than in years past, while record-low numbers of Americans are satisfied with government efforts to address it (24%, to be exact.) Then there’s Afghanistan, where American citizens still remain stranded after one of the most infamous foreign policy blunders in recent memory.

"And, on top of that, Mr. Biden has handled the COVID-19 pandemic worse than his predecessor, whose administration ramped up vaccine production and handed Democrats a silver platter. This, after Biden promised to stop the virus and not to mandate vaccines.

"Need I go on? On every single metric, the Biden administration is failing. . ."