Sunday, September 8, 2024

Columbia University Descends Into Chaos as Anti-Israel Mobs Return

*At bottom: "At the festival site, he says small shelters were "filled with piles of women. Their clothing was torn on the upper part, but their bottoms were completely naked. Piles and piles of women. […] When you took a closer look at their heads, you saw a single shot straight to the brain of each."

 Mike LaChance (

“What are these people going to have to do before authorities take them seriously?”

Who thinks that the administration and authorities AREN’T taking them seriously?
While certainly most of Columbia’s administration and faculty are made up of craven and feckless cowards, the fact still remains that the administration tacitly supports the aims of the “protesters.” Thus, they do little to nothing to stop it.
If the administration was actually against the aims of the “protesters,” I think they would have already been given a whiff or two of grapeshot.

Campus sheep led by people who cheer when American planes are blown out of the sky; when children are murdered in front of their families; when daughters the age of these scarf people are raped and executed during the violation. TD

Hamas and Iran throw support behind Columbia and other Gaza protests ( 
 . . ."Khamenei also put out a statement on X, formerly Twitter, where he celebrated the flying of a Hezbollah's flag in the streets of the U.S. "The people of the world are supporting the Resistance Front because they are resisting & because they are against oppression," the post read.

"Plaudits from Iran and Hamas − the group that carried out the Oct. 7 attack prompting the deadliest single assault on Jews since the Holocaust, slaughtering 1,200 and dragging hundreds back to Gaza as hostages − come at a boiling point. Protests have embroiled college presidents, students, political leaders from both parties and even President Biden himself as thousands of Jewish students denounce growing antisemitism on U.S. college campuses.

"It should be noted that Iran and Hamas have come under fire for cracking down on their own protest movements. Human Rights Watch, an international watchdog group, documented the "excessive and lethal force" Iranian security forces used to repress widespread protests that erupted in 2022.

"In Gaza, beatings and arrests of human rights defenders, journalists and demonstrators by Hamas in recent years, reflect a systematic practice, a report by the watchdog organization found." . . .   Americans can be taught to hate America and Israel . . .

. . . And support those who did this on Oct 7th, 2023 to Israeli people.

*Israel Gaza: Hamas raped and mutilated women on 7 October, BBC hears  "Several people involved in collecting and identifying the bodies of those killed in the attack told us they had seen multiple signs of sexual assault, including broken pelvises, bruises, cuts and tears, and that the victims ranged from children and teenagers to pensioners.
"Video testimony of an eyewitness at the Nova music festival, shown to journalists by Israeli police, detailed the gang rape, mutilation and execution of one victim.
"Videos of naked and bloodied women filmed by Hamas on the day of the attack, and photographs of bodies taken at the sites afterwards, suggest that women were sexually targeted by their attackers.
"Few victims are thought to have survived to tell their own stories.
"Their last moments are being pieced together from survivors, body-collectors, morgue staff and footage from the attack sites.
"Police have privately shown journalists a single horrific testimony that they filmed of a woman who was at the Nova festival site during the attack.
"She describes seeing Hamas fighters gang rape a woman and mutilate her, before the last of her attackers shot her in the head as he continued to rape her." . . .   
Tunnel Wall home page.

Liz Cheney’s Kamala Endorsement: A Symptom of Elite Panic

 American Greatness  The rush of people like the Cheneys to Harris's banner is not a sign of strength; it is a sign of desperation. 

That’s what the anti-Trump narrative says. But on what grounds?  We know what Trump would be like as president because he has already served a full four-year term.  There were things to criticize—profligate spending and, above all, his handling of the COVID hysteria.  But by and large, he had not just a successful but a wildly successful term.

"Perhaps my favorite moment in Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s speech announcing the suspension of his presidential campaign and endorsement of Donald Trump was the rhetorical question, “Who needs a policy when you have Trump to hate?” I was reminded of that in the last couple of days as first Liz and then her father, Dick Cheney, declared that they were endorsing Kamala Harris for president.

"I guess the legacy media regards those endorsements as big news because if you try to search for some of the blistering attacks Liz Cheney unleashed on Harris in the past, all you get is a solid wall of rah-rah headlines about what a big deal it is that the Cheneys turned on their party and endorsed Kamala.  My own feeling is that Ann Coulter got it exactly right in her amusing post on X:

Uh Oh, I just heard the news…DICK CHENEY IS VOTING KAMALA!

This…is…the…BIG ONE!

If they lose David French, this thing is OVER!


"Of course, the Cheneys are not huddling with Kamala because they like what she stands for.  They, like the scores of other neocons who have endorsed Harris, are doing so because they hate and fear Trump.  Sure, we have our disagreements with Harris, they say.  But “The alternative . . . is simply untenable.” . . .

"Two points.  First, their fear of Trump is not irrational.  True, when he was elected in 2016, he did not “lock her up” Hillary Clinton, though he had better grounds to investigate her than the DOJ had to investigate him after he became president. Nor, despite Trump’s talk of “retribution,” do I believe he will weaponize the DOJ and other agencies to go after his political opponents. That’s what Democrats and NeverTrump neocons do." . . .

Guess Who’s Not Going to Jail Before the Election?


RealityBites by Broc Smith

Clarice Feldman - American Thinker  "For some time now the Left has been salivating over the prospect that New York judge Juan Merchan would jail Donald Trump on September 18, before the election. Reports were that a cell in Riker’s was being readied for him and even that he’d be denied Secret Service protection (such as it is) while incarcerated. Not going to happen. The week started off badly for Manhattan District attorney Alvin Bragg, the prosecutor of that case, when on a hidden camera Nicholas Biase, Bragg’s chief spokesman said, “Honestly, I think the case is nonsense.” (When the video by Steven Crowder’s operative was made public, he claimed he denied he meant it, that he was just trying to impress the woman who taped him so she’d go on a date with him.)  Of course, the case contending it was felonious for the way money paid to “hush” Stormy Daniels was reported is, in fact, nonsense. A few days later, Congresswoman Elise Stefanik filed an official ethics complaint against Judge Merchan for refusing to recuse himself despite “his family’s increased financial ties” to the proceedings. (His daughter has garnered millions of dollars fundraising on behalf of Kamala Harris.)" 

"That same day Merchan announced he is delaying sentencing until November 26 -- that is, after the election. Because of a need to respond on September 16 to another matter, Trump’s attorneys asked for a delay. Bragg’s office deferred to the Court -- that is, they did not object to any delay, and by letter Merchan responded to Trump’s counsel indicating he’d delay imposition to avoid any appearance “that the proceeding has been affected by or seeks to affect the approaching presidential election in which the defendant is a candidate.” (Where would anyone have gotten that impression?)" . . .

After rigging a trial, colluding with Democrats, and getting the verdict he wanted, Justice Merchan delays Trump's sentence? - Monica Showalter  ..."After all, there is zero doubt he wants to ship Trump off to prison. He was the judge in other cases against Trump executives on kangaroo-court charges, and publicly burned with fury that he couldn't give them longer sentences than the law allowed. You can just imagine what he'd like to do to Trump. Many say he would never jail Trump but that's not his pattern.

"So why did he blink when he finally had him where he wanted him?

"Most likely, he recognized that the more he stuck it to Trump, the higher his poll ratings went -- propelling him to a lead, actually, when he hadn't had one earlier. That was the pattern during the trial, because the public doesn't like lawfare, particularly lawfare that affects its voting choices, and this was politicized lawfare with a capital 'L.' Witnesses were forbidden to appear. The president was gagged. The jury was all leftist Democrats. Pervy creepy irrelevant witnesses with nothing to add but salacious stories were allowed to unspool on the stand, such as the porn "star" Stormy Daniels, in an obvious bid to embarrass President Trump and drive his poll numbers down." . . .

"The polls have been done, but not published because they favor Trump." Dave Begley

 Argus Hamilton's Rogue Report (

Columbia's first day of classes was upended by anti-Israel, anti-Semitic student protestors who stood at campus entry checkpoints and attacked Jewish students as they arrived. Democrats need to be careful. If they keep comparing Trump to Hitler, he may accidentally wind up with a statue at Columbia.

 Althouse: "A near majority of voters say Mr. Trump is 'not too far' to the left or right on the issues, while only around one-third say he’s 'too far to the right.'"   . . . "Only 40 percent of likely voters said Ms. Harris represented 'change,' while 55 percent said she represented 'more of the same.' Mr. Trump, in contrast, was seen as representing 'change' by 61 percent of voters, while only 34 percent said he was 'more of the same.'... When Ms. Harris entered the presidential race, she seemed like a candidate with a lot of potential liabilities. She took many unpopular positions in her 2019 presidential campaign, and she was tied to the Biden administration’s immigration policy as well. In August, it seemed she could glide past all of these issues by running as a 'generic' Democrat.... "

Tony Branco, Facebook

New Poll Suggests Harris’s Support Has Stalled After a Euphoric August   "Is Kamala Harris’s surge beginning to ebb?

"That’s the question raised by this morning’s New York Times/Siena College poll, which finds Donald J. Trump narrowly ahead of her among likely voters nationwide, 48 percent to 47 percent.

"To me, the result is a bit surprising. It’s the first lead for Mr. Trump in a major nonpartisan national survey in about a month. As a result, it’s worth being at least a little cautious about these findings, as there isn’t much confirmation from other polls.

"That said, it wouldn’t be hard to explain if Vice President Harris’s support really has faded a bit in recent weeks. After all, she was benefiting from an ideal news environment: an uninterrupted month of glowing coverage from President Biden’s departure from the race in July to the Democratic convention in August. It’s possible she was riding a political sugar high; if so, it would make sense if she came off those highs in the two uneventful weeks since the convention.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Iran's Mullahs Love Hiding Behind Their Proxies — It Is Time to Stop Letting Them

  Gatestone Institute

The time to put a stop to Iran's runaway aggression is long overdue – before it launches nuclear weapons. 

"For nearly four decades, since the rise of Iran's Islamist regime in 1979, the West has funneled substantial political and economic resources into combating Iran's proxies. To what effect? Not enough, it would seem, to write home about.

"After all these years, the West might consider, instead, facing a crucial realization: it might consider attacking the source, not merely its symptoms. It is high time for the West to wake up.

"After nearly 40 years, it is only natural to ask whether these efforts have succeeded in even curbing Iran's proxies, terrorist groups, and militias. Unfortunately, not even a fraction of success can be claimed. On the contrary, these groups have grown stronger, more entrenched, and more lethal over the years. Their numbers and influence have multiplied, and their power has only solidified, until they are now formidable forces in the region – because no one has stopped them.

"Iran's regime and its proxies constantly launch attacks – at Sunni Gulf States, at Israel and at US troops -- with the seeming goal of eradicating the Jewish state and driving "The Big Satan" out of the region. That way, the mullahs appear to believe, Imperial Iran would be able to enjoy the run of the corral without interference from countries they allege are imperialist, and revel in an unfettered "open season."

"Iran and its proxies have attacked US troops in the region more than 150 times just since October. The US response has not exactly been a deterrent. In the meantime, the world's leading state sponsor of terrorism continues cheerfully to put the finishing touches on its nuclear weapons program.

"In Lebanon, for instance, Iran has meticulously cultivated the terrorist group Hezbollah, turning it into a dominant force that wields significant control over the Lebanese government. Driven by the mullahs' mission of "Death to Israel" and "Death to America," Hezbollah has become a relentless adversary of both Israel and the US.

Colorado cops crack down on migrant apartment gangs and ICE confirms they’re illegal aliens, admitted under Biden-Harris

  Olivia Murray - American Thinker   "There’s a new chapter in the saga of the Colorado apartment complexes that have been overrun, and de facto seized, by gang members who are suspected to be illegal aliens; they are in fact illegal aliens, part of the Venezuelan Tren de Aragua cartel, and admitted to the United States by Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, confirmed by Immigration and Customs Enforcement after four of the criminals were recently arrested.

"For some of the earlier developments, see an essay I wrote on the viral video of heavily armed gang members caught on a doorbell camera, and a follow-up item I penned about Colorado governor Jared Polis’s insistence that the narrative was all just a figment of wild, conspiracy theorist, Republican “imaginations.”

"If these shady, gun-toting villains were all just in our heads, then who in the world was arrested?

"Here’s the latest, from a report out at Fox News yesterday: . . ."

Do the Cheney's really mean to side with Hamas?

 On the other hand: I'm Outta Here! 'Disgusted' Alan Dershowitz Announces He's Ditching the Democratic Party – RedState 

But even Dershowitz has come to the obvious realization: this is not the Democrat Party of old; no, the modern version is a shrill, extremist version that wants to fundamentally transform America into some weird socialist utopia that it was never meant to be.

The American Spectator

Former Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney, a member of pre-Trump GOP royalty, became the latest and most prominent Republican to back Harris Wednesday. Harris also has endorsements from former Rep. Adam Kinzinger, R-Ill., and hundreds of local Republican officials to try to puncture what her campaign views as Trump's soft underbelly with Republican voters who are uncomfortable with the former president's brash and unorthodox brand of politics.

Alan Dershowitz finally abandons the Democrat party - Andrea Widburg   "For years, Alan Dershowitz, despite parting ways with Democrats on myriad topics, has steadfastly retained his allegiance to the Democrat party. However, Dershowitz finally hit his breaking point after watching the Democrats’ convention. Even though the Democrats were very careful not to attack Israel during the convention, he noted how open antisemites and people who are viciously anti-Israel were given pride of place in the proceedings. For Dershowitz, this was finally a bridge too far:" . . .

While on that subject, do the Cheneys know they are supporting this?:  Walz praises the pro-Hamas progressives as ‘speaking out for all the right reasons’ - Olivia Murray   . . ."A group of sub-human monsters plots a massacre, invades a sovereign nation and goes after soft target civilians, like young people at a music festival and families at home on a Saturday morning, slaughters fathers shielding their sons, rapes and beheads mothers in front of their children, then takes hundreds of others hostage and retreats back into their sewers before anyone on the other side can really muster an organized defense, and, the progressive Americans who view these sorts of military campaigns as justifiable and warranted are “speaking out for all the right reasons.' ” . . .

Liz Cheney wants Kamala Harris to pick Sonia Sotomayor's replacement - Silvio Canto, Jr.  . . ."My suggestion is that Liz Cheney answer a simple question:  Do you hate Trump that much that you want a President Harris filling the courts with liberal judges?  Many are expecting Sonia Sotomayor to retire owing to ill health. A vote for Harris is a vote for Harris picking out the kind of justice Harris thinks should replace her. 

"Does Liz really want Harris to appoint the same kind of judges they hate in Wyoming?  Or the same kind of judicial activists that your father used to talk about in his own campaign?" . . .

Kamala sides against Israel and with the murderers of Israeli families.

UPDATE: Alan Dershowitz leaves Democratic Party, cites DNC: 'I was disgusted' (

   "A lot of things pushed me in that direction," he said. Dershowitz noted Harris' failure to preside over a joint session of Congress during an address by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu played a big role in his decision. Some Democrats skipped Netanyahu's speech as a form of protest. 

UPDATE: "I think the thing that really pushed me is how the Democrats conducted their convention. I can not be associated with a party that features as it’s speakers, AOC, Sharpton, Liz Warren, and Bernie Sanders. That’s not my party."

Georgia School Shooter's Family Is Really... Something


 The aunt of alleged Georgia school shooter Colt Gray threatened to go “full throttle” on anyone speaking ill of the 14-year-old suspect on social media just hours after the massacre unfolded.

"Ever since 14-year-old Colt Gray allegedly shot up Apalachee High School in Georgia on Wednesday killing two children, and two adults, and wounding nine others, officials have been struggling to answer the usual questions about the incident. (Just assume that I'm including the word "allegedly" throughout this article, though it's obvious that they have the correct kid in custody.) Answers are being uncovered at a rapid pace, not just about Colt Gray himself, but pretty much his entire immediate family. One thing that has already become clear is that this wasn't a case of an otherwise normal student who flew under the radar before losing it and bringing a weapon to the school. The entire family has a history of what appear to be very serious issues.

"The first, most obvious expansion of the investigation of the case came when we learned that Colt's father, Colin Gray was arrested and charged with four counts of manslaughter, two counts of second-degree murder, and a collection of other serious offenses. It turns out that Colin purchased the rifle used in the attack as a gift for Colt last year, but the details make that decision seem even worse. (NY Post)" . . . Read more...

Biden Admits "Inflation Reduction Act" was actually the "Green New Deal" Con

  The Last Refuge (  "With pretenses being dropped, Joe Biden is now admitting the “Inflation Reduction Act” had nothing to do with inflation, but was -factually- the severe leftist “Green New Deal.” This will not come as a surprise to most here, as we discussed this ruse extensively – SEE HERE and SEE HERE.

"Allow me to say with clarity how much I appreciate YOU, the CTH members, who have long given up this insufferable game of pretending.  There is a comfort amid our association who look at the issues with intellectual honesty and pragmatic insight.  YOU make a difference, not only here on these pages of our fellowship, but also amid your family and community who have learned to value your voice.  I cherish you.

"In the fall of 2022, we accepted the named legislation “Inflation Reduction Act” (IRA) was a legislative misnomer intended to obfuscate the true construct of the bill.  The IRA was factually the ‘green new deal’ program packaged under the guise of an ‘inflation reduction’ premise.  In order to discuss the outcome of the content the American people are learning to stop the game of pretending around the purpose of the legislation.

"First, here is Joe Biden making the admission yesterday in Wisconsin. Everything from the administration behind him is a ruse, a lie and a self-serving construct. Watch

The bill itself contains absolutely nothing that will lower inflation; in fact, the bill itself will raise supply-side inflation in direct proportion to the energy production it reduces. To offset the contracted revenue caused by a much smaller economy, the Democrats have doubled the IRS tax army that will enforce personal income tax compliance.

​​​​​​​It's Spreading: America's Top Oil Field Terrorized By Armed Venezuelan Gangs |


Getty Images

"It's only going to get worse from here, as the Biden-Harris administration's disastrous open border policies have now come to a 'neighborhood near you' (for some of you). In the past week, we saw armed Venezuelan prison gang Tren de Aragua members terrorize the northern Denver suburb of Aurora and other sanctuary cities run by far-left Democrats. New concerns out Thursday afternoon indicate critical infrastructure is now under threat from migrant cartel members

"According to Libs of TikTok, a Texas-based oil/gas company issued a memo to employees informing them that police and the FBI have warned armed Cuba and Venezuela migrant gangs are committing thefts in the Permian Basin (America's highest producing oil field). 

"Here's the memo:

Industry peers and law enforcement in West Texas (WTX) are aware of a recent increase in organized criminal activity inclusive of violent crimes, gang activity and oil field thefts in and around WTX operational areas. Specifically, regional law enforcement and the FBI advised that gang members emanating from Cuba and Venezuela are organizing and working in concert to commit thefts within the Permian Basin. These individuals and groups are armed, violent in nature and will not hesitate to use force.

Crimes associated with these groups include the theft of oil, diesel fuel, copper wire, and catalyst elements. Recent incidents have also included two assaults by water haulers who were attempting to steal oil from WTX oilfield sites. After the thieves were observed by witnesses who drove up to investigate, the thieves attempted to use their vehicles to run the witnesses off the road. In another incident, a thief, acting as a spotter and following a water hauler who had stolen oil, also attempted to run a witness off the road. There have been numerous reports of second vehicles acting as spotters for water haulers committing oil thefts.

An industry peer provided the below snapshot of a video surveillance of an armed thief checking out an area before stealing diesel from the location.. . .


What are my rights on campus? FIRE has the answer.

The Blogs (

 The Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression ( ..."Freedom of speech is a fundamental American freedom and a human right, and there’s no place that this right should be more valued and protected than America’s colleges and universities. A university exists to educate students and advance the frontiers of human knowledge, and does so by acting as a “marketplace of ideas” where ideas compete. The intellectual vitality of a university depends on this competition—something that cannot happen properly when students or faculty members fear punishment for expressing views that might be unpopular with the public at large or disfavored by university administrators.

"Nevertheless, free speech on campus is under continuous threat at many of America’s colleges, pushed aside in favor of politics, comfort, or simply a desire to avoid controversy. As a result, speech codes dictating what may or may not be said, “free speech zones” confining college free speech to tiny areas of campus, and administrative attempts to punish or repress campus free speech on a case-by-case basis are common today in academia.

What is the First Amendment?

"The First Amendment to the United States Constitution is the part of the Bill of Rights that expressly prohibits the United States Congress from making laws “respecting an establishment of religion,” prohibiting the free exercise of religion, infringing freedom of speech, infringing freedom of the press, limiting the right to peaceably assemble, or limiting the right to petition the government for a redress of grievances. The protections of the First Amendment are extended to state governments and public university campuses by the Fourteenth Amendment.

What is religious liberty?

"Religious liberty is the right to follow the faith of your choice—or to follow no faith at all. Religious liberty is a cornerstone of our nation and is the very first freedom guaranteed to Americans by the Bill of Rights. Yet on many college and university campuses, the right to associate on the basis of religious belief and even the right to express those beliefs is under attack. Under the guise of “nondiscrimination” policies, religious groups are often told that they may not choose the membership or leadership of their groups using religious criteria. Other students who merely express religious beliefs in public are condemned and even punished for “hate speech” or “intolerance.” FIRE’s cases dealing with religious liberty display our commitment to defending America’s religious pluralism by protecting students’ rights to express their views and to associate around shared beliefs." . . .

Harris Campaign Is Paying Trump Judge's Daughter. Yeah, That's Happening.

 Victoria Taft – PJ Media

Rule 1: There's no shame in Democrat Land. Remember this. Nowhere is that more clear than in the courtroom of New York Judge Juan Merchan. The judge has a closet full of conflicts of interest in this case. And today, things are looking much worse for him.  

. . ." But that's not the biggest body blow against the judge's one-of-a-kind case. No, that honor goes to Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.) who has entered another ethics complaint against Merchan with conclusive proof that Merchan's daughter, who has made bank on her dad's case for her Democrat political consultancy, was paid directly by Trump's opponent, Kamala Harris."