"If Costco’s board is so convinced that its DEI program is beyond reproach, it too would welcome such a study, instead of hiding behind platitudes and ideological attacks. Shareholders should tell the board members as much when they vote on the proposal two weeks from today."
"Costco’s board of directors has been winning plenty of praise lately for defending its “diversity, equity, and inclusion” program against a shareholder proposal put forth by a conservative group. It deserves none of it.
"The proposal, widely – and wrongly – described as a plan to dismantle Costco’s DEI program, says simply this:
Resolved: Shareholders request that the Board conduct an evaluation and publish a report, omitting proprietary and privileged information, on the risks of the Company maintaining its current DEI (including ‘People & Communities’) roles, policies and goals.
"The pundit class described the board’s rejection of the proposal as a brave defense of DEI against right-wing bullies, one that was “notable in its forcefulness,” that set Costco “apart from other major companies,” and that “resets the conversation.”
"What the board’s response really amounts to is this: Let’s keep our heads in the sand.
"The statement starts by saying “The report requested by this proposal would not provide meaningful additional information to our shareholders.”
"How would they know that without actually studying the risks and costs and letting shareholders decide for themselves if the information is meaningful?
"What follows is just a recitation of the bromides that DEI advocates have been spitting out for years. Diversity is our strength. Our workers should reflect our customers. It’s good for the bottom line. Etc., etc.
"Then the board launches into an ad hominem attack on the National Center for Public Policy Research, which filed the proposal. When it comes to diversity and inclusion, only certain viewpoints qualify.
"The Costco board says that the only reason companies face risks from their DEI policies is because groups such as the NCPPR “are responsible for inflicting burdens on companies with their challenges to longstanding diversity programs.” . . .
Victor Davis Hanson Condemns California’s DEI Hiring In Fire Departments, ‘Not Muscularity, Not Experience,’ Just DEI Video
. . . "During an appearance on “Finnerty,” Hanson said these policies prioritize DEI above essential firefighting qualifications like experience and physical readiness. Hanson said that hiring workers based on DEI led to an ill-equipped workforce in the state.
“The DEI fire chief, 70% of her hires have been based on DEI. Not muscularity, not experience, not size, not competence. The primary criterion was DEI. And so the only… thing that is different about this is that this was not the inner city. This was, as Donald Trump mentioned, and I’ve taught at Pepperdine, I just got back from there. This is the most elite area of California,” Hanson told Rob Finnerty." . . .
Let’s all take a moment and blame State Farm for the carnage. They were horrible for canceling so many insurance policies in that area, leaving the residents without hope to rebuild once this is over. /s
Let’s take a moment to celebrate diversity and equity in California! A mayor doing the state’s business in Africa after she saved the county millions of dollars in wasteful spending on personnel and equipment, the governor making sure the residents have evacuation plans and his support, the President who wanted to tell everyone how he almost lost his Corvette in a fire (and how he can relate), the state’s emergency management and fire department for firing people who refused to protect the community by refusing the COVID “vaccine’” and many others who contributed to the success of putting out these fires so quickly.
California's Incompetent Democrat Leadership Results in 4 Million Without Power . . ."KTLA reports that a lot of the outages were caused by damage to the infrastructure thanks to high winds and wildfires, but some are being shut off for preventative reasons, purposefully to stop downed power lines from starting more fires.
"As Bonchie pointed out in his own article, much of the issue regarding the wildfires and the problems caused by them is thanks, in large part, to the incompetence of the Democrats who run the state. Gavin Newsom has been attempting to push the responsibility off of himself in order to avoid damaging his political aspirations, despite the fact that he is in charge of all this centralization: " . . .