Neal Boortz: Obama's children sent home to mama "These were children – representatives of the self-esteem movement in our government schools – who bought in its entirety the Obama campaign against achievers and capitalism. Obama rants against the evil 1% who are most certainly not paying their fair share in taxes (yeah, right) and his children take up the “we are the 99%” chant on the streets. Obama rails against corporations, and the occupy movement becomes stringently anti-business and especially anti-corporate. These occupiers were a daily reminder of the division that has been brought about by Obama’s class warfare rhetoric and reelection blueprint. We’re going to miss them. Then again – somewhere in NY there is a city worker that won’t have to scrape poop off of police cars today."
More Boortz: Occutards costing small business "According to the New York Post, since the Occupy Wall Street movement began in Zuccotti Park on September 17, protestors have cost surrounding businesses $479,400. Local jewelry shops, restaurants, and beauty salons complain that aggressive signs and reports of violence have dissuaded patrons from visiting their establishments – essentially driving struggling small companies out of business…" Snopes has this on Zucotti Park.Mr. Boortz referred us to this Michelle Malkin post: Live from New York…It’s Operation Monday Night Un-Occupy Zuccotti Park; at least 25 reported arrests; “They’re throwing and breaking everything!”; dump trucks and tear gas rumors; the “People’s Kitchen” is closed; they’ll be back; ACLU-tied judge ordered off case;
The same loons who shout “F**k the Police” are now screaming “WE LOVE YOUUUUUUU!!!!”Michael Moore tweets orders to the vandals
Occupier whines: “They’re throwing and breaking everything!” Ranting about 60 days of “work” going to waste.
NYC has sent in a sanitation truck. Occupiers shriek in horror. Like garlic to vampires:
Occupy Protesters Cut Through Fence on Church’s Lot — Cops Pour in and Make Arrests
"The church, which has been supportive of the protests thus far, became aware of the event (located not at the church but at a separate location) at the same time media reported on it, indicating that it wasn‘t approved by Trinity’s leaders."