Thursday, November 8, 2018

Tucker Carlson Speaks Out After Leftist Mob Attacks His Home, Wife; Chilling New Details Just Released

The Federalist Papers  "Win or lose, you can always count on Democrats to behave like a bunch of thugs after an election. But now, the left has completely thrown caution (and decency) to the wind as they’re becoming more and more like a terrorist organization.
. . . 
His wife, who was the only person home at the time of the ambush, initially thought it was a home invasion after hearing the screaming and banging on the door. She locked herself in their pantry and called the police, Carlson said.Carlson and his wife have four young children; none of them were home during the incident.As reported by The Daily Wire on Wednesday, a group known as Smash Racism DC posted videos of the ambush to Twitter, complete with captions boasting of their threats against the Fox host.“‘Racist scumbag, leave town!’ Every night you spread fear into our homes—fear of the other, fear of us, and fear of them. Each night you tell us we are not safe. Tonight you’re reminded that we have a voice. Tonight, we remind you that you are not safe either,” read one of Smash Racism DC’s captions.
. . . 

'You Can't Do It Quietly': Top Democrat Overheard Discussing Kavanaugh Impeachment Plans

Daily Caller

  • Top Democrat Jerrold Nadler was overheard on an Acela train discussing Democrats’ plans for going after Justice Brett Kavanaugh.
  • Nadler wants to investigate Kavanaugh for perjury but bungled the facts in explaining his reasoning.
  • Nadler will take over as chairman of the House Judiciary Committee as a result of Democrats flipping the House on Tuesday.
"The top Democrat on the House Judiciary Committee was overheard Wednesday discussing Democrats’ plans to investigate and try to impeach Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.
"New York Democratic Rep. Jerrold Nadler took a series of phone calls while riding the Acela train from New York to Washington, D.C., not knowing that The Federalist’s Mollie Hemingway was also on the train and within earshot.
"Nadler is set to take over as judiciary chairman as a result of Democrats flipping the Housein Tuesday’s midterm elections.
"Nadler claimed in one call that “there’s a real indication that Kavanaugh committed perjury,” claiming the justice misled about when he first heard about the second of several unproven allegations against him.
"Nadler claimed Kavanaugh was “asked at a committee hearing under oath when he first heard of the subject, he said, ‘When I’d heard of The Atlantic article.’ But there is an email chain apparently dating from well before that from him about ‘How can we deal with this?'”
"Nadler appeared to confuse The Atlantic with The New Yorker, which first reported the second allegation.
"The congressman’s claim echoed a misleading NBC News article that left out crucial context about Kavanaugh’s answer — one of several Kavanaugh stories that NBC got wrong." . . .

Why is the press trying to erase GOP congressional winner Young Kim from all the 'Year of the Woman' hoopla?

Monica Showalter  "CBS News last night went all in for the identity politics advocacy, highlighting the numbers of women elected to the new incoming House, which was won by the Democrats. The idea of course was to paint Republicans by implication as racist and sexist, and promote Democrats as the only party of 'inclusion.'

"It's drivel - and with CBS's exclusion of Southern California's first Korean-American congresswoman, Young Kim, it was obviously a selectively edited report.
"Young's problem, see, is that she's a Republican who defeated a Democrat, and that doesn't quite fit the "narrative." So despite being the first Korean-American congresswoman, she got left out of the story. Take a gander at the report:"  Video . . .

. . . "Nope, no coverage. As the Stalinists did it, she's a "non-person."
"And that's rather disgusting. Most Republicans don't play the identity politics game, and that includes the conservative Kim, given that she won the election based on her ideas, not her femininity let alone race. But if that's the game CBS wants to play, she belongs in the bunch. Yet she didn't make the cut." . . .

Democrats won the House, but Trump won the election

Rich Terrell

No liberal will want to admit it, but Trump is an asset to the Republican Party, while President Barack Obama was a disaster for the Democratic Party. Let the message be clear: Voters had a chance to repudiate Trump and they did not. 
Washington Post  "While Tuesday night was not a complete win for Republicans, there was no blue wave, either. By most measures, Republicans beat the odds of history and nearly everyone’s expectations, while Democrats were left disappointed as the fantasy of Beto O’Rourke, Andrew Gillum, Stacey Abrams and others winning fizzled. Not one new progressive Democrat was successful bursting onto the scene. It will take a few days to process the meaning of this year’s election returns, but the instant analysis is clear: Democrats may have won the House, but Trump won the election.

"As I always say, in politics, what is supposed to happen tends to happen. I predicted in August that the Democrats would take the House but that alone was not enough for most Democrats. As much as this year’s midterms offered an obvious opportunity to rebuke President Trump, little of what the arrogant Democrats and members of the mainstream media expected would happen actually did. So much of what they said turned out to be wrong that it will take a while before the significance becomes clear. And if the 2018 midterms prove anything, it is that Trump is standing strong while Democrats and their allies who thought Trump would have been affirmatively rejected are in fact the ones who have themselves been denied." . . .
Fox News' Brit Hume commented that it was a blue night but not a blue wave.
The Trump Effect and the Wave that Never Was  "Republicans should be quite pleased with the results of the midterm elections.  Despite the ominous predictions of an incoming Democratic "blue wave," Republicans around the country did well.  To the dismay of many Democrats, the supposed wave was nothing more than a "hiccup," as Republicans gained seats in the Senate, held on to some important governors' seats, and lost far fewer seats in the House than is historically the case for the party in power.  If this election was a referendum on President Trump, the results point to one conclusion: the American public still supports President Trump, and the "Trump effect" is strong and can significantly impact an election." . . .

DC Antifa Publishes Home Addresses of Tucker Carlson and His Brother — As Well As Ann Coulter, Neil Patel, and Sean Hannity


Gateway Pundit  "Hours after an Antifa mob showed up at the home of Fox News host Tucker Carlson, an affiliated Twitter account published his home address and the home address of his brother Buckley Carlson — along with the addresses of Ann Coulter, Daily Caller’s Neil Patel, and Sean Hannity.

Protesters Send Message to Tucker Carlson outside His Home: ‘We Know Where You Sleep at Night’  "A group of protesters congregated outside what they claimed was Fox News host Tucker Carlson’s home in Washington, D.C., on Wednesday night to chant threatening messages.
"Smash Racism D.C., a self-described “anti-fascist” group, posted a video of their members screaming obscenities at Carlson’s house and blaming his “policies” for the deaths of thousands of people.
“ 'Tucker Carlson, we will fight!” the protesters chanted. “We know where you sleep at night!”
"In the first video posted to Twitter, one protester can be seen ringing Carlson’s doorbell before running away."

"One tweet posted a few minutes after 7p.m. — less than an hour before the beginning of “Tucker Carson Tonight” — accuses the host of hiding because he didn’t answer his door."

The John Jay College professor who said it is a “privilege to teach future dead cops” is — surprise, surprise — getting a lot of hate mail.  . . . "Mike Isaacson told The Post on Sunday that he fled the city — and refused to reveal his whereabouts — after his offensive Aug. 23 tweet." “I was not really considering that people would take this seriously,’’ said the clueless adjunct economics teacher, who was put on paid leave from the Manhattan CUNY school of criminal justice. "But he was unrepentant."

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Pussy (Hats) Whipped

The one and only reason Republicans picked up Senate seats in a midterm election is the utter derangement of the Resistance, which -- by complete happenstance -- was recently put on display when Democrats got the bright idea to falsely accuse a sweet nerd like Brett Kavanaugh of gang rape. 
Ann Coulter   "That's all you got? 
Picture added.

"Two years of non-stop campaigning, denouncing and doxing -- and all the Resistance has to show for it is a House majority smaller than the one Republicans currently have and a net loss of three Senate seats? (Thank you, Justice Brett Kavanaugh!) 
"Democratic leaders may try saying, "THIS IS JUST WHAT WE WANTED! We wanted to be down by three Senate seats." But I think their voters are saying, We were hoping for more of a rebuke.
"The media exhausted itself on this election! Can they go back to that level of hysteria today?
"President Clinton lost 54 House seats and eight Senate seats in his first midterm, as voters responded to Hillary's attempt to socialize health care. President Obama lost 63 House seats and six Senate seats in his first midterm, as voters responded to the Democrats' successful party-line vote to socialize health care.
"America's response to Trump's first two years? Republicans lost fewer than 40 House seats and gained Senate seats. (Again: Thank you, Justice Kavanaugh.)
"And that was with more than 40 House Republicans being spooked into retiring rather than go down to certain defeat in what the media convinced them would be a big blue wave.
"It's always a bad idea to give Democrats control of any part of government. You don't want those guys running a lemonade stand.
"But -- wow -- are there silver linings!
"First, all the worst Republican House members were defeated, such as cheap labor advocate Kevin Yoder of Kansas and Florida's Rep. Carlos Curbelo, a second-generation immigrant who goes around calling his fellow Republicans white supremacists. (Alleged white supremacist Steve King won and Curbelo lost -- hahahahaha!)
"As the movie character Ninotchka said of Stalin's reign of terror: "The last mass trials were a great success! There are going to be fewer but better Russians." . . .

Even voters skeptical about Trump will embrace him after two minutes, let alone two years, of watching Speaker Nancy Pelosi run the House, Rep. Maxine Waters chair the House Financial Services Committee, Rep. Jerry Nadler head the Judiciary Committee -- and Rep. Adam Schiff run around issuing subpoenas all over town. 

‘I Tawt I Taw a PussyHat!’ . . . "These women say they want to “take back” the word pussy, but this is insane. Pussy—a crude word used both to degrade woman and to insult weak men— isn’t a word any self-respecting woman should want to claim. And women who seek to be taken seriously in the political realm should remember that politics is not the “Vagina Monologues” with friends.
"Trump may have gone low with his words, but the PussyHat project goes even lower with its aspirations. One woman posted a blog about creating her own PussyHat: “Crocheting an elaborate labia,“ she explained, “would be time-consuming and something only the most elite crafters would be able to do” so, in the spirit of the new populism, I suppose, pink PussyHats it is! Clearly Michelle Obama’s speech “they go low, we go high” was lost on these women—they seriously thought that elevating a cartoon-like symbol of their genitalia to their heads was the correct response to a bit of sensationalized and lowbrow talk between two men." . . .

The Economist Explains How Transgenderism Hurts Feminism

Intellectual Takeout

"In the aftermath of Donald Trump’s election in 2016, Mara Keisling, head of the National Center for Transgender Equality, anticipated his hostility. She declared that trans people would fight for their rights – and that “Over the last two decades, we have made faster progress than any movement in American history”.
"That’s probably right. Faster than rights for blacks; faster than rights for women; faster than rights for homosexuals; way, way faster than rights for Down syndrome kids. The trans juggernaut is crushing opposition everywhere, and not just in the United States. In most Western countries, trans rights have become the new civil rights – even though the medical establishment had classified gender dysphoria as a mental illness only a few years ago.
"However, as soldiers know, too rapid an advance, even with brilliant victories, weakens an army’s supply line. And in this case, under increasingly close scrutiny some transgender arguments are showing signs of weakening.
"One sign of this is a recent feature in The Economist on transgender identity, “The body of law”." . . .   Full article here...

AG Sessions resigns day after midterm elections


"Attorney General Jeff Sessions has resigned as the country's chief law enforcement officer.
"Sessions announced his plan to resign in a letter to the White House on Wednesday.
"President Donald Trump announced in a tweet that Sessions' chief of staff Matt Whitaker would become the new acting attorney general.
"The attorney general had endured more than a year of stinging and personal criticism from Trump over his recusal from the investigation into potential coordination between Russia and the Trump campaign.
"Trump blamed the decision for opening the door to the appointment of special counsel Robert Mueller, who took over the Russia investigation and began examining whether Trump's hectoring of Sessions was part of a broader effort to obstruct justice." . . .

Jim Carrey Makes Final Plea To Texas, And Ted Cruz Responds

Chicks On The Right . . . "For some reason completely beyond me, Jim Carrey continues to give his political opinions in the form of nonsensical ramblings and dumb pictures. Here’s his latest “masterpiece” (not shown here).
Go Beto! Go Democrats! Vote like there’s no tomorrow. Let’s make this Tuesday like the end of every great vampire movie. Pull back the curtains and let the sunshine turn all those bloodsuckers to dust.— Jim Carrey (@JimCarrey) November 5, 2018
Pictures added, TD
"As you can see, Carrey depicts Cruz as a vampire, with brave Beto saving the day by exposing him to sunlight and ending him.
"At least Beto is a hero in someone’s mind.
"Cruz hit back in ~classic~ Cruz manner.

Hollywood liberals all in for Beto. But (self-described socialist) Jim Carrey made a mistake here: Vampires are dead, and everyone knows the dead vote Democrat….

America's Slide Into Third-world Status: Meet the Would-Be House Committee Leaders Who Could Torment Trump

NY Times , Oct 29:  "In the House, the majority rules. Just ask Democrats, who have introduced bills destined for nowhere, watched oversight requests pile up and seen Republicans overrule most of their policy efforts.
"But if the Democrats take the House on Nov. 6, they will assume control of two of the most powerful tools in Washington: gavels and subpoenas.
"The committee chairmen and women in waiting are mostly over 65 and considerably more diverse than the Republicans they would replace. They could become household names." 
With chairmanships would come the power to compel the Trump administration to produce evidence, to call witnesses to the stand and to show voters — ahead of 2020 — how Democrats would run the government if given the chance." . . . And so it will begin; continuing the slide into a third-world status that Obama began.

Hateful Dems and the longer term future "I'm very fearful for the future of a country that could elect so many hateful and ideologically closed-minded people. Obama at least spoke well and wasn't honest about his plans, so it's understandable why some would vote for him. But the new Dems are honest about their hate. They like to demonize Republicans with their various name-calling like deplorables, for instance.  But when they remain silent in the face of calls for violence by Maxine Waters, incivility by Hillary Clinton, and death to America by Louis Farrakhan (not to mention the new anti-Semites who will enter Congress in January who call for our strategic and faithful ally Israel's destruction), one has to worry how we will survive the unending divisiveness." . . .

Here Come The Crazies! Nancy Pelosi* As Speaker, Maxine Waters, Adam Schiff, Elijah Cummings In Leadership Roles "Waters, a [California] career politician once named one of the most corrupt in Congress, has gone off the deep end since Trump's election. "He claims that’s bringing people together but make no mistake, he is a dangerous, unprincipled, divisive, and shameful racist,” Waters said in February.
"Then there's [California] Rep. Adam Schiff, a true Trump hater who is beloved by the mainstream media." . . .
*President Trump endorses Pelosi! 
"In all fairness, Nancy Pelosi deserves to be chosen Speaker of the House by the Democrats. If they give her a hard time, perhaps we will add some Republican votes. She has earned this great honor!"
Democrats won the House (and truth lost)  "It seems as though the Democrats have won the House. America has spoken, and people who voted seem to want destructive socialism, ruinous “health care,” and adverse “heroes.”.
"They won. What should I, as a conservative do?
"I’m not going to march, burn down my neighborhood, call for investigations, riot, or even try to kill anybody. Not the way democrat liberals have been doing for the past two years." . . .
The morning after, we held on through the night.  "It could have been worse – if we had to lose one chamber, better it be the House than the Senate."
Why does there have to be a cloud in front of every silver lining?

Two years of crazy in the House  . . . "Another wrote, "The worse thing you can wish upon the Party of Protest is to put them in a position where they have to actually produce something substantive in the way of policy."
"Ah, but they will produce something, and it will be unpleasant. Democrats want vengeance.
"Democrats want an open season on President Trump, and then anyone who worked for him, and then anyone who voted for him, and then anyone who looked like him, and then anyone who does not hate him enough." . . .

Well, there is this, I suppose...

But I have to say Clinton and Obama lost to much less vicious and vindictive opposition than President Trump will face the next two years.
Why does every silver lining have to have a cloud in front of it?  TD

Republicans Hold the Senate, but....

National Review  "Republicans solidified their razor-thin Senate majority Tuesday night, knocking off several Democratic senators in traditionally red states.
"In Indiana, Republican Mike Braun beat Democratic incumbent Senator Joe Donnelly.
"Republican Kevin Cramer ousted one-term Democratic Senator Heidi Heitkamp.
"Two unexpectedly difficult races in deep-red states went to Republicans. In Tennessee, Representative Marsha Blackburn kept recently retired GOP senator Bob Corker’s seat for Republicans, beating out former Tennessee governor Phil Bredesen. Senator Ted Cruz also retained control of his Texas seat after a nail-biter race in which Democratic rising star Beto O’Rourke whipped up an unexpected level of enthusiasm.
"Historically, the party of the president loses seats in Congress after a presidential election, a dressing-down of the chief executive from voters. However, President Trump has gone to bat for Republican candidates this cycle, holding eleven campaign rallies in just the week leading up to Election Day.
"Democrats were projected to win control of the House and had gained twelve seats before West coast polls had closed. 
"Republicans were expected to retain their Senate majority and possibly expand it. "Ten Democratic incumbents ran in states Trump won in 2016.
"The GOP’s grasp of the Senate will allow Trump to easily appoint more federal judges. It also paves an easier path for another Supreme Court confirmation process should the president have an opportunity to nominate a third justice.
“ 'Anybody that was anticipating a blue wave tonight’s not going to get it. Maybe you get a ripple but I certainly don’t think that there’s a blue wave,” White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said."

No one should kid themselves: It’s a big night for Democrats. "No one should kid themselves. Republicans may have been more resilient in the Senate and in governor’s mansions than people expected, but it’s a big night for Democrats. Early exit polls show that polarization along the lines of sex is real, and a real problem for Republicans. Republicans have turned off women.
"Getting the power to investigate the Trump administration will be very useful for House Democrats. Given the number of early Trump campaign and administration officials that already have had to talk to law enforcement, I expect the Democrats will be able to turn up scandal.
"At first glance, it looks like Brett Kavanaugh did more for Republican electoral fortunes than all the Trump pre-election rallies. Vulnerable Democrats in the Senate almost all went down." . . .
Brown was seen as a left-winger. He ends his last term as a moderating influence on California’s politics. The Gavin Newsom era is likely going to be very different. He’ll be bidding to lead liberal America in a values fight with conservative America.