Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Fined $55,000 for Calling a Male a Male

American Family Radio

. . . "Now, in Canada, a Christian activist has been fined $55,000 for the “hateful” act of misgendering an adult male. How soon before this reaches America?"

. . . As Mass Resistance explains, “During the British Columbia elections in the spring of 2017, Christian activist Bill Whatcott passed out hundreds of flyers notifying people that one of the local candidates for Parliament, Morgane Oger — who claimed to be a woman and dressed as a woman — was actually a man named Ronan Oger. (In fact, up until five years ago, Oger lived relatively normally as a father with his wife and two children.)”
"That was it. He simply reported the truth: Morgane was a biological male.
"For that he was arrested, held in jail, and ultimately fined for committing a hate crime.
"It is absolutely true that Whatcott’s flyer also spoke out against homosexuality and transvestitism. And it is certain that many found his flyer to be offensive. (For the text of the flyer, see here, p. 104.)
"So be it. People say offensive things day and night in countless public settings, and those freedoms are protected by the law.
"You might even say, “As a Christian activist, Whatcott should simply preach Jesus and not warn voters that Oger is a not a female but a male.”
"You’re entitled to that opinion." . . .

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