Tuesday, April 9, 2019

It's too easy to call someone a racist these days

The word "racist" means nothing these days.  It's nothing but another talking point to distract voters.  In the meantime, I wonder which Democrat will use it next.
Shake the hand that shook
the hand of Farrakhan
Silvio Canto, Jr.  "As someone who's been called a "racista" for promoting something very radical, like the respect of immigration laws, I learned this weekend that Senator Bernie Sanders and candidate Beto O'Rourke called someone a "racist."

"Senator Sanders did it at the Sharpton meeting, when a number of Democrats went to New York to kiss the Rev's ring.
"How long can we go on?  Calling President Trump a racist to earn the blessing of a man of questionable character is pretty amazing.
"The next one is Beto O'Rourke, who decided to put his "dos centavos" in the Israeli election.  This is what he said:
. . . "We must be able to transcend his current leadership to make sure that that alliance is strong, that we continue to push for and settle for nothing less than a two-state solution, because that is the best opportunity for peace for the people of Israel and the people of Palestine," O'Rourke said.  "It is the best opportunity for the full human rights of everyone who is living in that region."
. . . "It's funny, but I've heard lots of criticism of P.M. Netanyahu, and racism is not among them.  Also, why are we interfering in another country's election?  I thought that that was a "no-no."
"As for the will of the Israeli people, we will learn soon whether P.M. Netanyahu is their choice or not.  My guess is that most Israelis will not base their vote on what Beto O'Rourke is saying in Iowa." . . .

Don’t Worry, Israelis: Beto Knows What You Want Better Than You Do . . . " As the Atlantic reported last month, while the candidate wants to offer hope that America can rise above its partisanship and hateful politics, "he hasn't landed on how he'll propose to actually make that happen."
"On Sunday, however, O'Rourke ventured into the great unknown and directly addressed an area of policy: the U.S.-Israel relationship. For his sake, maybe the presidential hopeful should stick with the vague platitudes." . . .
On the subject of Bobby O'Rourke:

Beto O'Rourke wants farmers to hand over their 'fair share' of crops to stop global warming  . . . "It also shows that he sees global warming as an instrument for increasing state power, even as he puts it in new dulcet terms such as "allowing" farmers to "contribute" their fair share.  What he means is what socialists always mean: taking other people's stuff by force.
"And like any socialist (I'm gonna call him one with a proposal like that), he always favors what he favors conditioned on himself being the one on top, doing all the "redistributing."  How'd he like some Iowa farmers to "redistribute" some of his belongings in the name of saving the Earth?  It's the same logic.
"It's vapid.  It's impractical.  And it has potential for destroying the entire farm structure of the U.S., given that farmer after farmer in such as scenario will "go Galt." 
"What it shows is that Beto hasn't a clue as to what makes economies run.  The ignorant boob's lust is solely for power over others.  Call it socialism with a boyish and syrupy face."

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