Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Ocasio-Cortez slams critics for mocking her voice

NY Post  

"Freshman Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez shot back at critics on Friday who accused her of adopting a southern drawl while speaking to a majority-black audience at Rev. Al Sharpton’s National Action Network convention.

“ 'Folks talking about my voice can step right off,” Ocasio-Cortez wrote on Twitter.

“Any kid who grew up in a distinct linguistic culture & had to learn to navigate class enviros at school/work knows what’s up,” she added. “My Spanish is the same way.”
"Conservatives on Twitter and several right-leaning media outlets claimed Ocasio-Cortez forced the accent during her speech at the conference at the Sheraton Hotel in midtown Manhattan.
“ 'This is what organizing looks like,” Ocasio-Cortez said in her remarks. “This is what building power looks like. This is what changing the country looks like. It’s when we choose to show up and occupy the room and talk about the things that matter most, talking about our future.”
"Among her critics was conservative pundit John Cardillo, who works for Newsmax television.
“ 'In case you’re wondering, this is what blackface sounds like,” he wrote in a tweet.
"Ocasio-Cortez described the attacks as “hurtful” in another tweet.
“ 'As much as the right wants to distort & deflect, I am from the Bronx. I act & talk like it, especially when I’m fired up and especially when I’m home,” Ocasio-Cortez said in the tweet.
“ 'It is so hurtful to see how every aspect of my life is weaponized against me, yet somehow asserted as false at the same time,” she added."

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