Tuesday, January 14, 2020

BREAKING and UPDATED: Project Veritas Drops Bombshell Hidden Camera Videos Exposing Bernie's Campaign

UPDATE: Bernie Campaigner Predicts Violence at DNC — Police Will Get ‘F***ing Beaten’  Just in time for tonight's debate. One caveat I have is that O'Keefe's expose' of CNN has been pretty much forgotten. TD
"Project Veritas released an undercover video that exposes the campaign behind Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT).
"In the video, a field organizer for Sen. Bernie Sanders warns that Milwaukee, which hosts this year’s Democratic National Convention, will “burn” and police will be “beaten” if Sanders loses the nomination.
"The individual identified as organizer Kyle Jurek said, “If Bernie doesn’t get the nomination or it goes to a second round at the DNC convention, f***ing Milwaukee will burn.' ” . . .

. . . "The undercover video released by Project Veritas also shows the campaign field organizer saying Soviet gulags were a positive phenomenon, suggesting that some similar program could re-educate Trump supporters and billionaires.
"Sanders organizer Kyle Jurek is asked if “MAGA people” could be re-educated if Sanders wins the White House.
“ 'We gotta try,” Jurek responded." . . .Later Jurek will say he was joking, but is he?" . . .

Coming out today and James O'Keefe will guest with Mark Steyn who fills in for Rush Limbaugh sometime this morning. TD

Trending Politics 
***WARNING: Strong language and violent content ahead***
BREAKING: "If Bernie doesn't get the nomination or it goes to a second round at the @DNC Convention, f**king Milwaukee will burn" - @BernieSanders Field Organizer Kyle Jurek
 "Project Veritas has released brand new hidden camera footage that gives us a sneak peek into the people who are part of the Bernie Sanders campaign...and it's worse than we ever thought.
"Project Veritas has released brand new hidden camera footage that gives us a sneak peek into the people who are part of the Bernie Sanders campaign...and it's worse than we ever thought.
***WARNING: Strong language and violent content ahead***
BREAKING: "Be ready to be in Milwaukee for the @DNC...We're gonna make 1978(1968) look like a f**king girl scout f**king cookout...cops are gonna be the ones that are getting f**king beaten in Milwaukee." - Kyle Jurek, @BernieSanders Campaign
More coming: http://Expose2020.com
"Here are some of the quick-hitting highlights:
*Kyle Jurek, Iowa Field Organizer, Sanders Campaign, “F*cking Milwaukee Will Burn” if President Trump Re-Elected
*Kyle Jurek Says That Stalin 'Had a Reason to Use Gulags', Claiming Gulags Were “Better Than What the CIA Has Told Us That They Were.”
"Here are some of the quick-hitting highlights:
*Kyle Jurek, Iowa Field Organizer, Sanders Campaign, “F*cking Milwaukee Will Burn” if President Trump Re-Elected
*Kyle Jurek Says That Stalin 'Had a Reason to Use Gulags', Claiming Gulags Were “Better Than What the CIA Has Told Us That They Were.” . . .

UPDATESKyle Jeffrey Jurek Purporting to be an arrest record of the fire-breathing Sanders staffer, though it reads like a George Steinbrenner monologue on Seinfeld.

Bernie Staff: Free Education About Indoctrinating People, Gulags Not Bad, Cities Burn If Trump Wins 

. . . "Jurek repeatedly talked about violence against police if Sanders does not win the Democratic nomination, saying “the cops are gonna be the ones that are getting f***ing beaten in Milwaukee.'  ” . . .

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