Tuesday, January 14, 2020

"Michael Moore DESTROYED after poorly-written tweet apologizing to Iran in Farsi for death of Soleimani"

I appreciate and agree with your sentiment against war. But you realise that you are addressing a man who also wasn't elected and who recently had 1,500 unarmed protestors killed?
— Idrees Ahmad (@im_PULSE) January 7, 2020

Joe Newby  " 'As we reported earlier, wealthy left-wing filmmaker Michael Moore begged the Iranian regime to let him and his fellow leftists take Trump out.  He doubled down on the stupid with another tweet on Tuesday, apologizing to the Iranian dictator for the death of terror leader Qasem Soleimani.
“ 'Sir, I deeply regret the violence on our behalf by a man that most Americans have never voted for. Avoid power. A sincere man, Michael Moore, an American citizen,” he said in a poorly-written message roughly translated into Farsi:
If you want to truly appeal to the Supreme Leader — which is impossible because he is deeply mistrustful of Westerners — I would start by having a native speaker/professional translator handle your translations. This is poorly written. https://t.co/Dl2yMXEmmk
. . .
Hey @MMFlint . I suggest you move to Tehran to learn Farsi. Perhaps then you will understand what it is like to live in a place that was ruled by the likes of #Solaimani https://t.co/KJREbq5LqL
— Nadwa Dawsari (@Ndawsari) January 7, 2020

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