Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Why Is the Gay Presidential Candidate Silent about Iran Hanging Gays?

2006: hanging of 2 Iranian Teens
Daniel John Sobieski  . . . "Iran can do no wrong even if it goes against Democrats' core principles, if you can say they have any.  Mayor Pete is openly gay.  The irony here is that if he were running for president of Iran and not the United States he would most likely be hanged before the second presidential debate.  His silence is so remarkable since he is such a fierce advocate for the rights of the LGBTQXYZ community or whatever the politically correct identification is these days.
"Buttigieg, an Episcopalian whose church ordains gay and lesbian priests, has lectured Christians on their alleged hypocrisy and intolerance for opposing abortion on demand and gay "marriage" and believing homosexuality is a sin.  Some Catholics have been referred to as "cafeteria Catholics" for picking and choosing which doctrines to obey.  Episcopalian Pete must read his Bible through the distortion of a funhouse mirror, at least according to his evangelical brother-in-law's comments to the Washington Examiner:
The evangelical brother-in-law of Pete Buttigieg called on him to "repent" for using the Bible to justify late-term abortion and claimed the presidential candidate is "weaponizing" Christian teachings to promote a false religion.
. . .
By the way, Mayor Pete: Iran has alleged that a prominent singer is gay and under the Islamic Republic’s anti-homosexual laws he could face the death penalty.
According to a 2008 British WikiLeaks dispatch, Iran’s mullah regime has executed “between 4,000 and 6,000 gays and lesbians” since the Islamic Revolution in 1979.
In 2016, The Jerusalem Post reported that Iran’s regime had executed a gay adolescent that year – the first confirmed execution of someone convicted as a juvenile in the Islamic Republic.
Hassan Afshar, 19, was hanged in Arak Prison in Iran’s Markazi Province on July 18, 2016, after he was convicted of “forced male-to-male anal intercourse” in early 2015.
In 2011, Iran’s regime executed three Iranian men after being found guilty of charges related to homosexuality.
Mayor Pete, I do not think these people are mourning the death of General Soleimani

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