Friday, March 12, 2021

Biden Signs Executive Order to Make Transgender Surgery Free for Military on Taxpayer Dime

Imagine the hordes who will enlist only for the free surgery!

The Gateway Pundit

"Joe Biden signed an executive order this week that makes transgender surgery free for the military. From now on US taxpayers will pay for the medical procedures and surgery for transgender candidates.

"The operation is not cheap and can add up to $200,000 per patient. No doubt, this will drive more trans men and women into the military. It’s not clear how this helps the military. But, whatever.

"The Washington Examiner reported:

Taxpayers will now foot the bill for gender reassignment surgery for active military personnel and veterans, with some treatments costing upward of $200,000 under an executive order signed by President Biden.

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Tucked inside Biden’s Jan. 25 transgender order, “Enabling All Qualified Americans to Serve Their Country in Uniform,” is a clause that repeals an Obama-era policy that prohibited federally funded reassignment surgery. This was followed up by memos from both Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and Veterans Affairs Secretary Denis McDonough specifically stating that surgery is now an added benefit.

“This revised policy will also ensure all medically-necessary transition related care authorized by law is available to all Service members,” Austin wrote." . . .

Lt. Gen. Thomas Spoehr, who commanded U.S. Army forces in Iraq and now directs the Heritage Center for National Defense, says Biden’s order currently reads like anyone in a war zone can suddenly take leave to undergo reassignment surgery.

 “This is radical and new territory for a presidential administration to force taxpayers to fund sexual reassignment surgeries for those in the military,” Rep. Jim Banks told the Washington Examiner.

As I have said often, with Democrats we wake up every day wondering what our government will do to this nation and its people. TD

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