Friday, March 12, 2021

On Biden's speech Thursday night

On Thursday night, a masked Biden tottered down a long, empty hall to a podium.  He then gave the most bizarre presidential address in American history. After a grim recital of "facts" about the last year, Biden emphasized multiple times that Americans had better take the vaccine — and be grateful to him for his amazing ability to get the vaccine to Americans. He also insisted that, vaccines or not, the government's in control and can lock all of us up all over again.
Biden's scary, boring, and bizarre address to the nation  . . . "4. Biden dragged in, almost randomly, the fact that there is a rash of attacks on Asians of late: "Vicious hate crimes against Asian-Americans who have been attacked, harassed, blamed, and scapegoated."

. . . "What he was implying is that people have been so maddened by Trump (whose name Biden never once mentioned) saying the Wuhan virus originated in China that it drove maddened white supremacists to attack Asians.  As best as I can tell, the attacks against Asians come almost entirely from the Black community — and, more than that, from a segment of the Black community that is not in sympathy with Trump and is therefore unlikely to be influenced by him.  What nobody on the left admits is that Blacks have long been hostile to Asians." . . .Andrea Widburg

UK Mail: 'The biggest scam is Biden taking credit for the vaccine': President is slammed for ignoring Trump's success with Operation Warp Speed and claiming HE is responsible for speeding up the rollout . . . "The Trump Administration established Operation Warp Speed last April to facilitate and accelerate the development, manufacturing, and distribution of COVID vaccines.

"The public-private partnership has been lauded by people on both sides of the aisle.  In recent days, even mainstream media outlets such as ABC and The New York Times have credited Trump with contributing the success of the vaccines. Both publications have criticized Biden for failing to truthfully acknowledge that fact." . . . Stephen Colbert attacked Trump for claiming credit for the vaccine  

For Biden, Trump Has Become 'He Who Must Not Be Named'

Joe Biden Is Still Lying About COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution. Here Are the Facts.  . . ."“Two months ago this country didn’t have nearly enough vaccine supply to vaccinate all or anywhere near all of the American public, but soon we will.”

"This is completely false.

"In July 2020, the Trump administration ordered 100 million doses of the vaccine under development by Pfizer, Inc. upon its being authorized. The agreement with Pfizer would allow the government to purchase an additional 500 million doses. In August, the Trump administration ordered 100 million doses of the vaccine under development by Moderna, Inc. upon its authorization."  , , ,

. . . "Biden’s speech Thursday evening was simply his latest and most daring attempt to take credit for COVID-19 vaccine development and distribution. It is insulting to the thousands of people who worked tirelessly under Operation Warp Speed to deliver a vaccine in historic record-breaking time, and a shameful attempt of rewriting history in the hopes that the Trump administration gets none of the credit."  PANTS ON FIRE: Joe Biden Claims Trump ‘Failed to Order Enough’ COVID VaccinesKamala Harris: Biden Admin ‘Started From Scratch’ on Vaccine Distribution. Fauci Begs to Differ

Tucker asks what we should all ask:  "Joe Biden does not dictate to me what I can or can’t do. He doesn’t get to tell me how large my group of friends I have over for a BBQ can be. He also doesn’t even get to tell me to get a vaccine, though I have no personal qualms with doing so. Biden is a nobody, a figurehead holding an office that simply doesn’t grant him the power to make the threats he made last night. And for that, he can go jump in a lake."

In First Major Speech, Biden Lectures Americans About What They 'Can and Cannot Do'  . . . " "If we do our part. If we do this together, by July the 4th, there's a good chance you, your families and friends, will be able to get together in your backyard, or your neighborhood and have a cookout or a barbecue and celebrate Independence Day. That doesn't mean large events, with lots of people together, but it does mean small groups will be able to get together.' " 

  . . . "Further, Biden took full credit for the vaccination of Americans, despite the vaccination program being developed under President Donald Trump through Operation Warp Speed. Biden claimed his goal of 100 million vaccinations in his first 100 days was ambitious, but the Trump administration was on track for that number when he took office." . . . 

                                                                                                              Tony Branco

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