Friday, March 12, 2021

My Democrat Friends are Getting Very Embarrassed


My friends are belatedly realizing that the turmoil was not created by Donald Trump.  It was manufactured by the Democrats, simply to win an election.  The Democrats embraced socialists and anarchists (even though they never play well together) to create the turmoil, and now they can’t turn it off. . . .

American Thinker   "Now that the implications of the Harris/Biden administration are setting in, my Democrat friends (yes, I do have a few) are becoming very embarrassed.  They bought into the propaganda that all the turmoil in Washington was created by the erratic and immoral behavior of Donald Trump.  Their vote for Harris/Biden was a vote to return to normal.  They didn’t realize that the Democrats weren’t offering a return to normal, they were offering the establishment of a “new normal.”

"The “new normal” includes restricted energy exploration and cancellation of the Keystone XL pipeline.  This has caused a loss of well-paying union jobs, damaged relations with Canada, and triggered skyrocketing gasoline prices.  It also threatens to return us to dependence on the most unstable region in the world.  To those who would like us to leave the Middle East to resolve its own problems -- we can’t now.

"We’ve implemented more “humane” immigration policies, creating a flood of illegal immigrants across the border -- wearing “Biden” t-shirts.  Our humane policy has given us men, women, and children sacrificing their lives pursuing the dream promised them by the Democrats.  Thankfully, we’re no longer keeping illegal immigrant children in cages.  Now we’re keeping them in Conex boxes.  I guess we can feel good about that.

"Those arriving illegal immigrants are putting more pressure on a struggling job market, decimated by COVID lockdowns.  Rather than help struggling small businesses, the Democrats seek to impose more economic distress with a $15-per-hour minimum wage.  As small businesses close their doors, the dreams of their owners are dashed, and entry level job opportunities disappear forever." . . .

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