Friday, March 12, 2021

Biden: Submit And I May Let You Celebrate The Fourth Of July

 Def-Con News  "Fascism is fully ascendant.

"Good old Joe from Scranton laid down the law on Thursday, calling for complete trust in Dr. Fauci and offering up a carrot if Americans obey and line up by the millions to get the jab.

"In a prime time speech delivered from the White House that was miraculous in that Biden was able to get through an entire 22 minutes without any of the brain farts that have plagued him in his later years, the nation’s 46th POTUS teased allowing Americans to get some of their stolen rights back if they just come together in “unity,” an Orwellian term that really means submission to the unholy alliance between Davos globalists and the seat of the one-party government in heavily militarized Washington.

"In assuming the job from former President Donald J. Trump as the nation’s top vaccine pimp, Biden announced that all Americans will have access to the experimental shots that were rushed into distribution without the normal testing phase and that it is their patriotic duty to not only get the chemicals into their own arms but to work to coerce family, friends, co-workers and neighbors to do likewise.

"The reward for such blind obedience will be that Biden will allow Americans to gather with limitations on the Fourth Of July, a perverse revisionist twisting of history that is right up there with the tearing down of statues and the 1619 project’s rebooted version of the nation’s founding that America’s origin was based on slavery and white supremacy.

"According to Biden:

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