Friday, November 5, 2021

George Soros Spends $500,000 to Keep Police Numbers Down as Murders Soar

 Neon Nettle

Far-left billionaire pumps cash into blocking increase in police staffing in Austin, Texas

Far-left billionaire George Soros has pumped $500,000 into a leftist campaign to block a ballot proposition that sought to increase police numbers in Austin, Texas as murder rates skyrocket.

"Homicides have been soaring in the Democrat-controlled city since officials slashed the Austin Police Department's budget.

"As Neon Nettle previously reported, Austin made the largest cut to its police budget of any major city in America.

" 'Austin implemented one of the biggest police budget cuts,” journalist Zaid Jilani revealed earlier this week before a Tuesday vote on whether to pass a measure to increase police numbers to tackle the rising murders and violent crime.

" 'Their homicide rate soared over the next year, and today the surge is larger than most of the country," he added.

" 'Now, voters will decide whether to boost the ranks of the police.”

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