Thursday, May 30, 2024

Trump Wins. What Next? (Part 2)

 Kurt Schlichter (

"When Donald Trump beats Grandpa Badfinger in November, he better hit the ground ready to fight. In my Monday column, we discussed how the Democrats will completely freak out and attempt to disrupt the peaceful transition of government – an act that’s going to be absolutely fine and necessary to maintain Our Democracy even though last week it was the worst thing ever. This second columns talks about what must happen right after Trump is re-inaugurated, God-willing, and what he must do immediately upon taking office. Momentum and inertia are vital. Trump must take his objectives quickly. He must put points on the board immediately on Day One. 

"Speed is not just of the essence – it is everything. Look at what happened with Israel in Gaza. It should have destroyed Hamas immediately. No waiting. No screwing around. Get in there and get it done. Nothing wins like winning. There’s no victory like victory. You’ve got to get in there and make it happen fast. When you hesitate, it gives the enemy the time to rebuild, re-orient, and counterattack. The IDF should’ve been hanging scumbags from what few lampposts that remain standing in Gaza within the first month, well before all the little keffiyeh-clad scumbags started occupying campus quads and President Gumby started showing his spinelessness.

"Audacity, audacity, audacity.

"The same is true with Trump taking power again. Take power and use power ruthlessly and without hesitation or lose – those are the choices. He’s got to get wins quickly and needs to pile wins upon wins so fast that the regime media and the institutions can’t decide what to react to. You’ve got to overwhelm the left, and you can only do that with proper planning. You have to plan the transition out so that on Day One, right after he takes his hand off the Bible and goes back to the White House, Trump starts signing things. Orders. Pardons. Regulations. They need to be waiting for him to sign. You take the initiative and you get inside the enemy’s decision cycle. You hit them with so many things so fast that they can’t pick out what to focus on. Overwhelm them with conservatism.

"Not only does this tactic neutralize the ability of the regime media to create fake media firestorms, but it also has a morale effect by cheering up us voters when we see our priorities finally put into action. . . ."

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