Thursday, May 30, 2024

Joe Biden Visits Daughter-in-Law Hallie Ahead of Testimony at Hunter Biden’s Gun Trial


National Review ( "Less than two weeks before Hunter Biden is set to go to trial for felony gun charges, his father, President Joe Biden, paid a visit to one of the upcoming trial’s key witnesses.

"Last night, Joe Biden visited his daughter-in-law Hallie Biden, the widow of Beau Biden and ex-girlfriend of Hunter Biden, according to the White House pool report. Beau Biden was deployed to Iraq and it is Memorial Day weekend.

The president does not appear to be distancing himself from his son as the criminal trial is set to get underway. Joe Biden’s visit to Hallie Biden follows a state dinner held by the White House last week with Hunter Biden and Attorney General Merrick Garland on the guest list.

Garland is responsible for appointing special counsel David Weiss, who is leading the prosecution of Hunter Biden. The younger Biden’s attorneys have unsuccessfully sought to dismiss his gun charges based on arguments that Weiss is unlawfully appointed and selectively prosecuting Biden, even though Weiss’s boss is an appointee of Biden’s father.

Three of Hunter Biden’s exes, including ex-wife Kathleen Buhle and Hallie Biden, are expected to testify about Hunter’s drug addiction at his gun trial beginning next week, the New York Post reported based on the prosecution’s trial brief filed last week. The women are not named in the court filings, but they are identifiable based on data from Biden’s abandoned laptop, Biden’s memoir, public reports, and other available records.

"One of the biggest assists that Joe Biden got from mainstream and social media in 2020 was the brutal effectiveness with which they swept the news of his boy Hunter's laptop under the rug. In fact, they insisted that it wasn't even real. If any of us in conservative media dared mention it, we were silenced and de-platformed. Even the New York Post got booted from social media for having the audacity to publish the very real news about it. 

"Whether it would have changed anything is impossible to know now, but the unmitigated sleaziness of Hunter Biden might have been off-putting to those soccer moms who flocked to his daddy in that election. 

"Even Joe Biden's Department of Justice head goon Merrick Garland couldn't keep Hunter away from a reckoning, although he did try. Victoria wrote the other day that the formerly fake laptop is so real that it's going to be evidence in his gun trial. 

"The judge in that trial ruled that many aspects of Hunter Biden's wilder days couldn't be discussed. Well, one of them is going to get some airtime later this summer. " .  . .

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