Thursday, May 30, 2024

Anger Games - Biden Campaign Organize Extremely Divisive Event in Philadelphia

 The Last Refuge

"There were seemingly only a few dozen people who attended the speech; but wow was the Joe Biden event divisive.  Also, watch how many times Joe Biden is going back to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.  Philly, then South Carolina, then back to Philly, then South Carolina, that’s the pattern.  BLM then AME, then back to BLM, then back to AME.  This is the 7th time Biden has gone to an organized event in Philly (it’s not about campaigning).

"The Biden campaign organized what the media are calling a “black outreach” event; however, the remarks and speech was one of the most divisive, toxic and bitter racist events in modern political history.  The Biden campaign is relying on the formula they used in 2020, where James Clyburn, Barack Obama, the AME Church and Black Lives Matter organizers activated a regional playbook to influence the election.

"In the big picture the Black Lives Matter (BLM) group are the ballot harvesters, the essential foot soldiers for the race-based electoral system Clyburn and Obama constructed. The AME network are the ballot counters, the precinct poll workers, spread throughout the various urban enclaves of Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Georgia, Michigan, Arizona, Virgina and both Carolinas. It’s a race-based coalition, dependent on conformity to achieve the 2024 objective.

"The extremely toxic remarks made by Joe Biden were intended to rally the racist sentiment amid the black voters in the key precincts within key states.  However, for 2024 the challenge is larger. Minorities are just like all Americans who are negatively impacted by Bidenomics, inflation, energy prices, the open border and illegal migration ¹intended to suppress wages.  WATCH:" . . .

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