Thursday, May 30, 2024

Lock ’em up libs run the Democrat Party -

  - Washington Examiner

"Consider Biden’s choice of running mate: Kamala Harris. Harris’s political persona was as mostly as a ruthless prosecutor. “She is a dead-on prosecutor,” Harris’s political mentor Willie Brown wrote in her first months in the Senate, “and when she goes into that mode, watch out. She is out for blood.”

"Her failed 2020 presidential campaign, which was the audition for her vice president role, was explicitly about prosecuting “bad” guys.

"Then consider the Biden administration’s overzealous prosecution of pro-lifers, part of their outreach to their abortion-supporting base.

"Recall the Left’s bizarre infatuation with prosecutors Robert Mueller and Jack Smith.

"Also, consider the mania of liberal politicians calling for the jailing of Kyle Rittenhouse, who quite obviously acted in self-defense when he shot three different people who seemingly were trying to kill him.

Lock up Kyle Rittenhouse and throw away the key.

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