Thursday, May 30, 2024

Biden has largely stayed out of the Trump trial, but that appears to be a thing of the past

  | Just The News

Biden has largely stayed out of the Trump trial, but that appears to be a thing of the past | Just The News

"The Biden campaign has, throughout much of former President Donald Trump’s criminal trial, largely refrained from addressing or politicizing the matter. But in recent days, the campaign appears to have taken a different approach, with leaked reports and impromptu campaign events outside of the courthouse.

"Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg charged Trump with 34 counts of falsifying business records in connection with a 2016 payment his then-attorney, Michael Cohen, made to Stormy Daniels, for the ultimate purpose of illegally influencing the 2016 presidential election. Trump has pleaded not guilty and contends that the case is part of a broader political witch hunt designed to derail his 2024 bid for the White House. The trial has proceeded to jury deliberations.

"The absence of a verdict, thus far, has complicated the matter for the Biden campaign and some analysts have contended that attempting to play up a prospective conviction could backfire in the event of a different outcome.

“ 'Because we don’t have a verdict, the Biden campaign right now is in a very delicate situation where the last thing you’d want to do is to play up this big trial and then have Trump be found not guilty,” Boston College Professor David Hopkins told The Hill. Biden is also expected to deliver remarks after the verdict.

"Republicans, for their part, have long insisted the case is politically motivated. Speaking on an upcoming edition of the "Just the News, No Noise" television show, Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Whatley said that "[a]t its inception, this trial and all of the other trials that we're seeing both civil and criminal around the cou" . . .

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