Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Campus Stupidity, Useful Idiots, American Decline

  Lev Topor (timesofisrael.com) 

. . ."The first one being demoralization. It takes from 15 to 20 years to demoralize a nation. Why that many years? Because this is the minimum number of years which requires to educate one generation of students in the country of your enemy, to be exposed to the ideology of the enemy." . . .

  "Antisemitic expressions, calls to take action against Jews and pro-Jewish or pro-Israeli students, faculty members and visitors, have raised concerns among Jewish students and mainstream “sane” people in the United States after pro-terrorist movements like the Students for Justice in Palestine or Samidoun have begun protesting against Israeli self-defense actions in Gaza, following the deadly 7 October terrorist attack by Hamas. The recent protests on American university campuses, which have recently escalated to oppose university management, and even to occupy entire parts of university campuses and clash with law enforcement, are in a dangerous direction towards violence. Unless suppressed drastically, these self-proclaimed “peaceful” protests will lead to the radicalization of many students, and some of them are likely to act violently against Jews in the near future.

"Such demonstrations and organizing are not spontaneous and are likely organized by state actors who benefit from chaos in the United States. Such could be, as it has already been seen before, Russia, Iran, Qatar, and China. Whomever it may be, they sponsor and support antisemitic and pro-Palestinian organizations directly and indirectly by providing ideological, moral, technical, organizational, and even financial support to groups like the Students for Justice in Palestine or Samidoun. Those students who follow these groups and demonstrations which are by now may be referred to as riots, are ivy-league nurtured “useful idiots” who wrongly believe that Israel and/or the Jewish people suppress Gaza and the Palestinians. They are home-grown terror sympathizers playing a role in an international game of chess, played by antisemitism and hate. For this, they are indeed useful. What makes them “idiots” is the fact that most are students who are supposed to be educated by the seemingly best Universities in the United States. They are idiots because they fail. This is not education, and they are being used." . . .

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