Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Secret Service Agents Shove Civilians Out of the Way As Joe and Jill Continue Endless Vacation

 Bob Hoge – RedState "Biden's, we love you!"

 "However, if you’re the Incredibly Shrinking President Joe Biden, who seems to be on permanent vacation at the taxpayer’s expense, these rules do not apply to you. Get out of the way, plebes! Watch as the Secret Service—whose reputation has deservedly taken a nosedive this summer—shoves regular Americans aside so Jill can go purchase another dress that looks like an ugly carpet: . . .

. . ."We’re in a dangerous time, when we don’t seem to have a functioning commander-in-chief. Our enemies are fully aware that our compromised, permanently off-duty president is not up to the job. Meanwhile, it’s fun to poke fun at Kamala Harris’ endless cackling and laugh-out-loud word salads, but on a more somber note, she has consistently proven that she is not ready for the position. No foreign leader is going to take her seriously; Russian strongman Vladimir Putin and Chinese dictator Xi Jinping are probably laughing in their boots at the thought of any confrontation with her. As clear-eyed, cold-hearted realists, they are more than aware that simply repeating “joy” and “happiness” does not a foreign policy make.

"The Democrats, led by their sniggering standard-bearer Nancy Pelosi, have engineered a coup, ousted a sitting president, and installed their preferred candidate. They may be craven and devious, but they either purposefully or by accident forgot to account for one thing: we need a competent leader in the White House during these dangerous times."

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