Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Dan Quayle's only crime was misspelling potato

  Don Surber (substack.com)

. . ."He had more experience than Obama, but Obama was only running for president. Like Walz, Quayle served in the National Guard. A press that praises Walz for his National Guard service acted scandalized by Quayle’s." . . .

"As I watch the flamboyant antics of the marvelous Tampon Tim Walz skipping across the world stage to the seal-clapping applause of an idiot media, I recall how the media covered Dan Quayle, whose only crime was misspelling potato.

"He didn’t launder campaign money through Buddhist monks unlike Al Gore.

"He didn’t own a large hunk of a company that benefited directly from a war he promoted unlike Dick Cheney.

"He didn’t collect bribes from foreigners through his son, daughter and brothers unlike Joe Biden.

"And he certainly didn’t boast about fighting in a battle that he snuck out of — unlike Not A Command Sergeant Major Timmy Walz.

"No, Quayle was a decent fellow who struck fear in the hearts of Democrats for being young, good-looking and Republican. 

"The fear was not 4 more years of Reagan under George H.W. Bush; it was 16 after 8 years of Bush followed by 8 years of Quayle. The press cheered when Senator Lloyd Bentsen told Quayle in a vice presidential debate, “Senator, I served with Jack Kennedy. I knew Jack Kennedy. Jack Kennedy was a friend of mine. Senator, you're no Jack Kennedy.”

"This came after Tom Brokaw asked Quayle three times if he was experienced enough to take over as president.

"Quayle finally said, “I have far more experience than many others that sought the office of vice president of this country. I have as much experience in the Congress as Jack Kennedy did when he sought the presidency. I will be prepared to deal with the people in the Bush administration, if that unfortunate event would ever occur.' ” . . .

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