Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Having Hamas for neighbors can really suck

So many Jewish people wanted to live in peace with a two-state solution. Not so much now after Gazans' thorough devastating visit to their Israeli neighbors' homes and lives. TD

Kibbutz Be'eri: Through the ruins | The Times of Israel "Experience the haunting aftermath of Hamas’s October 7 attack on Kibbutz Be’eri through a tour that unveils the devastation from a unique vantage point. Through immersive footage, the aftermath of the terrorist rampage that claimed many lives and inflicted widespread chaos unfolds. This short film is a testament to the community’s unimaginable loss and to the harrowing echoes of an event that forever altered the landscape of Kibbutz Be’eri and all of Israel."

Israel Again Destroys Slanderous Claims of 'Apartheid' and 'Genocide'  "Israel, the Jewish State labeled “apartheid” by its enemies, just sent Jewish soldiers to rescue an Israeli Muslim from Muslim captivity. That tells you all you need to know."
Jonathan Conricus

Nili Margalit, who endured the brutality of Hamas captivity in Gaza for nearly 50 days, describes the chilling experience of being kidnapped. 

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