Tuesday, September 17, 2024

An ABC employee’s sworn affidavit claims ABC cheated to help Kamala win

Fmr FBI Agent to CNN: Verbiage About Trump Being a Dictator Led to Attempts on His Life (breitbart.com)    "Sunday, during CNN’s coverage of a second attempted assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump, former FBI counterterrorism agent Tim Clemente told host Erin Burnett that finger-pointing at Trump, including claims his “verbiage” about a “bloodbath” for the auto industry if his Democrat opponent wins misconstrued to bolster claims of violence if he didn’t win, was a likely motivation for the accused assassin." . . .

. . ."Keep in mind that Clinton is saying all that just a day after the second assassination attempt on Trump. She might as well be winking and nodding at the lunatics in her base to try again. After all, if Trump truly is a "danger to our country and the world," then that opens the door for all kinds of violence under the guise of "protecting democracy." A real news network would have pushed back and asked what lengths Clinton is suggesting people go to. Instead, she's allowed to spew her bile uninterrupted. 

JD Vance offered a rebuttal to Clinton's rantings, saying she's calling for both censorship and violence. 

   . . ."The State Department considered AP reporters Matt Lee and Bradley Klapper “friendlies,” and planned to “place” Hillary Clinton email stories with them and dictate the timing of their release. The goal was to blunt the June 2015 news that Clinton had failed to provide Congress certain required emails. 

Clinton campaign press officer Nick Merrill coordinated directly with the State Department on the plan to use AP to “lay this out before the [Republican] majority on the [Benghazi] committee has a chance to realize what they have and distort it.”  . . .

 Andrea Widburg: An ABC employee’s sworn affidavit claims ABC cheated to help Kamala win - Andrea Widburg  "The Black Insurrectionist did the legwork and obtained what appears to be a duly signed affidavit from an ABC employee attesting under oath to the network’s staggering corruption to ensure that Kamala Harris won her single debate against Donald Trump. Secret negotiations, bias, squashed issues, sample questions...it’s all there. Of course, we have only this unknown employee’s sworn assertion that these things happened but, if they did...oh my!

"Here’s the tweet with the somewhat redacted affidavit:"

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