Tuesday, September 17, 2024

MA Intifada Self-Defense Case – Right Of Israel Supporters To Defend Themselves On Trial

 William A. Jacobson (legalinsurrection.com) 

The case of Scott Hayes, the Boston veteran who shot an anti-Israel protester who viciously attacked him, has the makings of the single most important self-defense case we’re going to see this year, and probably this decade, or at least in the last decade.

"When the anti-Israel psychopaths march on campuses and in cities chanting “Globalize the Intifada” and “There is Only One Solution, Intifada Revolution,” we all know what that means.

"It means the sort of violence and intimidation we have seen in the United States since October 7, and which they are threatening to escalate. It means what just happened in Newton, MA, a suburb of Boston, where an anti-Israel lunatic viciously attacked a peaceful pro-Israel protester, Iraq war veteran Scott Hayes.

"Mike covered the initial incident, and Andrew Branca covered the legal self-defense issues and concerns.

"I think this is a case we’re going to stick with along with the dozen of more self-defense cases we’ve covered over the years." . . .

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