Tuesday, September 17, 2024

No Active Duty Military In War Zones? WTH?

 Religio-Political Talk (RPT)  "Outraged family members of US troops hurt in the line of duty slammed Kamala Harris’ brazen claim that no Americans are serving in war zones — a statement which flies in the face of her own administration’s official list of active combat zones."  (nypost.com)    All emphases are in the original. TD

  • “As of today there is not one member of the United States military who is in active duty in a combat zone, in any war zone around the world, for the first time this century.” – Kamala Harris

"This was my quick ad-on to the video on my sites FB:

JUST A FEW HEADLINES, preceded by date:

  • (ABC | September 13th, 2024) Iraqi and US forces kill a top IS commander and other militants in joint operation — Iraq’s military says its forces and American troops have killed a senior commander with the Islamic State group who was wanted by the United States.
  • (Big News Network | September 13th, 2024) 2 officers killed in IS attack in N. Iraq — BAGHDAD, Sept. 13 (Xinhua) — Two army officers were killed and three soldiers wounded on Friday in an attack by the extremist Islamic State (IS) militants in the northern Iraqi province of Kirkuk, said a local security source.
  • (WSJ | September 9th, 2024) U.S. Forces Try to Regroup as al Qaeda, Islamic State Sow Terror in West Africa — After being evicted from counterterrorism stronghold Niger, U.S. is adopting a smaller military footprint — The U.S. is gradually moving aircraft and commandos into coastal West Africa in an urgent effort to try to stop the march of al Qaeda and Islamic State militants across one of the world’s most volatile regions.

The NEW YORK POST has more:

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