Friday, September 6, 2024

Gold Star Families Defend Trump After Harris’ Criticism

  Religio-Political Talk (RPT) (

" ‘Fox & Friends Weekend’ hosts discuss Gold Star families defending former President Trump for attending a memorial for fallen service members after Vice President Harris’ criticism."

Senator Tom Cotton Shuts Down The Fake News Arlington Hoax
"Senator Tom Cotton has decisively addressed the misleading narrative surrounding the Arlington incident, clarifying that he did not engage in campaign photography at the cemetery. He emphasized that the families involved, specifically Gold Star families who have suffered the loss of their children due to the failures of the Biden administration, were the ones who extended the invitation for him to be present and to capture those poignant moments. Furthermore, he pointed out that these families also reached out to President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, questioning their absence during such a significant occasion. While Biden was reportedly enjoying leisure time at a beach, Harris remained in her residence in Washington, D.C., merely a short distance away from the cemetery. "Cotton's remarks underscore a broader critique of the current administration's handling of military affairs and its engagement with the families of fallen service members. He highlighted the stark contrast between his presence at the cemetery and the lack of action from Biden and Harris, who have not only failed to honor the sacrifices made by these young men and women but have also not engaged with their families in any meaningful way. The senator attributed the tragic deaths of 13 American service members in Afghanistan to the incompetence of the Biden administration, suggesting that their absence from such a solemn event reflects a deeper disregard for the sacrifices made by the military and their families. This situation raises significant questions about the administration's commitment to honoring those who have served and the families left behind."

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