Friday, September 6, 2024

YIKES: Tim Walz's Remarks About Gaza Just Revealed Why They Don't Want Him Answering Questions

How can America's allies and adversaries have an ounce of respect for our nation? TD

Nick Arama – RedState 

Let's review. What happened? Hamas, the government that the people in Gaza voted for, attacked Israel and killed more than 1,100 people, including killing and kidnapping Americans. Instead of condemning Hamas or saying how they should be dealt with, Walz doesn't even mention them but appears to blame Israel for the situation. Not one word about American hostages. But he's all in for the people in Gaza. 


"I wrote earlier about Joe Biden's cluelessness when it comes to what's going on with Gaza, Hamas, and making deals with terrorists. 

"Biden keeps leaning on Israel, and that keeps emboldening Hamas. Hamas is now demanding even more to make a deal and even threatening the hostages. That's what bending over and being weak like Biden gets you. 

"But I guess the Harris-Walz team didn't want Biden to have a corner on stupid. They doubled down on the bad takes with what Tim Walz said to WCMU on Thursday. WCMU Public Radio covers Central and Northern Michigan. No wonder there's a reluctance to let him talk. It was awful. 

"He was asked, "How would a Harris-Walz administration handle the conflict and would it break with the Biden administration in any way?"

"He said the following, and he should have stopped with what he said before the first "but." . . .

. . ."But not only does Walz want to tie Israel's hands, he doesn't say anything about responding on behalf of the U.S. against Hamas for killing Americans. Instead, he insists that "leverage" be applied to Israel to "start moving in the direction of a two-state solution." Israel has already offered the Palestinians a two-state solution -- and had it rejected. Walz seems to have no idea of how many times Israel has bent over for a deal, only to have Hamas attack them or refuse deals for their trouble. If he doesn't know that, he's not qualified for the position he's seeking. Where is the "leverage" against the Hamas terrorists?" 

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