Rich Terrell |
"There's just one problem: The public is not paying attention. Actually, it's bored as hell, and the evidence of it is everywhere.
"It's like they gave an impeachment and nobody came." . . .
"It's like they gave an impeachment and nobody came." . . .
In contrast, President Trump is kind of exciting. He's a natural showman and puts on a great campaign rally. He startles the public by keeping his promises. He's funny, and the voters like his 'doesn't give a s***' attitude, according to a recent Axios focus group of Michigan swing voters. He's got the overseas rogue actors on their backfoot. His tax cuts, deregulation and constant standing up for the little guy have brought a stellar economy with employment figures like no one's seen in their lifetimes. Black people, Latinos, the poor, the people with criminal records, the handicapped, women, across the board everybody is gaining.