"When a call came to respond to a “shots fired” in downtown Nashville on Christmas morning, it wasn’t antifa or Black Lives Matter who responded, it was six Nashville cops, some reportedly new to the job, who found themselves “standing between good and evil” in a potential mass casualty situation.
"The officers, Brenna Hosey, James Luellen, Michael Sipos, Amanda Topping and James Wells, and Sgt. Timothy Miller, sped to 2nd Avenue and discovered an RV spewing loudspeaker messages warning that it was going to blow up.
. . . "Cops are willing to put their lives on the lines for people they don’t know. That makes them heroes in these situations. But they’re not stupid and they don’t stay where they’re not wanted or supported. Police have fled in droves from the Seattle Police Department and Portland Police Bureau because the city would rather allow rioting, destruction, and terrorism than take a politically unpopular stand against people who claim to stand for “black lives” and “anti-fascists.” You don’t stand against fascism by acting as a totalitarian fascist any more than you stand for “black lives” by burning down black-owned businesses. And in light of all the destruction, you don’t cut funding for the very people who “stand between good and evil.” There might be a better solution out there, but cutting funding to support the very people keeping the peace is insane.
"Nashville residents didn’t call antifa or Black Lives Matter when this RV was spotted spewing its messages of hate and terror. They called the cops." . . .
While we're on the subject of Democrats and the police:
'Racially Diverse' Cops Dumping Portland in Favor of Lower Paying Jobs in Places Where They're Appreciated "Portland cops are already retiring in record numbers, but now cops are fleeing mid-career to go to places for lower pay and a fiscal hit to their retirement accounts. The Democrats’ embrace of the antifa and BLM defund-the-police stance is working—leaving Portlanders even more defenseless against rioters, looters, arsonists, squatters, and terrorists. In essence, the exodus is “a win by those that would want the police to be defunded,” according to the Portland Police Bureau’s human resources officer.
"Finding replacements may take some time because the diversity recruiting officer for Portland police is gone too.
"The Portland Tribune characterizes the exodus as an “unprecedented situation for Portland” in which “a racially diverse and experienced group of police officers is taking pay cuts to get away from the city, while citing poor working conditions here.”
"Leftists keep the pressure on cops by complaining about what they wear, what they do, and the “munitions” they use against rioters, as if quelling violence is wrong.
"Portland’s political class tolerates and encourages riots, sides with rioters, relentlessly criticize cops, and then doesn’t prosecute criminals for rioting.
. . . Where are the Portland Police Bureau officers being welcomed? In neighborhood communities and different states.
In Boise, for instance, Chief Ryan Lee — a former assistant chief in Portland — has hired four Portland officers away from his old bureau so far. They’ll lose not only pay, but service time towards their eventual retirement.