Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Jack Smith would have zero chance of getting a conviction, if this trial were held in a neutral venue.


Did Trump Know Election Fraud was a Lie? - American Thinker  . . ."Jack Smith would have zero chance of getting a conviction, if this trial were held in a neutral venue. However, it will be in Washington D.C., where about 95 percent of the citizens are Democrats. For this reason, Trump and the other defendants may have to win this one on appeal.

For more information concerning these matters, check out of Debunked? and How Elections are Stolen, a new book that outlines 23 problems that must be fixed before the 2024 elections."

How to commit the perfect coup against a president and his supporters - Bookworm Room   . . ."Everything from here on out is theory, but it’s theory based upon readily available facts. If you look at them in a particular way, those readily available facts show a sustained pattern of subverting the will of the people to obtain total political power, something that culminated with the recently announced indictment against Donald Trump.

"If I were trying to overthrow a duly elected president, I’d start by saying that he conspired with a foreign power to cheat in the election. I’d believe I could get away with this charge because I would have the media on my side, relentlessly pounding away at the narrative. It would help that members of the president’s own party, despising him for destroying their cozy little arrangement with the opposition, refused to support him politically.

"When it became apparent that the president was hugely effective at governing on those things that matter to ordinary people, such as the economy, national security, immigration, energy policy, etc., and that the false charges of treason and cheating, I’d look ahead to throwing the next election.

"What I would need is a way to prevent the president from campaigning and a way to institutionalize election fraud. Thankfully, I would have gamed out long before the election what a government can do if faced with a pandemic infection. COVID’s appearance was providential." . . .

I would further destabilize things by using an ex-con’s drug death in police custody, to set America on fire. The fuel would have been provided by years of anti-white and anti-police rhetoric, especially in the education world, from academia down to kindergarten.

 Jack Smith Went After a Republican Before - Case Got Unanimously Overturned by SCOTUS (thefederalistpapers.org)   . . ."Even the left-leaning Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg agreed with the decision to overturn the convictions, which McDonnell said “says a lot.”

“There is no doubt that this case is distasteful; it may be worse than that. But our concern is not with tawdry tales of Ferraris, Rolexes, and ball gowns. It is instead with the broader legal implications of the Government’s boundless interpretation of the federal bribery statute,” Chief Justice John Roberts wrote in his decision." . . .

A minister proudly touting her abortion exemplifies what leftism does to faith -

  Andrea Widberg; American Thinker   "In 2015, David Burge (Iowahawk) posted a now famous tweet describing leftism: "1. Identify a respected institution. 2. Kill it. 3. Gut it. 4. Wear its carcass as a skin suit, while demanding respect." In that short tweet, he perfectly described what leftism has done to Judaism and Christianity. And that act of wearing a religion's "carcass as a skin suit, while demanding respect" is the best caption possible for a video in which a female Presbyterian minister, draped in a Planned Parenthood stole, celebrates her abortion and abortions generally. 

"My parents were not religious. Dad had a snootful of religion being raised in an Orthodox Jewish orphanage in Nazi Germany, even as his older siblings, both ardent communists, castigated religion as the evil opiate of the people. Mom, meanwhile, was the daughter of a non-religious Jewish man and an equally non-religious Christian woman. With both having spent some of their formative years among Jewish socialists in British-mandate Palestine and, later, Israel, organized religion was not high on their list." . . .

'I felt no guilt, no shame, no sin'.

. . ."Religious leaders, however, aren't supposed to be ordinary people, at least insofar as moral instruction goes. They are supposed to teach us those core religious principles and uphold those same principles in their own lives. If they don't agree with religious principles, they shouldn't become priests, pastors, ministers, or rabbis. 

"But that's not how the left operates. Rather than ignoring religious houses of worship and focusing on their own houses of worship (schools, colleges, TV shows, state houses, etc.), leftists infiltrate traditional religions and eat them from the inside out, wearing them as the skin suit Iowahawk described. And with that introduction, I give you Rebecca Todd Peters, dressed in her Planned Parenthood stole, assuring her congregation that abortion is a religious act and shouting her two abortions.

"Nothing more clearly shows what leftism has done to America because, when you think about it, human sacrifice is a pagan act. It is the antithesis of both the Jewish ethos and the Christian one:

Democrat Hypocrisy Towards Latest Charges Against Trump Summed Up By a Single Cartoon

 The Federalist Papers   "The problem isn’t that Democrats and their media allies are dirty rotten scoundrels. Everyone knows that.

"No, the real problem is that their followers don’t care.

"They so hate Donald Trump, and by extension any of his supporters, so much they’re willing to ignore practically anything in order to get rid of him and silence the rest of us.

"The latest charges against Trump, filed by Jack Smith, shows just how much Democrats are willing to destroy the rule of law in order to get Trump.

"The charges essentially criminalize speech that Democrats express freely when it suits them."

Here is what Democrat hypocrisy towards the latest charges against Donald Trump brutally summed up by a single cartoon:

Leftists erase the virtues of kindness and service to others -

 Bookworm Room

Both the Barbie movie and the upcoming Snow White remake reveal how feminism is attacking qualities that make a society livable.

"Leftists are celebrating the new Barbie movie, and conservatives are attacking it for the same reason: It’s a celebration of feminism based on the contention that all of the world’s ills come about because men are toxic. That’s it. That’s the movie in a nutshell. It’s a movie that works to separate men and women by making each intensely dislike the other.

"I think that’s terribly sad because I like men. I’m not speaking in a sexual sense. I’m simply saying that I like men, and I like them because they’re not women. This is not to denigrate women. I’ve always had wonderful friendships with women and they’ve all added to the pleasure I get from life.

"But I like men, too. I like the way they look, I like their strength, I like the different way they view the world and, when they’re well-adjusted, I like the fundamental kindness they show me. They’re not bitchy (women so are), and they’re instinctively protective. This protection also includes courage because you cannot protect someone if you are too fearful to act.

"That’s what men — healthy men in a healthy society — bring to women. And what do women bring to men? Frankly, nurturing and kindness. And that’s what you see in the original Disney princess movies.

"Contrary to feminists, in the old Disney princess movies, the women were not just waiting to be saved. Indeed, one of the striking things about the old movies is what a small role the men play. Even in Sleeping Beauty, which gives the prince a more proactive role, the important character is Sleeping Beauty, and that’s true despite her…well, sleeping.

"What these princesses were doing was being kind and nurturing despite extremely difficult circumstances. I’ve written for years that kindness is an incredibly important virtue that’s too often denigrated or ignored in America. But honestly, can you think of a single interaction with someone kind that left you feeling worse about life? Was there a time when you were tired or sad that you resented someone nurturing you?

"Whether it’s Snow WhiteCinderella, or even Pollyanna, the message the Disney movies send is this: If you are kind, moral, and caring, you make of yourself a person who is worthwhile." . . . 

“Hillary Clinton Wants to Save Me from Loneliness, and Honestly I’d Just Rather Die of It.”

 PJ Media

Commie Sad Grandma Hillary Clinton Is Even Drunker Than We Thought – 

. . ."It’s pathologically bizarre how the sufferers of the Democrat fever dream can find a way to blame everything on a one-term president. One can easily imagine Hillary up in Chappaqua, rocking back and forth in one of her patchwork muumuus as she drains another box of wine and muttering, “He’s always here,” over and over.

"Whenever I bump into anyone who is pondering just how deep the political/ideological divide in the United States of America is, I point out the fact that there are still millions of people in this country who think that Hillary Clinton is a woman to be admired. In their minds, she’s had many great accomplishments in her life. In reality, she made it to wear she is by riding her husband’s coattails. She made a deal with the devil after he was besmirching everything in the Oval Office that was besmirchable whilst romping with an intern. She’d stay with him, and he’d give her a career.

"Well, Rudy Giuliani had to get cancer first. I’ve always wondered about that one.

"Anyway, the poor dear is not well. More from VodkaPundit:

Technically, though, it won’t be Clinton that saves us from the Orange Man Bad and his weaponized loneliness. Instead — and maybe you’re way ahead of me already — it’s going to “take a village.” You know, the same village that’s raising pubescent girls to think that they need to take male hormones and undergo double mastectomies.

Clinton — and the projection on display here boggles everything from your mind down to your toes — blames “Trump and other right-wing leaders [who] politicized the pandemic and turned public health into a wedge issue” for our current troubles. The shark from “Jaws” couldn’t swallow that line without choking.

"Those of us who are not concussed remember that it was the Democrats who “politicized the pandemic” and used it to make election integrity drop the soap in the prison shower so they could put a puppet in the White House.

"Hillary Clinton’s unceasing battles for relevance continue to plague the country. She’s like a political ghost who is unsettled in the “everyone has moved on” afterlife and wants to haunt us all with lunatic ravings about Donald Trump until we say, “OK Grams, we SEE you. Now please God have an Altoid.' ” . . .

Monday, August 7, 2023

From Ann Coulter; Breaking: Trump Still an Idiot (but not a Democrat)

 Ann Coulter   
The police officer who killed George Floyd when he was resisting arrest is serving 22 years in prison. The law enforcement officer who killed Babbitt when she was trespassing is accepting hearty congratulations for killing a Trump supporter.

"With the latest indictment of Donald Trump, special counsel Jack Smith has delivered a comprehensive and well-documented case establishing beyond cavil that Trump is a clown. 

"Well, that's something we've never heard before! Oh no, sorry, I mean we've heard it every day for the past 2 1/2 years: It seems that -- stop me if you know this one -- after losing the election, Trump lied to his supporters about election fraud, which led to the Jan. 6 riot by a right-wing mob.

" The most shocking fact was that the mob was right-wing. Every other violent mob in the nation's history has been left-wing. But their violence immediately goes into the Memory Hole. By contrast, Democrats and the media will not stop talking about Jan. 6. 

"The indictment does not charge Trump with "incitement," and it's not a crime to tell gigantic lies that lead people to commit acts of blinding stupidity. If it were, the entire media and Democratic Party would be in prison for life.

"Those lies led to such an explosion of violence after the Day of Our Floyd, May 25, 2020, that by the end of the year, the annual murder rate had shot up by 30%. 

"As direct result of the media's lies about racist AmeriKKKa, thousands upon thousands of people were killed who would otherwise be alive. The BLM/antifa riots caused billions of dollars in property damage -- and that's only counting insurance claims submitted in 2020. Not only that, but the orgy of homicide, violence, arson and robbery inspired by the media's lies continues to this day." . . .

The Day Tucker Carlson Was Fired, This Is What Was About To Air

 The Hayride

. . ."Jack Smith was the unscrupulous federal prosecutor who went after former Virginia governor Bob McDonnell on corruption charges when there was no evidence he’d actually done anything. McDonnell was convicted, but the Supreme Court threw out that conviction on a 9-0 vote in a landmark case.

"That’s an interesting aside, but it’s neither here nor there in the main thrust of this – which is that here you have the chief of the Capitol Police, whom Nancy Pelosi later got rid of, essentially saying that Jan. 6 was a Reichstag fire event. He said the crowd was full of federal agents, who are most properly described as agents provocateur, and he said the failure to properly support the Capitol Police when the intelligence was readily available as to the size of the crowd that would be on hand at the Capitol, not to mention the overreaction afterward – the razor wire and armed cordon around the building, complete with the assignment of the buffoonish Russell Honore to oversee the “emergency” security, and Sund’s firing after the fact, lend the air of a cover-up to all of this.

"Stephen Sund was never called to testify by Nancy Pelosi’s January 6 Committee.

That riot at the Capitol disrupted a planned exposition in front of the American people of the very irregularities in vote-counting and other deficiencies in the election that the legacy corporate media has for three years denied happened in the 2020 election.

"And Carlson was let go before this interview could air. Just before, as a matter of fact.

"Do you not think that Stephen Sund saying there’s a considerable cover-up of what really happened on Jan. 6, and that the crowd was salted with agitators working for the feds, was newsworthy enough that Fox News should have aired it at some point? Even if Carlson was rightly fired, from their perspective, for different reasons – they had that tape. And it’s been months since the firing but they didn’t air it?" . . .



Todd Schowalter Productions.
New data shows temperatures above 86F begins a precipitous decline of EV performance - American Thinker   "Okay, so let me get this straight regarding the “quirks” of electric vehicles. If you’re fleeing a natural disaster, like a hurricane for instance, the nature of the design might impede efficient and safe evacuation; or they might simply explode, because exposure to salt water can link the positive and negative battery terminals, causing a short circuit. Well, if they’re just sitting there too I guess, there’s still a heightened risk of spontaneous explosion with a long-burning, extra-hot, inextinguishable fire. They don’t really work in “cold” weather, and now, according to new data, “excessive heat can greatly diminish electric vehicle range” too?" . . .

Biden's biggest gaslight: Claiming his bid to jail Trump is just justice chugging along

  Monica Showalter- American Thinker  "Polls show that much of the American public believes that the Justice Department and its state allies are targeting President Trump for political reasons. 

"That hasn't stopped Joe Biden and company to claim there's nothing of the sort going on, starting with Biden's claims early in his presidency that his Justice Department would operate "totally independent of me."

"In June, Bloomberg News reported that he has since kept up with that line of claims, putting it this way:

President Joe Biden dismissed suggestions that a potential indictment of his predecessor and top 2024 rival Donald Trump by the Justice Department would be politically motivated, telling reporters he was “honest.”

“You’ll notice I have never once, one single time suggested the Justice Department what they should do or not do relative to bring in a charge or not bring a charge. I’m honest,” Biden said Thursday during a press conference with British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak at the White House.

"Joe using the organs of state to target his political opponent? That denial has about as much credibility as his claim to being honest.

"LibertyOne's Erica Carlin did some digging and brought back the receipts:

The New York Times reported in March 2023: “In the past, Mr. Biden privately told his close circle of advisers that Mr. Trump posed a threat to democracy and should be prosecuted for his role in the events of Jan. 6, according to two people familiar with his comments. He also told confidants that he wanted Attorney General Merrick B. Garland to stop acting like a ponderous judge and to take decisive action.”

Biden's Presidency is The Most Radical in American History

Sikh Man Who Turned the Tables on Shoplifter Facing Criminal Charges –


   These business owners (and also just people walking down the street) are being ignored by local police and prosecutors as they are harassed, assaulted, and stolen from. It was just a matter of time before someone reached their breaking point and lashed out.

The Sikh Men Who Defended Their Property Are Facing Charges Because Progressives Want Us All to Be Helpless – RedState

Ian Miles Cheong on Twitter: "Sikh grocery store owner was told that "there ain't nothing you can do" repeatedly and that "ayy, just let him go" as they were being robbed. The Sikhs disagreed. https://t.co/ZIb5CVLMNl" / X

Life for Rapinoe will go on


Insufferable Soccer Women Will Have to Be Embarrassing at Home – PJ Media ..." Rapinoe is a poisonous woman who spends a significant amount of time complaining about the country that she represents on the national team. She’s an egomaniacal ingrate and, sadly, her antics rubbed off on some of her teammates. Earlier in this tournament, my HotAir colleague Karen Townsend wrote about the fact that may of the women on the team weren’t singing the National Anthem:

We’ve seen this show before – the USWNST wins a spot in World Cup competition and then the team embarrasses at least half of America for their behavior while overseas. It’s obnoxious enough for the far-left progressive members of the team to make political points at home, it’s worse when they do it overseas. They are too young and naive to understand the meaning of leaving politics at the water’s edge. Progressives don’t care about that kind of thing. Democrats from Joe Biden on down the line go overseas and freely criticize their opponents in a lame attempt to puff themselves up.

The reason we leave politics at the water’s edge – or used to do that – is because it is a sign of national strength to show a united front. Leftists don’t care about that anymore. This attitude seeps into other areas, including sports competitions. We’ve seen athletes make statements by kneeling during the national anthem. Some refuse to leave the locker room until the national anthem is finished playing.

"Rapinoe and her ilk not only don’t care if they’re bringing shame on loyal Americans while representing the U.S. in foreign lands, but they also seem to revel in it. They’re playing to the leftists who embrace commie nonsense from Academia." . . .