Sunday, June 16, 2024

Building an Election Watchdog Army: RNC Co-Chair Lara Trump Announces New Program to Train 100,000 Poll Workers and 500 Lawyers to Safeguard 2024 Election in November

  The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hᴏft 

"In a groundbreaking announcement made last Friday in Detroit, Michigan, Lara Trump, the co-chair of the Republican National Committee (RNC), revealed plans to build a formidable watchdog army. This force will be tasked with safeguarding the integrity of our elections this coming November.

" “Our other top priority is election integrity,” said Lara Trump. “If we don’t have free, fair, and transparent elections, nothing else matters. That is our goal at the RNC. Every single person in this country, regardless of how you vote, should want free and fair elections.”

"Joined by RNC Chairman Michael Watley, she detailed the plans to mobilize an ‘election watchdog army’ that will operate across the United States in November.

" '[Whatley and I started here in the state of Michigan, launching our election integrity program. What we want to do is train 100,000 people all across this country to be part of that team. Now, what does that mean? That means we want poll watchers, but not just that; we want poll workers. We have a unique opportunity right now that we have not had in 40 years as a party. For 40 years, there was a consent decree placed upon the RNC that did not allow us to train people to work as poll workers,” said Lara.

"The RNC’s plan also includes training individuals to work in tabulation centers where mail-in ballots are processed. They are seeking attorneys who can be present at every major polling location to proactively address any issues that arise.

"Lara called for any lawyers listening to join the effort, emphasizing that they do not have to be trained in election law. “We will train you on exactly what you need to be looking out for,” she said.

"The RNC has set up a website,, for those interested in joining the team. The RNC will provide training in each state to equip team members with everything they need to know." . . .

Biden scraps attendance at Ukraine peace summit, heads to Los Angeles to raise campaign funds -- and Sabo is waiting for him

 Monica Showalter - American Thinker

George Clooney's wife, born of Druze and Sunni Muslim parents. 

"For Joe Biden, it's panic hour.

"That's why he scrapped attendance at a Ukraine goo-goo summit in Europe, to head on out to Los Angeles for a star-studded fundraiser instead:

"According to Reuters:

June 15 (Reuters) - President Joe Biden will attend a glitzy fundraiser in Los Angeles on Saturday with top Hollywood celebrities and former President Barack Obama that has raised $28 million, amid Democratic anxiety over opponent Donald Trump's growing fundraising clout.
Late-night TV host Jimmy Kimmel will interview Biden and Obama and Hollywood celebrities George Clooney and Julia Roberts are guests, in the latest star-studded event Biden's campaign hopes shows strength and momentum despite Biden's low approval ratings and concerns about his age.
"Nothing is more important than that fundraiser. Biden even changed U.S. foreign policy in order to oppose, not support, sanctions on the International Criminal Court for attempting to arrest U.S. ally Binyamin Netanyahu, prime minister of Israel after George Clooney made a phone call, saying it would affect his wife, who helped write the orders.
"Clooney will be there to help raise funds, so favors repaid. Biden did Clooney 'a solid' so out comes the red carpet glamour and fawning.". . .
I Meme Therefore I Am

Here's the contemptible part: . . ."Nothing is more important than that fundraiser. Biden even changed U.S. foreign policy in order to oppose, not support, sanctions on the International Criminal Court for attempting to arrest U.S. ally Binyamin Netanyahu, prime minister of Israel after George Clooney made a phone call, saying it would affect his wife, who helped write the orders."

Is an electric vehicle collapse inevitable?

 Mike McDaniel - American Thinker

Hertz unloading its EV fleet has been much in the news. Americans have a nasty tendency not to buy, or even rent, vehicles they don’t trust and don’t want. And now, even General Motors is beginning to bow to reality: 

"Were one to listen to Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, or Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm, one might come away with the impression that electric vehicles (EVs) are so popular, the government’s intention of mostly replacing internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles with EVs by 2030 was a foregone conclusion. After all, the Mummified Meat Puppet Administration (MMPA) tells us they’ll build a half million fast chargers across America by then to handle the load, and they’ve allocated $7.5 billion we don’t have to that noble endeavor." ....

. . ."How is DEI—didn’t earn it—screwing things up?  At least 40% of the money has to go to “underserved communities,” which is brilliant because those are the communities least able to afford, or want, an EV, so they have no use for EV chargers."

Saturday, June 15, 2024

What is Trooping the Colour? | The King's Birthday Tradition Explained

The Royal Family Channel  "What is Trooping the Colour? | The King's Birthday Tradition Explained

"Every year, on a Saturday in June, the Monarch of the United Kingdom celebrates their official birthday with a big military parade, a 41-gun salute, and an RAF flypast by the Red Arrows over Buckingham Palace. "But why does the British Sovereign always celebrate their birthday in June? "How old is the ceremony of Trooping the Colour, and why did it begin in the first place? "We take a deep dive into the loudest, most colourful annual tradition in the Royal calendar."

Schiff Attacks Millions of Americans With Vile 'Deplorable' Statement, Trump Nails Him With Mic Drop

 RedState – Conservative News & Politics

"Russian Collusion Hoaxer @AdamSchiff says Americans who plan to vote for President Trump are part of an “immoral majority.”"

"There are few people in Congress more vile than the execrable Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA). 

"It's a true disgrace not only that he's still in office, but that he has the nerve to run for the Senate after all he did to spread the Russia collusion hoax.

"He's still at it. He was attacking former President Donald Trump over his Manhattan conviction because he was disturbed that people view the lawfare as political. Not only are they still going to vote for Trump, but Trump is generally leading Joe Biden in polls, even in places that have been blue for some time like Virginia and Minnesota, as my colleague Bob Hoge wrote about earlier. " . . .

“The party formally of the moral majority, is now, I suppose, trying to fashion some kind of immoral majority to reinstate Donald Trump as president,” he said in a rant.  

"Can we talk about what a scummy human being he is, that he talks about millions of Americans in such a fashion? Imagine him thinking he has any credibility at all to talk about morality, after how he has behaved. Sounds like a bit of projection, except they're not the majority. 

"And the Democrats wonder why they are losing ground with the American people. This is a redux of Hillary Clinton's "deplorables"  comment, which followed Barack Obama's "clinging to guns or religion" comment. Why would anyone vote for Democrats, when they treat Americans like this?  

"They do that because they have nothing to offer in the way of policy that is better to attract voters, so all they can do is try to attack the other side and whip up fear. They're truly desperate, and afraid that Biden is going to lose to Trump. 

"Oh, and how dare they vote for Trump and not Biden, that's "immoral" -- to Schiff. Some protecter of "democracy." They don't like when they get voted out of control. People are voting for Trump as they have every right to do, Adam, they're not "reinstating" him. 

"Normally, I'm not a fan of the personal attack. But in Schiff's case and given what has been done to Trump, I think this comment from Trump during his Dr. Phil interview last week describing Schiff is fitting. And if anything, it's restrained. It's also pretty darn funny, and it completely nails, most importantly, what an unattractive guy Schiff is on the inside, as a human being:" . . . 

UPDATED, 6/16: Squad Member Makes Controversial Remarks at Terrorist-Linked Conference


"Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” talks about the backlash to Rashida Tlaib’s controversial speech at the People’s Conference for Palestine, which was funded by the far-left People’s Forum and had speakers like Wisam Rafeedie, who has been linked to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, which the U.S. has designated a foreign terrorist organization; Roua Daas speaking openly about how pro-Palestine college protests are being used to train students for violent revolution; a crop of new NYU grads describing their majors, unaware that they will face a lifetime of debt for some of the most useless degrees; a resurfaced clip of a 28-year-old Benjamin Netanyahu with some chilling observations on the Israel-Palestine conflict; Ilhan Omar and Cori Bush being forced to delete their tweets about Memorial Day, which exposed their ignorance of the actual meaning of the holiday; and much more. Dave also does a special “ask me anything” question-and-answer session on a wide-ranging host of topics, answering questions from the Rubin Report Locals community."

Now this is genocide:

UPDATE:  The truth of Hamas is in its charter (  . . ."But Hamas has never changed its aspirations to wrest control of all of Israel by killing its Jews— a goal you will see clearly when you read the Hamas charter, as I did on Tuesday.
"The first version of the charter, adopted in 1988, begins with a preamble. Only instead of “We-the-People,” it reads: “Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it.”
"The 36 articles that follow are buttressed by quotes from the Quran and lessons of the Prophet Muhammed … as interpreted by the militant Islamists of Hamas. 
"After establishing the primacy of Islam, the charter pivots to removing Jews from historic Palestine. “Nothing in nationalism is more significant or deeper than in the case when an enemy should tread Moslem land,” states Article 12.
"The charter’s description of Jews echoes millennia of antisemitic tropes." . . .

Bari Weiss & Sheryl Sandberg On World's Silence To Hamas Sexual Violence

With friends like Joe Biden, Israel needs no more enemies

Kanyi Ndewa | The Blogs ( 

That’s why the protests in Israel are directed to the government with the slogan “bring them home”. This clarion call diffuses pressure from Hamas, the UN and the international community and directs the same to the prime minister. Instead of trying to decimate the terrorists, UN and US are committed to regime change in Israel. 

"When President Joe Biden visited Israel after the October 7th massacre, everyone, many people thought that his visit was genuine gesture in solidarity with the only Jewish nation at its lowest and most painful moment since the holocaust. His presence in Israel, we thought, was to send a clear message of America’s unwavering commitment to the fight against terrorism as well as a signal to the US’s unequivocal support for its key strategic ally in the Middle East.

"However, in the heat of the moment many people didn’t scan the finer details hidden in president Biden’s statements which bore the hallmarks of betrayal and hesitation. When a rocket by Islamic Jihad misfired and hit al-Ahli Arab hospital in Gaza, strangely, president Biden initially believed in the Hamas propaganda blaming Israel for the bombing. It took a lot of explaining, including playing a recording of the terrorists admitting to the mishap to convince him otherwise. During a press conference thereafter, Joe Biden stated that he has learnt that the rocket which hit the hospital was fired by “the other team”!!! The other team? How do one refer to mass murderers as a team?

"In his assumed referee status, Joe Biden even tried to prevent Israel from responding when Iran fired more than 300 rockets, missiles and drones at Israel. According to him, Israel should have declared victory merely because the airstrike was successfully defended! Upside down logic!!

"Biden’s re-election ambitions have made the US to, for the first time betray Israel at UN by abstaining from Security Council resolution calling for unilateral ceasefire without conditioning the same to the release of the hostages. During president Biden’s state of the nation address, the hostages and the fate of over a hundred thousand Israelis displaced from Northern Israel and the border with Gaza did not even appear as footnotes. It was all about humanitarian situation in Gaza, aid drops and building a floating harbour for Gaza Arabs." . . .

IDF announces eight soldiers killed in Rafah blast, raising ground op toll to 307 | The Times of Israel   All for nothing, Joe?   . . ."Their deaths bring the toll of slain IDF soldiers in the ground offensive against Hamas and amid operations along the Gaza border to 307. A police officer was killed in a hostage rescue operation last week, and a civilian Defense Ministry contractor has also been killed in the Strip. The deadliest incident in Gaza occurred in January, during which 21 soldiers were killed in a blast following Hamas RPG fire that collapsed two buildings. " . . .

Biden says Israel has capitulated. Has it?

"After Shabbat began in Israel on Friday, U.S. President Joe Biden presented a ceasefire deal which he claimed was Israel’s proposal. In the latest IN FOCUS, I went through Biden’s speech line by line, to figure out if this is Israel’s proposal or Hamas’s proposal."

Oct 6th was an Arab family affair; "let's go burn Jews alive, kids!"

Opinion: We can’t trust Joe Biden to stand with Israel, lead America on the world stage (The Hill)   "President Joe Biden has shown the American people that he will pander to his antisemitic base over supporting Israel, one of America’s greatest allies and the only democracy in the Middle East.

"One of his first actions was to resurrect the failed Iran deal, and since then he has greenlit billions of dollars in sanctions relief to Iran, the world’s largest state sponsor of terrorism. His pandering can be seen in our cities and on college campuses, where radical extremists rally violently in support of Hamas and the extermination of the Jewish people. This cancer has taken over the Democratic Party and caused violence against our Jewish communities.

"President Biden has made clear with his decisions that the American people cannot trust his administration. I certainly do not, which is why I am highly concerned that without proper safeguards, the Biden administration will use this aid package as leverage against Israel." . . .

MSNBC's Morning Joe Goes Full 'Baghdad Bob' Over Biden's Disastrous G7 Summit

 Matt Vespa ( 

"Why is it that we always have to be told that "when the cameras are off" he's strong and in control? No camera ever seems to capture those moments... hmmm." Comment to this post. 

"If you watched this Morning Joe segment on MSNBC, you’d think no American president had ever had a successful outing with foreign leaders until Joe Biden was elected. The media and Democrats are engaging in a full-court press after capturing numerous videos of Biden looking aloof and wandering off. The president’s campaign went so far as to call the clips misinformation. Joe Scarborough echoed that sentiment, claiming the unflattering images of the president looking absolutely lost were “cheap fakes.” 

Behold the Monster You Created

  C.A. Skeet – PJ Media

. . .Yet the suburban traditional liberal continues to vote Democrat because of abortion. Or some nonsense about the rich paying their "fair share." Or climate change. Or any number of manufactured grievances designed not so much to solve a tangible problem than to make a certain class of educated voters feel righteous about themselves." . . . 

"[Liberals] cast their votes on the Machiavellian calculation that the mob was useful as a lever from which to derive unconditional surrenders from congressional Republicans (never a difficult feat to begin with). They calculated that such antics would never be allowed to fester uncontrolled so long as the victims were conservatives who deserved it. They calculated that, once the mob had served its usefulness, it would disperse, much as the German elitists and corporate leaders once thought they could do with their own street thugs.

"Well, my friends. You miscalculated.

"You supported the LBGTQ agenda without question when it was being shoved in the noses of uppity Christians. But you have since discovered that what "love is love" really means is that mediocre males are allowed to dominate women's sports (and invade their locker rooms) and that you are expected to applaud along.

"You supported Obamacare because it felt virtuous, and all the democrat socialists of Scandinavia were doing it, and you didn't want to side with Paul Ryan pushing a wheelchaired grandmother off a cliff (in reality, it's more likely a wheelchaired grandmother pushing Paul Ryan off a cliff). But you have since discovered the laws of economics don't care a fig about your feelings and that a sharp increase in medical costs coupled with a sharp decrease in available doctors isn't the utopia they sold you.

"You supported open borders and sanctuary cities to entrench a permanent Democrat voting base. But you have since discovered that perhaps millions upon millions of illegals weren't necessary to secure swing states in which a few thousand votes would suffice. The hordes now overrunning the cities and suburbs are less interested in voting than in joining robbery gangs, dealing drugs, demanding entitlements, and depressing wage rates. Your kids' schools have been appropriated for shelters, and the illegal aliens elsewhere in public encampments are demanding free legal representation and "culturally appropriate" food." . . .

The Democrat party: Still evil after all these years - American Thinker    "The Democrat party has been pro slavery, pro eugenics, pro-segregation (and now resegregation), and pro-abortion -- even after a baby has been born alive.

"And yet those in it always call Republicans “extreme.”

"Stupefying." . . .

You all do know the Republican Party was created and became one of the reasons for the Civil War and the abolishment of slavery? TD

PROTESTERS EXPOSED: Who’s bankrolling anti-Israel demonstrations

PROTESTERS EXPOSED: Who’s bankrolling anti-Israel demonstrations | Sky News Australia   "In this special report, Sky News Digital Originals can reveal how pro-Palestine groups causing havoc on college and university campuses are being funded.

"In recent weeks, ugly anti-Israel protests have played out on campuses around the world, leaving Jewish students feeling threatened and scared.

"Questions have been raised about how these encampments are being financially supported." . . .

Comments to this post:  "I am the grandchild of a Holocaust survivor, and I’m absolutely sickened by what has been allowed to go on at Universities around the world. Here in Canada it’s the same thing. Where is law enforcement when pro Hamas demonstrators are calling for genocide against Jews?! It’s disgusting!"

"The students should demand their money back for all the years they've attended these antisemitic schools under discrimination, abuse and hate laws. I'm sorry, and pray daily for the safety of Jewish people.

"I am a university professor in Canada. While anti-Semitism on campus has become much more open and virulent since Oct. 7, it has been widespread among my colleagues for my whole career. It usually takes the form of hatred of Israel and Israelis but any student who commits the sin of being openly Jewish will receive negative attention. For what it is worth, devout Christians are also the victims of the Marxist faculty. I do not see this changing and, indeed, I believe that it will get worse. Avoid universities at all costs:they are truly evil places now."

It Just Got Harder for Democrats to Steal Michigan in November

 The current jab at Biden going around is about his two-state solution: Michigan and Minnesota. They are his primary benefactors due to the large number of Muslims in those states. Israel rates below their votes no matter their status as America's ally and friend. TD

Matt Margolis – PJ Media   "Michigan is a must-win state for Joe Biden. Currently, Donald Trump appears to be performing well in the sun belt, and assuming he sweeps Nevada, Arizona, and Georgia, all he needs is one Great Lakes state to win. Currently, he has small leads in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. Every vote will count in these states, and if the past is any indicator — which it usually is — Democrats will stop at nothing to keep these states in their column. 

"We know they're not above shenanigans, so when a Michigan judge ruled in favor of a lawsuit against Democratic Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson and her ridiculous guidance on signature verification of absentee ballots this week, it was a big deal.

"Benson has been at the center of a firestorm over election integrity in Michigan for years. In 2021, she first instructed election officials to presume, rather than verify, signatures on absentee ballots for the 2022 elections — a move that sparked immediate legal pushback from the Michigan Republican Party. Their challenge succeeded, and the courts deemed Benson's directive illegal, ruling that election officials did have to verify ballot signatures. She didn't learn her lesson, though, because Benson was at it again in December 2023, quietly reinstating the controversial policy behind closed doors. 

"Her directive swiftly drew legal action from the Republican National Committee, the Michigan Republican Party, and the National Republican Congressional Committee. Michigan Court of Claims Judge Christopher Yates subsequently ruled that such an "initial presumption" of validity in signature verification of absentee ballot applications and envelopes violated the Constitution and Michigan state laws.

“This RNC legal victory confirms the importance of mail ballot safeguards in Michigan’s Constitution. The Secretary of State’s covert attempts to sidestep these rules were rightfully rejected by the court, exposing that her attacks on election integrity have no substance," RNC Chairman Michael Whatley said in a statement on Thursday. "This win is just the latest development in our ongoing fight to promote fair and transparent elections in the Great Lakes State.” 

"Michigan Republican Party Chairman Pete Hoekstra blasted Benson for selectively enforcing the law." . . .

Majority Of Muslims Voted For Biden, But Trump Got More Support Than He Did In 2016 : NPR   . . ."Much like the general population, Trump-supporting Muslims cited the economy as a top issue. They also were more likely to oppose building coalitions with Black Lives Matter, and instead they expressed support for building coalitions with religious conservatives working on religious liberty issues.

"The other thing that I think surprised us the most was that Muslim Trump supporters, as well as Trump supporters in the general public, were more likely to express anti-Muslim sentiment," she said.

"There were debunked tropes that Muslims are more violent, or less civilized.

"It's not a surprise that Muslims didn't vote as a single bloc. This is one of the most racially and ethnically diverse faith groups in the country. Some are single-issue voters; some are partisan to one party or the other." . . .